Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 645

"Ah, uh...this..." Zhanchangyuan wanted to say something, but couldn't say it at all—just in the restaurant, when the girls were all calling friends and friends—

"So, it's an obligation and a responsibility to pat and feed pets regularly. My main dentist--"

"Oni sauce, these are dumplings made with moon fire, open your mouth, ah~"

"Hello, my sister? We are having a dinner here, do you want to come—what, will Chuchun classmates come together? No problem."

"Xiaojing, I am sincere, here we are—"

"——A sincere classmate?"

When he was sincere and couldn't help it, and wanted to call Xiaojing and ask them to come over for dinner, Yu Chuan finally couldn't bear to speak.


"We were originally, what are we here for?"


Didn’t you say lunch? "Sincerely play stupid.



"Forget it..."

Should it be called Yuchuan? He actually held back his lack of anger.

Of course, there is still a bit of loss. In this regard, sincerity can only express helplessness.

Too many girls is not a good thing. One slap, one slap, one day passed. It’s also difficult to be alone with a girl, so...


Thinking of this, my sincerity is a little dazed-as if... I haven't developed that kind of relationship with Yuchuan yet?

Although based on their identities, the number of times and time they meet each day, 99% of people should think that they have sex with Yu Chuan to the point where they can't take care of themselves.

But to be honest, she and she are still innocent.

"Wait when there is time..."

"Let's talk about it." Yu Chuan looked very calm.

"Ah, after all, sincere students have a lot of things to do, time is tight, right?"

"Yes, but—"

"--No, it's nothing, I'm fine..."

When he wanted to say something sincerely, Yu Chuan added: "Anyway...I'm used to it."

It seemed to be even sadder.

Looks lonely and empty and cold. She looked so pitiful that sincere couldn't help but want to hold her in her arms and comfort her.

——If there are not dozens of girls around who look at him while eating, sincerely they will definitely do it.


"OK OK."

After only a short while, Yu Chuan regained his smile: "Don't care about what I said, sincere classmate. Do you have other things to do, right? Go ahead."

She waved her hand to the sincerity, like a mother who asked her children to go out and play with her friends.

Although in fact, she and sincere are the same age.

"Is it okay?"

"No problem, no problem. Hurry up, sincere student, if you don't hurry up, Shirai-san will cause a broadcasting accident."

"So...then you eat slowly..."

Nodded sincerely, stood up, and fought out amidst a series of strange shouts, such as "Euny sauce, dumplings—my master, donuts—hehehehe, honey juice—" He made a bloody road, and then took Heizi and walked out.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, boss?"

Heizi, who was forcibly pulled out, was of course very upset: "I just almost wanted to—"

"I'm going to be blown away by your sister's love-clicking?" He said sincerely, "I said before, don't do that kind of weird things in the headquarters of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline.

If it spreads out, the reputation of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline will be all over! "

"I don't know who it is, I will lead the new harem members here every few hours..." Heizi murmured.

"What did you say?" He said sincerely, and squeezed his fists.

"Ah-nothing is nothing. I'm just feeling, boss, you are really a good person who is strict with yourself haha..."

"...Just forget about it."

"Well, if it's okay, I'll go back first—"



Heizi looked like "I'm going to have sex with my sister, you stinky man, don't bother me." Make sincere want to beat her up.

Of course, I just think about it, I won't really do it.

At least not when so many people are watching.

"Speaking of which, I remember Kuroko, you are a student at Tokiwadai Middle School, right?"

"Yeah, that's right, my sister and I are in the same school. Is there any problem?" Hearing this sincerely asked, Heizi suddenly seemed very alert.

"In fact, it is like this." Sincerely ignoring the fellow's poor delusion, he said straightforwardly: "I want to enter Tokiwadai. The problem is, I heard that the discipline there is quite strict, so I want to ask you for help. "


Hearing this sincerely, Shirai Heizi was caught in entanglement.

"Heizi, is it okay?"

Seeing that this guy didn't speak, he asked sincerely a little impatiently.

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