Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 608

"Do you really want to fight me?" She asked sincerely with a playful smile.

"Of course." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely without hesitation.

"What gives you confidence?" Skaha felt a little funny: "Is it the magic circle behind you? Your ally shivering beside you, or the six-riding heroes who have been controlled by me?" Skaha Ask this, and then answer directly:

"Well, it should be the magic circle, right?

I can feel that there is a huge magic power, similar to the magic I arranged.

It's amazing. Obviously it's just a ride on the heroic spirit, but it can arrange such magic...

It's just that there is not enough time. Telling me so much now, do you want to delay time? But how much time do you need? ten minutes? half an hour?

I can feel it, it will take at least two hours, right, Wright? "

Skaha smiled confidently-for a former magician of God, and now a magician, identifying the type, effect, and time required for this magic power is the basis of the foundation. The degree of water makes no difference.

"However, I still want to give it a try."

The battlefield said sincerely and calmly.

"Humph, whatever—"

After saying this, Skaha did not attack either. Maybe it's too confident. She is waiting for a sincere offensive. In other words, she wants to see if the situation has fallen to this stage, what can be done sincerely.

So she saw a golden apple.

"Ah!" ×6.

The six-riding heroic spirit behind Skaha let out an exclamation in unison.

"Speaking of which, every hero has his powerful treasure, and even said that the strength of the treasure is the hero itself-Gilgamesh has the treasure of the king and EA, and Miss Altria has the victory and the oath. Sword, little Jack has the disintegration of the Virgin...

Everyone is like this.

However, as a Saber, my situation is a little bit special. "

Zhanchangyuan sincerely continued to talk.


"Huh, hehe, do you think this kind of thing will work for me, Wright?"

Although possessing a strong charm attribute-at the same time, it has a great bonus to the goddess. In addition, there may be a hidden rule, that is, girls who are sincerely interested in the battlefield will have a great bonus.

Just as it did with Tosaka Aoi before, the second golden apple is better than the first, and the third is much better than the second.

However, it was still useless.

Zhanchang Yuanzheng looked carefully, but still couldn't see the slightest strangeness on her face.

In other words, it's really least it seems useless.

"Yeah, um, it's Teacher Skaha—what about this?"

In the next second, it was like a strange magic, the golden apples on the ground piled up into hills, dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of golden apples, their brilliance almost blinded people's eyes——

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Behind Skaha, she could hardly control the six-riding heroes-even Gilgamesh was so knowledgeable and wealthy-even the oldest king who had a collection of golden apples also issued The exclamation sounded as if he had lost his mind, and he almost wished to rush over, pounced inside the pile of golden apples, and then revealed Ah Hei Yan——

Then there is Mr. Scarha.




Compared to Golden Apple, she seems to like the original sincerity of the battlefield more.

In other words, the battlefield Yuanzheng standing next to the pile of golden apples looks a million times more lovely than usual.

This kind of complement made Skaha intoxicated, almost unable to extricate himself.

"Ah, this, this is the ultimate beautiful boy in the legend?!" She mumbled that no one knew what it meant, and subconsciously took two steps forward, as if to embrace sincerity and swallow him into her stomach. Same inside...

——However, in the next moment, Skaha held back with supreme perseverance.

"No, no...can't do this...can't do this..." she thought in her heart. At the same time pretending to be indifferent, chuckled and looked at Battlefield Hara: "Is this your strategy, Wright? To be honest, it's disappointing, I—"

The next moment, as many golden apples as before fell on the ground with a crackle, forming another hill, which also interrupted Skaha's words.

"So, I'm not unprepared, Teacher Skaha." Smiling sincerely, he looked a little proud and said: "Although this kind of treasure has no lethal power, it is not comparable to EA, nor is it comparable to Victory and Victory. The sword of the oath. However, lack of lethality does not mean it is useless, right?"

Skaha did not answer his question. In fact, it is quite rare that Skaha can barely maintain his thinking now.

The lethality brought by the golden apple is not doubled, but a multiplier. She could no longer control the six heroes behind her.

After regaining control of their body, including the heroes of Skaha, Mordred-they all rushed-

Zhanchang Yuanzheng's side-fell under the sincere feet, and desperately rubbed his sincere thighs. Even Gilgamesh, who was arrogant before, is the same.

Yes, it is not the golden apple that attracts them, but the original sincerity of the battlefield itself.

"Wright Baldwin's Feast".

Of course, if it is said to be a feast, it is not a problem to understand it as an uncovered conference-the battlefield sincerely retains the skills and uses the precious golden apple to enhance its charm.

Yu Jinping's simple effect is different only for women. The effect of the feast is to kill both men and women. Of course, for this reason, sincerely beat Tosaka Tokichen and Yanfeng Kirei before using it. Otherwise, the second effect of "feast" will be produced.

That is, "mandatory transfer".

This is quite unsightly.

And very harmonious.

So that Battlefield Yuan sincerely didn't want to do--

This is an E-EX possessed skill. The effect depends on the number of golden apples invested. In theory, the more golden apples invested, the better the effect. There is almost no upper limit for this effect.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter Eighty Four

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the situation was reversed under these circumstances.

Originally, Skaha still had the advantage, and it was an absolute advantage. He was about to bring Wright back to the Kingdom of Shadow for some teaching, and then he fell off.

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