Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 655

"Pretend what? A couple?" Heizi was a little upset: "I always feel that Heizi is at a disadvantage..."

"What a joke, I am the one who suffers."

"Obviously there is a chance to date a beautiful girl like Kuroko, bastard, you say you have suffered?! You are a pervert--"

"——Pretty girl? Where is it? Also, everyone in the world, you are the least qualified to make me pervert."

The dialogue between the two people in the soul level was arguing, but on the surface they became more and more intimate.

Smiling and looking at each other, discussing their favorite topics enthusiastically-although in most cases the lips of the donkey are not right on the horse's mouth-after all, Zhanchangyuan must sincerely understand how cute his sister is, this kind of metaphysics. Things are too difficult.


"Oh, oh, feelings are heating up very quickly. Sure enough, is the tactic of holding hands correct?"

"Um, um. If Heizi is like this, I can be relieved as a senior. The sincere guy is not very reliable. But as long as Heizi likes it, I don't object."

"Shirai Kuroko Shirai Kuroko Shirai Kuroko..."

Hearing this, Chuchun's resentment rose again.


"Anyway, all in all, we just pretend to be a couple shopping while looking around...?"

"Well, that's it for now."

"It's best to solve it quickly..." Heizi muttered in his heart-the feeling of unsuitability rose again.

"If I can, I also want to solve it quickly."

"——What do you mean, do you feel uncomfortable with Heizi?"

"I'm sorry, that's what I meant. It's really uncomfortable to be with you."

"Don't come if you are upset. Let's break up now, bastards!"

"Sorry, we actually haven't even dated."

The battlefield is sincere, with Shiraiko.

Men are beautiful boys like never before, and girls can barely be considered beautiful girls. Two young and magnificent young girls holding hands, wandering the streets of the school city. This situation can be regarded as a picture. When the passers-by saw them, they couldn't help but smile, and then quietly blessed them in their hearts——

of course.

If they knew the dialogue between Heizi and Sincerity, that would be another matter.

"Ah~Sincere Senior~Where shall we go next?"

(Shopping street! Go to the shopping street! Kuroko saw a super cute set of clothes in the store last time, buy it for me, buy it for me, buy it for me, buy it for me, buy it for me.)

"Yeah~Heizi, where shall we go next?"

(What's a joke? Are you taking me as a fool? If you want to buy, you won't buy it yourself?!)

"Heizi and senior are together, so happy~"

(Aren’t we playing couples now? Couples! What do you call a couple if you don’t go shopping!)

"Yeah, I'm very happy too, Kuroko."

(Couples are buying things?! And you said, just acting, acting! If you want to take the opportunity to blackmail, change the place, little fool!)


(Have you promised or not?! If you don't agree, Sunspot will be indecent now!)

"Ha ha ha ha..."

(Come on! Afraid of you?! Don’t forget, I’m the chairman of the School City’s Discipline Committee! What do you call it, see which one dare to arrest me!)

Author's message:

Update la la la la, two more~

Chapter 14 A Happy Day

Misaka Mikoto: "Ah, the relationship between the two is really good."

Zuo Tian Leizi: "Yes, that's great."

Misaka Mikoto: "Although I have also thought about what it's like to date a boy... But I didn't expect to be so happy..."

Zuo Tian Leizi: "No, no, no, the relationship between the two is really good, so I feel happy.

If you are not with the boy you like, how can you date happily? "

Misaka Mikoto: "It makes sense. So, as long as you are with the boy you like, you can just do nothing and feel happy simply by pressing the road. Soga, that's it."

Zuo Tian Leizi: "Yeah... but are they like this? They just do nothing but just press the road?"

Early spring decoration: "Shirai Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko——"

With a sound of "stab," Mikoto and Leizi turned their heads to look at Chuchun, and saw Chuchun tear off her handkerchief—just kidding. This is a modern industrial product. You can't do it without your energy.

Misaka Mikoto: "..."

Zuo Tian Leizi: "..."

The two girls looked at each other for a while, and then decided not to talk much.


At the same time, Zhanchang Yuanzheng and Heizi also made an agreement.

Although like Mikoto and others said, sincere and Kuroko can be very happy even if they simply press down on the road(?), but sure enough, if they don’t do something, they don’t seem to be decent—though sincerely tend to go to the park and continue to press on the road of. However, under the strong request of Kuroko, the two of them moved on to the pedestrian street with various high-end merchandise stores.

"Buy buy buy. Hum hum ~" sunspots sunny face, looks like a brilliant find the right kind of being taken advantage of. And Zhanchangyuan's sincere expression is also very brilliant-this is a pretend.

It doesn't make any sense to spend money on Heizi, because she is a lily, and the rate of return on any investment in her is zero. Although it is much better than stocks, the problem is that you have to give the sunspots. The inside and outside is 100% loss.

"Ah, it's really..." Sincere, feeling a little helpless. However, forget it, watching Heizi smile happily. The sincere heart is a little softer.

Just treat it as a welfare for Heizi.

Well, every day I am born and die for myself, take a short holiday, and then buy something as a year-end bonus. It’s pretty good to think about it — hello —


"Oh!" ×3

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