Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 631

However, on the surface, she still showed a calm and confident smile.

In fact, it is in my heart.

She believes that she hit the softest and most vulnerable place in Yuanzheng's heart on the battlefield. In other words, the original sincerity of the battlefield is about to fall.

That's right, it's fallen. But it doesn’t matter, or it’s better. Unlike other ordinary people, the holy grail contaminated by the evils of this world, of course, should be called good or bad for sex and desire-but in most cases people always like to assign it to The feelings on the evil side are interested.

In other words.

"Just stay with me here, Wright, forever and ever, let's enjoy this joy together, sink into this sensual hell, forever and ever--"

"Idiot! What are you kidding?" Zhanchangyuan sneered sincerely and said such words.


"Beep is Beep, pleasure is pleasure, love is love. These three feelings are not the same asshole. Do you think you can convince me with such messy logic? You think I will fall like an idiot, Then be assimilated by you? What a joke, idiot! You underestimated me too?!

I'm Wright Baldwin, the most insightful person in the world for sex! What are you going to tell me? ! Discuss the philosophical significance of sex with me? ! You are looking for a dead end! "

"Eh eh eh eh eh!?"

Just in "she"'s surprise, "she" felt the sincere sex action and pleasure level strengthened again.

"So, you can't even compare to me. What qualifications do you have to say to me, Ellie~" Zhan Tian Yuan said with excitement, and bit her earlobe at the same time.

"Ah, no, there, there is..."

"I've noticed before, Mrs. Eri is very sensitive, right. Since it is a perfect inheritance of Mrs. Eri's body, then you should be the same, right, Miss Holy Grail~"

"What a joke, Wright, you, how can you do this~ ah~"

Holding back halfway through the conversation, Mrs. Allie finally couldn't help it, she let out a whimper and interrupted her.

"This, this is..."

"That's why," Zhanchangyuan's sincere expression was wicked and happy: "It's just a cricket, an airplane and a cup. What kind of extraterritorial demon do you want to learn? Just kidding, is it for nothing to be an old man for so many years of cultivation? "

"Wh, what? Wright, what are you talking about, I don't understand..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just enjoy it—I remember there is another sensitive point here, right—"

"——Why are you so familiar with Alice Phil's sensitive points? Don't you guys have never done it before?!"

"——This is out of consideration!"

Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and without hesitation: "You don't have any right to negotiate with me now-so, don't you want to have sex with me forever? Then I will do what you want.

It just so happens that I have a lot of technology, which is useless for ordinary girls. Since it is the Holy Grail, then the ability to bear it should be much better than that of ordinary girls? "


"I said no, but my body was very honest. Hahahahaha..."

That's it. After a fierce fight, the battlefield won the victory for granted.

He glanced contemptuously at the "Holy Grail" that was still pretending to be very powerful before. The next moment, sincerely left the Holy Grail and returned to the house of Matsumoto.

Around, the silt that exudes malice is now simply spreading malice. The magic that originally contained in it all disappeared.

"Ah, ah. It's really..." Zhanchangyuan genuinely took a look at the dim holy grail, and shook his head helplessly.

Magic power-although the Holy Grail as the "legendary universal wishing machine" does not have this effect at all, it is practical as a "perpetual magic machine".

Although something went wrong in the previous Holy Grail War, the Holy Grail was contaminated by the evil of this world. However, the "black mud" is indeed a source of magic power...

If someone can remove the toxins, pure magic crystals can be extracted. Or if someone doesn't think it is dirty, it's not impossible to use it directly.


"Ah, ah. Is this a profit or a loss?"

The original sincere mood of the battlefield is a bit complicated.

Originally, if you worked harder yourself, you could reach the third law through the Holy Grail by using some means. However, because the Holy Grail was contaminated. In order to protect myself, the method was "a little bit fierce".

As a result, the effect of double repair with Mrs. Ai Li could not be better. Zhanchang Yuanzheng only felt that his strength had increased, but he didn't know how much... Then, it was... the Holy Grail was instantly dimmed because of the consumption of a lot of magic power. Seeing to disappear...

"In this case, if you want to truly obtain the Holy Grail, you have to wait for the next Holy Grail War... Although the power consumed by the Holy Grail is much smaller than normal because there is no wish, so the next Holy Grail does not need six. Ten years so"

Sincerely frowned. There were a lot of questions in my heart-I don't know if it was an illusion. After seeing him frown, the speed of the disappearance of the Holy Grail suddenly accelerated.

"Well, forget it, don't think about that kind of thing. It doesn't matter."

Sincerity just thought about it for a while, and then left the matter behind.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, the ending was not satisfactory. However, in any case, this Holy Grail war ended in his victory.

"Someone wanted to see the young girl lying down and win. But it's not reliable to think about it?"


Hearing Zhen Zi said something inexplicable, she didn't react sincerely for a while.

"Nothing is nothing. Hahahaha..." Zhen Zi smiled very happily, making Sincere feel very upset.

"What the hell..."

Sincerely complain so quietly. Then he was about to turn around and leave--

Then I felt that the scenery around me had changed. Only for a moment, he didn't even react. Looking around, he has returned to the gate of the Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline Headquarters.

In the mobile phone in hand, the loud voice of sister Yuehuo, Platinum Huo, was still heard:

"Eunice sauce! Eunice sauce!!! Did you hear that?! Come back soon! If you let me know—du—"

Zhanchangyuan hangs up the phone sincerely and decisively.

Shirai Kuroko who was next to him was slightly surprised, and then cast an admiring look at sincerity.

"...In short, that's hard..."

After insincerely saying goodbye to Sunspot, Zhanchangyuan turned around sincerely and left.

"What are you doing? That guy is inexplicable." Heizi mumbled casually, then turned and left.

"My sister~"

Looking at her virtue, most of it is to find the trouble with Misaka Mikoto.

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