Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 644

The eldest sister of the glasses lady turned around and left.

at the same time.

"That's not okay, former classmate of Battlefield. In any case, the other party is our important partner. You can't treat her rudely."

In the original sincere office on the battlefield, Wing Yu Chuan said sincerely.

"Yes, yes." Sincere was a little helpless, but in my heart was thinking-if Yu Chuan knew that the big sister just wanted to sacrifice the temptation of Hue. I don't know if she will say that.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 8 Women's Academy...

"All in all, that's it." After saying some sincere words of complaint and education, Yukawa Tsubasa shook his head helplessly, looking a little lost:

"Although I said so... but sincere students probably won't remember it?"

"Hahaha, how come? I remember everything Yuchuan said, and I will never forget it."

"——Then tell me, I started at twelve five minutes and thirteen seconds, what words did I say?"

"—Sincere classmates, you should learn to respect others. Really...every time something like this happens, it’s me who ends up. You occasionally think about it for me—this is the sentence, right? "Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and confidently.


Hearing this sincere answer, Yu Chuan was also a little surprised.

What, I said it casually, and actually answered it—and it was actually the correct answer? !

Yukawa Tsubasa was surprised when he thought of this.

——Of course, she herself remembers every word she said and the time she spoke. This is also a surprising thing.


For a moment, Yukawa Tsubasa was a little at a loss.

Obviously I want to use this method to suppress the sincerity. But I didn't expect to have no success...

"Okay, okay. Don't say more about this kind of thing, let's go to dinner, Yuchuan~"

Looking at the contemplative look of the braided spectacles girl, she was a little bit pressured to be sincere-but you can't let Yuchuan criticize yourself like that, right?

Although it is a bit too much to give her most of the work of the ethics committee...

Well, it's actually all the work.

Okay, well, it's actually very excessive.

But... uh...

What a big deal?

Sincerely thought of the topic that I had discussed with Mu Shan Chunsheng before.


This topic is very feasible.

And if you do this, no one will suffer from Yuchuan or himself.


"Sincere classmate, are you thinking about something bad?"

The opposite Yu Chuan narrowed his eyes, and then asked suspiciously.

Of course, this action is not carried out with chest protection, which means that Yu Chuan's guard against sincerity is not as high as her performance.

"It's okay-ah, by the way, aren't we going to eat. Hurry up, I'm hungry. Hahahahaha..."

"Oh... this way. Then let's go."

Yuchuan stood up while speaking, and led the way.

It was originally a small stove for entertaining guests. After it's done, no one eats it. It happens to be cheaper for them-but then again, they can eat it too.

Very happy very happy. Yuchuan, who walked to the restaurant side by side with Sincerity, smiled happily.

This makes sincerity more suspicious.

It's really because of the breast rubbing problem, right?

That's right.

In fact, this is very simple.

Just knead it, right?

"Ah, where are you going?"

When Cheng Cheng and Yu Chuanyi walked to the door, Saya Takashiro with pink hair and two pony tails saw it.

"Lunch...then go together."

Of course, Zhanchangyuan sincerely couldn't say, "No, this is my date with Yuchuan." Is that correct?

As a result, Yu Chuan's smile faded a little.

"Eh, lunch, I happen to be hungry too..."

——Speaking of Kyoko, when you say this, can you listen to the action of snacking in your hand? This is very unconvincing...

As a result, Yu Chuan's smile faded a little bit.

"Hehehe, I just made a bento, sincere classmate."

At the door of the bathroom, I sincerely encountered the student president Anna Nishinomiya who was fascinated by the flush on his face.

After the latter managed to hold back her sincerity, she looked like a slut, of course, sincerely wants to reward her beep slave with a meal together.

So Yu Chuan's smile basically disappeared.

"Eating, just right, we are going to eat too, let's go together."

I arrived in the corridor in front of the restaurant on the second floor, and after passing the corner, I saw Miota Yuifuki, Sinki Mikan, and their classmates from the Peak of Hope... It's hard to say anything sincerely, right.

So Yu Chuan's smile disappeared completely.

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