Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 656

After seeing the name of the brand store that Kuroko was going to enter, Misaka Mikoto and the three screamed "Oh~" in unison.

It's the legendary underwear shop-unlike Mikoto and the others-although it is a junior high school student, it hasn't been long since she rose from elementary school. For this kind of storefront that symbolizes "adults" and SEX, it feels like a child who has never seen it before and heard about A·VI for the first time.

That kind of yearning, that kind of longing, and that kind of pleasure, sense of morality and shame. While people want a library, they stay away.

Whether it's Mikoto, Leizi or early spring. All three of them wore cheap underwear bought in ordinary stores—corrected—Mikoto's safety pants.

Sometimes they thought about it. Ah, shouldn't I buy some special underwear or something? But looking at my humble chest and barren ass, this thought disappeared immediately-correction, the tears were due to other problems.

In short, without a strong heart and strong enough nerves, this kind of thing cannot be done.

Unfortunately, Sunspot, has both.

"Student Shirai, really bold." Saten Leizi commented.

"Uh, uh." Mikoto nodded and said yes.

at the same time.

"..." Zhanchang Yuanzheng was a little bit speechless.

Lingerie shop... From the last time, I bought a full set of erotic underwear and made a birthday present for my sister, but I haven't visited it again.

As a man, sincerely I don't have a good impression of this place-mainly because I feel that the price is not good.

Obviously they are just two pieces of cloth that can't even cover the beeping hair, bastard, who dare to sell so expensive. It's a fraud.

It's okay if the target of the fraud is your sister, and the sister can wear it for herself.

The problem is, it is Heizi who wants to buy this kind of stuff...

Although she has a strong heart and strong nerves, Shirai Kuroko is the only one who lacks her chest and butt.

Isn't this a waste?

Seeing Heizi who walked in generously, he thought so sincerely.

"Okay~Senior~" Heizi, who held sincere arms and almost attached to sincere body, said in a sweet voice: "Let’s hurry~click in~"

This guy behaved very happily, looking sweetly sincere, as if sincere was really her boyfriend.

However, it could not be pulled.

"So senior-"

The battlefield was sincere, but still remained motionless.

(Hey, hey, don't interfere with traffic here, bastard, let's get in quickly!)

(Go in the wool! You never said before, this is where you are coming?!)

(What’s the matter?! Gift shop, dessert shop, clothing, merchandise, arms and underwear. Are these things different? All in all, it’s all about spending money,

The same big bag, the underwear is still lightly held in the hand and feels little weight. So there is no better goal than underwear, right? )

(Listen to you, do you want me to carry a bag when shopping with you?)

(Of course, you are a boy!)

(...Can I return the goods now?)

(——Of course not!)

Zhanchangyuan was sincere, and reluctantly followed Heizi into the underwear store. The only thought in my heart is, in this way, the guy who spy on them should disperse, right? Can't follow up inside the underwear shop.


at the same time.

"Oh, oh oh-go in, go in!"

"Really, I really went in!"

"Chuchun, hurry up, the monitor in China Unicom underwear store!"

Misaka Mikoto and Saten Mikoko yelled next to Chuchun.

Tears: "But then again, sincere seniors seem to be very pure. This is different from what I knew before."

Mikoto: "Innocent, is he?"

Tears: "Well, yes. Didn't you notice, Misaka-senpai. Before entering the specialty store, sincere seniors looked a little reluctant. It must be because men feel a lot of pressure to visit such stores.

If it weren't for classmate Heizi forcing him, most seniors wouldn't go in, right? "

Mikoto: "Well, what you said like this is indeed the case... I can't tell, I thought the sincere guy was a frivolous guy, I looked at him with admiration.

Early spring decoration Lee: "Shirai Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko, Baijing Kuroko..."


at the same time.

Sincerely cheering, he said this to the sunspots who choose underwear:

"Choose slowly, Heizi~"

(Do you feel it? I think we are still being watched.)

"Uh, uh~"

(Well, I feel it. I didn't expect it to come to such a place. The other party is no less perverted than the boss.)

"Speaking of which, there are not too many people from this kind of place..."

(So you don’t have the right to say that to me—and, are you here to avoid the enemy?)

"Because most of the school city is students, there is not too much demand for underwear, right."

(Um... yes!)

"In that case, Kuroko is really special~"

(Believe you guess there is a ghost!)

While engaged in a verbal battle, while choosing underwear——

What surprises sincerely is that this little idiot Heizi really doesn't know what morality is. I choose the kind of very erotic, black, translucent, lace, very expensive erotic underwear——

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