Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 683

"Don't you worry about these guys?! Don't you worry about these innocent people?! Ah?! Why don't you return Master Shield to us?! I'm going to kill! I'm going to kill a bastard!"

At this time, after negotiating with the guards for a while, the desperate remnant party who knew the nervousness at first glance took a hostage, pointed the pistol at his temple, and shouted in the direction of the guard:

"Ah... we have sent someone to pick it up! Please be patient! Don't do anything to hurt the hostages!"

Although very impatient, Huang Quanchuan still had to make false claims with each other.

"Asshole! You said the same before! You said the same before!!! You must be lying to me, right?! You must be lying to me, asshole!!! In that case—"

"——Do it!"

Seeing that the other party wanted to pull the trigger, Battlefield Hara sincerely made an order immediately.

The next second, the eyes of the chief secretary next to him flashed. After pressing the trigger with a click, there was no bloody scene of gunshots and headshots of the hostages.


Before the desperate remnants of the party wanted to pull the trigger again, he saw the figure in front of him flash by-followed by bouts of pain in his body-at that moment, the battlefield sincerely removed all his limbs and joints. . To prevent him from screaming or something, his jaw is the same.

——At the same time, the commissioners for discipline and discipline were dispatched across the board. Following on both sides of sincerity, Suruga Kambara and Soji Okita guard both sides. Surprisingly, the frail and sickly latter is by no means faster than the healthy one, and the former with LV4 physical strengthening is weaker. And the result of rushing to the front is the same-

The mobs who subconsciously raised their automatic rifles and fired forward were surprised to find that their guns suddenly became scrap metal. Then came severe pain or fainting-the former came from Suruga Kambara who didn't know the severity, and the latter was the masterpiece of the professionally trained Souji Okita-and then the entire line of defense of the mob fell into chaos. Then came the crash. More than twenty mobs armed with automatic rifles, with little resistance, were pushed to the ground by the third wave of discipline commissioners, and then handcuffed together.

——Not everyone is as nervous as that neuropathy.

More desperate remnants of the party formed a barricade with all kinds of messy things-forklifts, wooden boxes, workbenches, scrap steel, and oil drums, and shrank their bodies behind them. Only when the opponent is attacking will they get out and shoot.

It was with this tactic that they repelled a round of attacks by the guards. However, in just an instant, the line of defense that had just left the guards nowhere to start collapsed.

"Go ahead! Go in!" Sincerely yelled to other discipline committee members, then bowed his head:

"It's okay, it's okay." Looking at the hostage lady who fell to the ground and looked at him with horror, she smiled sincerely and stretched out her hand, ready to pull her up-


The next second-when Sincerity was about to touch her hand, the Kodachi that slipped from the cuff stabbed at the other party-almost the same as the sincere action. Suddenly an invisible shield appeared in front of the girl on the opposite side, blocking the sincere carelessness. One blow.

"Shoot against the hostage that should have been rescued?! Very bad!"

On the opposite side, two girls with slender legs who are not commensurate with their ages were exposed in full-length shorts, so they complained loudly to sincerity.

"If you are really a hostage," replied with a sincere shrug.

"Oh! Super awesome! You are the original sincere battlefield, the sword of the heavenly army, right? How did you see through me?!"

The other party didn't know if it should be said that it was too nervous, or whether he thought he was very powerful, so he didn't care.

All in all, there were constant screams from the factory behind her, and the guards were still surprised to ask as they kept approaching.

Hmm...or rather, this kid thinks he is so cute, so sincerely he won't spoil her?

If this is the case, I can only say sincerely, you are too sweet, boy.

In the same way, this girl with long brown hair and wearing a hooded jacket is really cute-even more cute if you don't count the previous, she wants to attack sincerely.

"Don't you care about those guys inside?" asked sincerely.

—— Their response speed and efficiency are very consistent with the term "rabbit crowd". In addition, what surprised sincerity was that Flanda—the few bear doll-like robots she manipulated—had a lot of effect—after they went in—exploded and released a lot of tear gas. Caused chaos for the enemy...

Of course, the hostages have also been affected.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not the same with them." The girl said: "Or, I was relieved by destroying them. Those people are super fanatic, and I can't stand their religious lunatics. "

"Well, I'm almost like you at this point."

"It seems we have a common language."

"So." said sincerely: "Are you going to catch it? If you don't resist, being so behaved will be good for you and me."

"Sorry, but I want to give it a try—"

The girl on the opposite side slammed a fist A over—except for her fist, the wind pressure she brought up obviously did not match her size—and was sincerely and easily avoided.

"How big is the gap between me and the number one LV5 in Academy City?!"

Then, the next second.

Unknown cute assassin: "...Huh?

Eh eh eh eh eh? ! "

For just a second, without even knowing what happened, she was sincerely knocked to the ground and couldn't get up.

"It's so big, little cute~" said to her with a sincere smile, and then ordered the disciplinary committee members who returned from the team: "Take a good look at the hostages and see if there are any assassins like this kid in it."

"Yes, sir!"

Suruga Kambara’s answer made sincere always feel that something was wrong... She seemed a bit over-excited...

Chapter 32 Value and Aftermath

Three minutes later.

In the cry of the girls, Battlefield sincerely tried to steal the bell from the thunder, and stopped Suruga Kanbara from continuing to discredit the Commissioner of Discipline.

Just kidding this bastard. It turned out to be a fake public and privately insulting those girls by searching for the assassin... It's true, I knew this guy was a hopeless lily, and it was naive to still expect her...

This guy's "beep" discipline and low lower limit are outrageous, just like a monkey.

Sincerely self-reflection in this way, while banging this guy's head hard-although sincerely thinking that even this way, there is no way to change the rotted Suruga monkey. But you can't do nothing, right.

"I'm very sorry, this idiot is causing trouble to everyone."

Saying this sincerely, he pressed the guy's head and saluted Huang Quanchuan and another disheveled girl in front of him.


Suruga Monkey, who was treated so violently by Sincerity, made a very loud voice, and his sincere expression suddenly changed.

——I almost forgot, besides Lily, this guy is still an M.

"Ah... this... it's a little bit nerve-wracking." Teacher Ai Sui scratched her hair and said a little confused-in all fairness, she didn't want to open up sincerity-if it can make sincerity feel guilty, then It would be best to put forward conditions or something.

For example, dating, sex, and marriage.

She was about the same age as Xiao Jing, and it was time for her to get married every day by her family. And looking around, she saw the boy who was pleasing to the eye and wanted to have sex, and only the original sincerity of the battlefield...


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