Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 609

But now, the situation has developed in a direction that is beneficial to the original sincerity of the battlefield-and it is developing at a super fast speed of Mach 20!

"Damn, damn, although I really want to refuse, but..."

Seeing Liuqi heroic spirits rubbing their sincere thighs like this, shameless and shameless, Teacher Skaha has all kinds of contempt in his heart. However, the body involuntarily produced a feeling of "envy"——

No, if you want to study Skaha’s heart here, you have to discuss the relationship between the self, the id, and the superego. Because it is too troublesome, I give up to prevent readers from thinking that I am in the water. all in all.

Skaha really wanted to be like them, rushing over, rubbing and rubbing his legs with sincerity-in fact, it's not just that, in addition to rubbing legs between men and women, there are all kinds of very interesting things. Things can be done. If possible, Skaha really wants to do all kinds of interesting things with Wright——

However-no way.

At least not now. Now, Skaha endured desperately, allowing his body to be controlled.

Because if she really rubbed like this, it would prove she lost.

Lost this sincere war with the battlefield! Lost this dominance war.

From today onwards, she is not Scarha, not Wright’s teacher, and the mistress of Wright’s family, but a very ordinary member of Wright’s harem——

Of course, it is "uncommon" for anyone in Wright's harem to take it out, and even so, the status and position of a goddess is still critically important.


Even so, Skaha refused.

It's as if the original sincere battlefield never wanted Skaha to succeed.

"I, I have worked hard for one thousand six hundred years!"

"Admit it, teacher."

"I will never lose."

"You like me, don't you?" Sincerely stroking the girls' hair, he said to Skaha like this-strength, spirit, time. Everything in the underground magic workshop seemed to be distorted.

"I, I have to, to win."

"So, let's not fight, okay?" Looking at the crumbling Skaha, Zhanchang Yuanzheng showed the sweetest smile, and then said to her like this.

"What are you kidding? How can I lose to such a mess for such messy reasons?!"

"Teacher, you talk, if you ignore me, I will be sad."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!! Wright Baldwin!!!"

Next second. The magic of horror rushed out of Skaha. In an instant, her body became as bright as the sun, burning eyes——

The body of the king called the Kingdom of Shadows temporarily appeared—this is, as a divine, sacred appearance—one of the priesthoods of the gods of the Kingdom of Shadows, which is the sun.

Than Apollo, Bila, more radiant than any sun god in myths and legends, the god Skaha of the Kingdom of Shadows!

"Wright Baldwin!!!"

If someone told Skaha a few minutes ago that she would yell like she does now, she would definitely sneer.

She is Skaha. The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows who has always kept calm.

She couldn't do that--

However—now—Skaha's emotions are indeed out of control.

Also out of control, there is the feast of Wright Baldwin, the shining hundreds of golden apples, the product of all the magic that the battlefield has absorbed during this period of time, also looks bleak in front of her——

With the help of "rules", Skaha temporarily broke free from the sincere spiritual interference on the battlefield.

The long spear in her hand pierced straight in the past-the target is of course the original sincerity of the battlefield-this blow was not to take sincere life, but to interrupt his state of displaying his skills.


Zhanchangyuan sincerely sighed in his heart.

In the next second, the enchantment came.

Flowers, bright stars. The countless summer starry sky instantly replaced the haze of the Kingdom of Shadows-they did not know when they appeared on the surface. The flowers are blooming, the streams are gurgling, and the summer nights with countless fireflies.

Like a lover's whisper, the beautiful manor and marble mansion, the blooming rose, and the faint sound of harp.

"This, this is..."

"This is my enchantment."

Zhanchangyuan sincerely answered Skaha’s question: "It’s different from the enchantment of the teacher, who directly descended on the Kingdom of Shadows. I don’t have that ability, and in fact I don’t control a world. I just want the most in my heart. The projected image is just showing.

In other words..."

The battlefield sincerely grabbed Skaha's hand. Her spear fell to the ground and then disappeared:

"In other words, the world in which we all love each other and live in harmony, Teacher Scarha.

This is my garden. The paradise where I and my lovers live. "

Everything here has a special magic effect, even a god cannot get rid of it.

Skaha only felt that his mood became more and more calm, and the idea of "holding sincerity in his hands" in his heart also faded a little. She even began to reflect on herself: What have I been doing for so long? Why not reconcile with Wright and spend every day happily?

This idea became stronger and stronger, so that when she was sincerely holding her hand, walking into the mansion and sitting at the balcony table, she did not resist at all.

Eating snacks, drinking black tea, listening to music, surrounded by my love.

Skaha felt that his mood was calm, that his long-cherished wish for a thousand and six hundred years had been fulfilled, and felt that even this didn't matter. Well, then...

"So, let's make up, Mr. Scarha?"



"I reject."

The next second, Mr. Skaha said such words. Immediately after turning around, she left without looking back at the fastest speed-her speed was so amazing that the Battlefield Yuanzheng had no time to react. But then again, I am afraid that even if there is a reaction, sincerely, there is no way to keep her.

Even within his enchantment.


Seeing what had been done in the air, Zhanchangyuan didn't say a word sincerely, and seemed a bit disappointed.

Yes, he prepared with two hands. And that "magic circle" didn't take two hours as Skaha said. Sincerely used a little trick here.

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