Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 632

But it's not about sincerity.

The current battlefield is sincere, and there are more important and troublesome things to think about.

"I still have a lot of things to do over there, bastard! Why did you bring me back all of a sudden?!" Sincerely thinking of this, I am angrily--

He is going to console Liu Dao Lingxia sister. She must be frightened now.

At the same time, I'm going to take a look at Sister Aoi and Meiyou Girl No. 2 and No. 3. Tosaka Tokimi is dead, so I should take more care of my future life.

After that, just go back to Einzbern House, where Ilia is still waiting for herself...

-But-after this-came back here as a bastard!

He still has so much to do, asshole!

Isn't this a cheating bastard? !

Thinking of this, sincerely, there is an urge to slap someone - he didn't know before, that his resentment for Zhen Zi could be improved. It's almost...

Do not. But wait a minute.

Sincerely continue to think hard.

"In other words...that is... the mission world will also affect the source world?" Sincerely thought while walking.

"Well, yes~" Zhen Zi replied pleasantly beside sincerely.

Although in fact, sincerity did not mean to let her speak.

"Since this is the case, then there should be a chance. Well, yes, there is still a chance, there is still a chance..." Thinking of this, Zhanchang Yuanzheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she ignored the beckoning of the beautiful girl who had lost her pink hair dumpling head.

What is the name of the child, and what is Yubihama?

When she stopped sincerely "Huh?" and turned her head to look past, the beautiful girl with the head of the dumpling ran across the road to her side reluctantly.

Ah, so passionate, so passionate. By the way, I'm in a bad mood right now, so just take her to the love hotel on the roadside and have a good day, right?

With such an unspeakable mentality, Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely never ignores the beautiful girl of Tuan Zi.

Then it is.

Another girl on the other side of the road looked very angry when she saw this...

⑧ Pleasant life in the school city

Chapter One Childhood Shadow

"...Uh, that..."

When Zhanchangyuan genuinely saw the girl across the street, he regretted it.

Yes, I really regret it.

Although the dumpling in front of me is also very good, soft and cute. People have the desire and urge to rub her. Even sincerely, I thought about the comforting words and postures I should say when I had sex with her for the first time.

The issue is……


Feeling the sincere gaze, the soft and adorable dumpling turned and looked over.

However, there is nothing there...

Yes, Rin Tosaka, who had just seen sincerity and pink hair dumplings like this and that, was so angry, the pony tail floated up, now he has disappeared and ran away.

"Ah. Oh..."

So, feeling sincere and not thinking about speaking, Yuihama Yui was a little bit lost: "Goodbye then, sincere classmate."

Although I still want to talk more with sincerity. But looking at sincere's current attitude, it seems to be absent-minded. As a person who knows his words and colors, Yuihama Yui immediately said goodbye.

"Ah, um." Sincere and casually agreed twice, and then walked away under the disappointed gaze of Danzi.

Rin Tosaka, Rin Tosaka... Although she is no longer a young girl, her chest and parts are still not developed.

In this case, this guy can only sell legs...

Well, this is not the point.

The point is, this child looks at his own eyes as if he is killing his father's enemy-my pity, his father really didn't kill him sincerely-but this can also make sincerely understand a little bit.

The fusion of the world took effect.

But the problem is...Be sincere and still don't understand.

In other words, when did this world fusion begin?

Speaking of it, before Rin, this guy looked sideways and looked at himself as unpleasant, while Sakura was said by a squad leader that "willing to do everything for myself" or something.

This makes sincerity a bit strange...


at the same time.

"Huh, what, that guy, he kisses me and me with different girls all day long. It's just a pervert-I wish him a hurry to get Hualiu disease and die."

Rin Tosaka made a very unpleasant voice after seeing the sincere and unrecognizable cute girls again and again.

I don't know why, I should have been used to it. I don't know what's going on, but I thought of the past again.

Once, when her father was still alive, to be more specific, it was nine years ago.

Rin Tosaka still remembers the Holy Grail war nine years ago.

It doesn't matter whether it is the death of his father that caused his own family way to fall, or the bastard who called Zhanchangyuan sincerely suffered a thousand swords.

"Obviously, it's already made an appointment, I'm coming back... why..."

Thinking of this, the little devil with two pony tails felt that his nose was sour.

She resisted the urge to cry.

This is on the street. It's terrible if someone you know sees it.

However, in short, a few years ago, before the establishment of the Academy City, she once saw Zhanchang Yuancheng. At that time, she and her sister Tosaka Sakura were very happy-but soon they noticed something was wrong.

This battlefield original sincerity is very, very different from the battlefield original sincerity they know.

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