Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 628

Thinking of this, sincerely there is an urge to catch her from the Hall of Valor, and then slap her into a weapon.

Of course, in the current situation, such remarks are nothing but meaningless.

He comforted the sixth guide Reika in this way, and then thought about what should be done next—

The magicians and surrogates who entered the town of Winterwood were out of luck again this time. In the process of replacing space several times in a row, the ordinary residents of Dongmu Town were fine.

In fact, if you want to stay out of things and don't care about anything, these magicians and surrogates will also be fine...The problem is...

They chose to confront and even tried to control this force for their own use.

The end result of these guys is very miserable.

Some were backlashed by magic, and the magic circuit was abolished and became useless. Others were caught up in the magic turbulence, smashed into pieces and fragmented.

In addition, it is the priest Yanfeng Qili.

After regaining control of the body, Yanfeng Qili chose to retreat without hesitation.

Although I don't know who will win or lose between Sincere and Skaha, I don't know how the winner will treat him. But in any case, Yanfeng Qili didn't want to give up the choice to others.

More importantly, he just found the meaning of his life, how could he die so quickly?

After listening to the sixth guide Lingxia talk about it, she made a sincere "Oh."

What the priest did secretly, as well as the priest's abnormal head, are more or less sincere.

There was no enmity between them, even if the priest agreed to Wei Gong Qisi, he would use Ling Shu to trick him.

However, when he killed Tosaka Toshimi, the nature was different.

Although the relationship is not very good, Mr. Shichen is one of his prospective father-in-laws anyway. Even if it's for You Girl 2 and You Girl 3, you must avenge him.

"But... let's talk about it when I find an opportunity." I thought so sincerely, but didn't really take it seriously.

"Then the next step is... Well, the Mansion of Ma Tong?" Sincere and thoughtful: "I remember the Holy Grail will come after the heroic spirit loses a certain amount. I don't know how the situation is now..."

Thinking of this, he was a little worried.

Not only is she worried about the outcome of this Holy Grail war, but also worried about Mrs. Eri as the carrier of the Holy Grail. At the same time as the Holy Grail comes, the existence of "Alice Phil" will completely disappear.

Even if sincerely has a great game as a plug-in, you can resurrect it after you have accumulated enough points and exchange coupons, but it is still a bit reluctant.

"So, what are you going to do? Stop the Holy Grail from coming, Odoudou?" Zhen Zi asked sincerely.

"...I don't know." Sincerely, I don't know what to do. In any case, the next destination is determined.

That is, the Mansion of Ma Tong.

at the same time.

Just when the battlefield had sincerely settled the sixth guide Reika, and rushed to the house of Matong at the fastest speed, in the house of Matong, Keiji Eomiya was shocked.

"What, what's going on?" He looked around, he had changed from the black castle in the Kingdom of Shadows to the hall of the Ma Tong family mansion.

At the same time, Alice Phil's condition became extremely bad.

She collapsed weakly to the ground, and her face turned pale.

"Also, in other words, some heroes died in battle. Besides... Could it be that..."

Seeing Mrs. Eri's appearance in this way, Kiritugu Eomiya immediately thought about the current situation.

"Unexpectedly, did you win?! Then, my ideal can be achieved, too?!"

He thought so in his heart, and then became excited again.

Under such great ups and downs, he almost couldn't bear to faint.

Weimiya Kirisu's eyes were dark and dizzy. After he barely stood still, he began to calculate: "At least two heroes were killed in battle. Most importantly, Skaha was also killed—at least he had withdrawn from the Holy Grail war.

Counting her heroic spirit is Sanqi. In this case, only Lancer, who has never been seen, are left, as well as Saber and Archer. In addition, it is our follower caster. In other words..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing an excited, extremely excited smile.

In other words, he has won half of this Holy Grail War.

"That archer is very strong, but his master Tosaka Tokio is nothing to worry about. He can win the Holy Grail War by defeating Tosaka Tokio. As for Lancer, that guy has been hiding his head and tails from the beginning until now. Yes, such a guy naturally cannot have any fighting power.

In other words, we only need to reserve a saber ride. As the nourishment of the Holy Grail, that Wright Baldwin is no longer useful.

There is..." He thought of this and saw Ilia lying quietly on the side.

After a short period of hesitation, he looked at Mrs. Ellie: "Eri."

"Ah, Kirishu..." Mrs. Eri gave a very reluctant smile: "I, it looks like... soon. Speaking of which, Wright is really amazing, even... even people like Skarhar can Defeated..."

"Ah, yes." Keishi said casually, and then said, "In other words, our time is coming."

"...Yes, isn't it..." Mrs. Eri's smile became more reluctant after hearing him say this.

"Yes, the Holy Grail War... Sure enough, destiny still favors me. We have already won this Holy Grail War, Eri, so what is needed next is... more heroic spirits are invested."


at the same time.

Zhanchangyuan stepped into the outer part of Ma Tong's mansion sincerely and carefully.

Here, the breath of the Kingdom of Shadows still remains a little. Let Sincerity have some doubts, will a group of shadow warriors suddenly jump out and attack him.

However, no one has been seen so far.

Whether it's Mrs. Eri, Kirishu Eumiya, Ilia or Altria. None of the people who came to attack here saw it.

This makes sincere a little worried, and vaguely regretted: "Could it be eliminated by others? If..."

Thinking of the endless shadow samurai legions like the tide, Battlefield Hara felt a little hairy in his heart, but still speeded up.

"The teacher has already retreated, and it is reasonable to say that nothing will happen." Thinking so sincerely, he ran to the gate of Matsumoto's house. Then, inexplicably felt that there was nothing in my heart, as if something was missing.

"...Al, Altria... Sister?! And... Mordred?!"

Standing in place, Battlefield Yuan turned around sincerely and looked around, but couldn't see anything.

An indescribable sense of emptiness gnawed at his heart. Let the battlefield be sincere and depressed.

I really want to find someone to hug me.

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