Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 629

It would be even better if it were Mordred and Altria.

Lost and regained, and then gain and regain? The battlefield sincerely had the urge to use S coupons to exchange them out after going back regardless.


at the same time.

"What, what? Are you going to kill Ilia?"

After Kirishu said her "plan", Mrs. Eri's eyes widened in surprise, as if she had met him for the first time.

That kind of gaze made Keishu Eimiya very uncomfortable: "She is just a hero, our daughter is still in Einzbern Castle, Eri." He reluctantly explained to Eri.

"But, but-besides Ilia, there is also Wright... Do you really want to use Lingshu to order them to commit suicide?" Although it was mentioned before, when he really said this, Mrs. Allie was still very surprised, unbelievable.

"——Compared with this world, everything can be sacrificed." Eimiya Kirisu answered calmly. His words made Mrs. Eri's heart sink to the bottom.

"Come on, Ellie, listen to me..."

Eimiya Kiritugu reached out to Alice Phil...


A few minutes later, Zhanchangyuan sincerely pushed open the door of Ma Tong's residence.

Then he saw the final prize of this war.

It is the Holy Grail.

Author's message:

Update la la la la. The Holy Grail War is over. The next volume is the easy daily life of academy city?

Chapter 97: Being a child has its downsides

"This is the Holy Grail?"

Looking at the glorious Holy Grail, even the original sincerity of the battlefield was attracted by the bright light for a while, so that when a sudden change occurred in the next moment, he could not react.

In an instant, something strange, like black silt overflowed from the Holy Grail.

The amount of this kind of black mud is too large, and at the same time the speed is too fast, and the sincerity of the battlefield is all attracted by the light emitted by the Holy Grail, so in an instant, the sincerity of the battlefield is swallowed up——

Although the battlefield was sincerely awakened when the black mud touched him and wanted to jump and dodge, it was too late.


At the same time when Zhanchangyuan genuinely produced this consciousness, he was already submerged in black mud.

Then, in the next moment, Battlefield genuinely felt that he had reached a strange place-space, consciousness? Or something else?

That is, when the battlefield was sincere and uncertain, and at the same time unable to feel his own strength, a gentle voice came from sincere.

"Wright, Wright?"

Sincerely surprised, he turned and looked over. Because he discovered that he didn't notice anyone around him at all!

Even Teacher Skaha can't do this!

Then it is.

The girl who smiled gently at herself was Alice Phil von Einzbern.

"Ari... are you okay?!" Sincerely surprised, couldn't help asking.

"What's wrong, does Wright really wish me something?" She smiled so, and took her sincere hand.

This surprised sincerity. He never knew that Mrs. Allie was such an active person.

It feels so strange.

"That one……"

"What's wrong, Wright?" Mrs. Allie's smile became brighter, and she was closer to sincerity.

"That, that..."

"So, what on earth are you going to say, Wright?" She said that, while being close to the sincerity: "Tell me well~"

"Is this, it's too close...a bit bad?" Sincere and subconsciously wanting to retreat, she was dragged by Mrs. Allie and couldn't move.

He was surprised to find that the opponent's strength was so great. Even oneself can't break free.

Then, that is so soft, is it the chest? Is it the chest?

It's exactly the chest.

Mrs. Eri’s chest is pasted, bastard!

Battlefield Yuanzheng was taken aback, but was overthrown by Mrs. Eri.

"Hmph, it's so cute, Wright~" she said, holding her sincere face, and kissed deeply.

That sweet feeling made Zhanchang Yuanzheng's whole body float away.

I’ve never felt this way before...It’s like a world of bliss--

However, Battlefield Yuanzheng woke up immediately.

This, is this really Mrs. Eri?

Although I had a little close contact with Mrs. Allie before. But it is only limited to the extent of the handle. Or, in front of outsiders, saying: "This is my wife" takes advantage of this.

What worries sincerity is that Mrs. Eri's identity is different. Although I wanted to develop a closer relationship with her-after all, Mrs. Eri was very, very, very cute. But sincerity still has scruples.

In order to prevent the breakdown of the relationship with Ai Li, I have not done anything excessive until now.

He didn't do anything, but Mrs. Allie became so proactive.

"Keishi, it's really too much. He even encouraged people to kill Elia with a spell curse." Mrs. Eri pressed on Sincere, gently and gently, slowly rubbing, while using a bitter tone. Say so.

"What? Such a thing happened?!" Sincerely pretended to be surprised.

Of course, in fact, he had known for a long time that he could definitely do such a thing with Eimiya Kiritugu's character.

However, because of this reason, Mrs. Eri was disappointed in him, so she found herself out of self-defeating? It doesn't feel right.

"So, it's Wright you are the best~ ah, ah. It's true, why didn't I find out before, Wright is such a good ♂male♂ person~hehehe~"

While she said that, she kissed her sincerely.

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