Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 643

Although the dress is slightly rustic, but the figure and appearance are by no means random. Coupled with a gentle and lovely character. There must be many suitors and crush...

Thinking about it this way, sincerity has a subtle sense of uncomfortableness.

This uncomfortable feeling lasted until the big sister in glasses with long brown hair walked in.

"Please sit down, Miss Kihara."

Look at each other sincerely.

The big sister who is hot in body and wearing ol costume usually gives people a bright feeling... just don't know why, sincerely, I always feel that the breath of this guy is not so good.

Although sitting in front of him, it is indeed a pretty big sister. But there is always a feeling that the other party will paint and collapse in the next second, and then turn into a terrible neuropathy.

And very strong.

Compared to Haruno Kiyama, the eldest lady of the Kihara family is in another sense that makes people uninteresting.

"Underneath is Terestina Kihara Levrain."

I don't know at all, I have been labeled "unqualified" in my sincerity. This big sister Terestina still feels good about herself.

"My intention, you must have known the Lord Hara at the battlefield. So I said--"

"——Actually, I still have no interest in the Absolute Ability Project." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly: "Because, maybe you don't know yet. But my ability is still improving. I have my own ability. , I have my own source of technology and my own way of exercising. So to say—"

Listening to sincerely speaking, Big Sister Terestina is a little anxious, and at the same time she said with contempt"

"——We applied for the permission of the tree designer. After the most precise calculation, then——"

"Ah, that supercomputer that claims to be omniscient and omnipotent?" Sincerely rolled his eyes, "Tree? I really dare to blow it--but don’t you know, I also own the tree designer’s Access rights."


The big sister of the Kihara family didn't know what to say for a while.


Having said this, in order to strengthen my momentum and tone, I stood up sincerely and looked at each other condescendingly: "You don't even know my basic conditions, so dare to come here.

Is it bullying? Do you think I'm the kind of fool who doesn't understand anything outside, and feels invincible after gaining a little strength? Think I am young, so I'm so fooled? "

"No, no, we definitely didn't mean that."

Seeing that the battlefield was genuinely angry. The big sister on the other side felt that her brain was blank.

The so-called pride belonging to the Kihara family, or own pride, prepared all kinds of soft and hard, ready to let the battlefield's sincere and submissive words disappear.

terrible. terrible. Terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible.

Is this guy a monster?

The opponent felt a bladder incontinence for a while, and wanted to escape, but found that his legs were out of control.

No, not just her legs, but her whole body. Her whole body is stiff.

It was like seeing a higher-level predator, the fear from genetic instincts made Terestina feel nothing but fear.

She didn't know how she suffered under the sincere roar of the battlefield. I also don't know how I got out of this building.

After she walked out, she was shone by the bright sunshine on the street, and she suddenly recovered, and then showed an expression of fear.

Then it is not reconciled.

Although not very much. But after going out of the distance with strong fighting spirit, she still had to take out her mobile phone, dial the number, and then said something she didn't want to say.

"Hey, how's it going." The voice of the man opposite was hoarse and magnetic. The tone was a little impatient.

"Failed." Terestina tried to calm her tone. But the fear hidden in it was still heard by the other party.


To her a little surprise, the other party just gave an oh but nothing else.

"What do you mean?"

"It's normal. This kind of thing... Forget it, I'll think of another way. You can do your thing, whatever you want. It doesn't require you—"

"——What are you talking about?! There are many Kihara?!"

"That means you are useless. Understand?" The voice on the other side became a little frivolous.

"I will again—"

"--How about? Go find that kid to try again? Or go to find another kid? Second? Third? In the tree designer's calculations, only these three people can reach LV6.

Well, yes, it is true.

But the question is, can the first, second, and third place be the same concept?

Although the imp is also an imp, an unpleasant nasty creature. However, the battlefield is sincere. The unique sword of the heavenly army in the world.

If it is not a tree designer, but any ordinary supercomputer, I absolutely must suspect that the calculation is wrong-it is 100% likely to become LV6? Are you kidding me? Is he a god? what? "

Speaking of this, the other party’s tone became more and more excited: “So, second and third. One party’s passage and the last element matter are not important. Although the kind of garbage does not say how much there is, but it does not matter. With the advancement of research and development, it will definitely become more.

Only the battlefield is sincere. That bastard is unique. At the same time, it is of course the strongest!

In that case, he is destined to be controlled by the Kihara clan! The absolute ability of LV6 must be created by the Kihara clan! In other words, the battlefield is sincere and must be—"

"—Then I can—"

"——So, you have no chance." The number of Kihara on the other side of the phone said in a frivolous voice:

"At first, I heard that the kid was lustful, so I contacted you... I didn't expect it to be impossible. Is it a matter of taste? Sure enough, there is a reason why you can't get married..."

Of course, no matter who it is, it will be angry at such a merciless ridicule—

"There are many Kihara, you--"

"——The last time, woman." The voice on the other side became very cold: "Don't do stupid things. Looking at the face of the same family of Kihara, I warn you for the last time, don't do stupid things. Did you hear that."

After saying this, he hung up the phone without hesitation for convenience, leaving only Teristina alone, gritted her teeth there, but helpless.

"That bastard..."

After thinking for a long time, she still didn't dare to really do anything.

It doesn't matter if you call the other party again, or turn around and go back to the battlefield to sell yourself.

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