Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 684

"Ah, that's nothing..."

Unfortunately, she is not the main factor in determining this matter.

The beautiful black girl standing next to her is the one who has rearranged her clothes for a while, and then cast an admiring look at Sincerity: "You, you are the former senior of the battlefield sincere, right?"

"Ah, uh... yes..."

"——I am the married photon of Tokiwadai School, thank you very much for saving me!"

Hear such affirmative answers sincerely. The light in the other party's eyes became bigger: "If you don't mind—"

"——Ah, sincerely——"

At this time, another voice from the side interrupted her.

"How? Are there any injuries?!"

Xiao Jing, who was wearing a policeman's costume, ran out at the right time, and then took the sincere hand and asked sincerity all kinds of coldness.

"Are there any injuries, are there? Ah, are you okay there?"

When Xiao Jing didn't know whether she was deliberately or pretending to be innocent, she reached out and touched her sensitive parts, sincerely and decisively stopped her.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaojing... Well, Hiratsuka-sensei, you don't have to worry so much..."


Seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka like this, the guards nearby, the rescued hostage and the comrades of the neighboring troops cast a contemptuous look at her.

"Isn't it just a little... super, handsome? What's the matter?"

The prisoners passing by occasionally commented.

All in all, Xiaojing's sudden appearance made sincere a sigh of relief. Looking at the married photon-what a strange name-the girl with a strange name has bright eyes, as if to say: "If you don't dislike it, let me treat you, let's have supper-then open the room Come on!" Such words. Sincerity is really a bit unbearable——

If it's just such a lovely girl who makes such an invitation, then forget it.

But around, other girls who had been rescued found this opportunity, and they also cast bright eyes... This made sincerity a little bit that.

He doesn't want to wake up and see himself on the front page of today's news. The title is: The chairperson of the committee members gathers the crowd to beep chaos, and Ye Yu Hundred Girls. It turns out that the "sword" of the sword-type ability refers to the sword of the lower body.

If that is the case, he can only break the jar, abandon the morals, and then turn the entire academy city into his own harem base camp. Have sex with all the cute girls, and see if the 30 million cute girls can fly up like his predecessor Patriarch.

...Think about it, this possibility is not very big, right.

All in all, after being said by Xiaojing for a while, although it will make people doubt her relationship with Xiaojing. But I can't take care of that much anymore-Xiao Jing, who had always thought it shameful for the old cow to eat tender grass, seemed to want to open it during this time.

Anyway, her ultimate goal is to overthrow sincerity, or be overthrown by sincerity. In this way, sooner or later, the relationship between her and sincerity will be exposed one day.

If she loses her job because of this kind of thing, that's just right, she can be sincerely asked to support her-joking, sincerely saying that if you have no permanent place, you must rely on her to have a place to live. Xiao Jing is not a fool. Of course I want to understand after such a long time, sincerity is nonsense.

How could his dignified chairperson of the Discipline Committee have no place to live.

Therefore, there is only one truth. That is sincere and interesting to her! Yes! That's it! If I knew this, I should go to the night attack earlier, and then slap the sincerity to Aheiyan, bastard! If I had wanted to understand this earlier, maybe I even have children now. What a bastard...

That's it, Xiao Jing suddenly blessed her soul in the previous battle——

Although she also knew that in such a fierce battle, thinking about things related to her lifelong happiness was not quite right. But the more you control yourself, the more you can't help thinking in that direction. In the end, it became like this.

"Anyway, anyway--"

Before Xiaojing wanted to go home quickly with Sincere, take a shower, and have sex, her colleague and boss Huang Quanchuan grabbed her.

"So, we're going to take the team now—oh, about that assassin..."

"It's good to be locked up in the prison school." Sincerely and calmly said: "I will try to ask her when I have time. So it doesn't matter at all."

"If that's the case, then goodbye, sincerely-yes, if you have time -"

——This time, it was Xiaojing who took Huang Quanchuan away...

what. what. Think about it, the two of them were good friends who were like-minded.

Because they are about the same age and can't get married, their relationship is very good.

But now it looks like the boat of friendship has overturned.

"This... shouldn't be my fault?"

Think so sincerely. Then they beckoned to Xiao Jing who turned her head three times.

In fact, even if Xiaojing is not taken away by Teacher Ai Sui, sincerely it is impossible to go back to have sex with Xiaojing.

It's not just the guards who want to take the team back. The same is true for the Discipline Committee.

In addition, if something like this has happened, there will be some wrangling with the council. There is also a report on this incident, a summary, and bonuses from the disciplinary committee members who gave the mission, and archive records.

What I just said is going to be tried ♂ Asking the child with the word "super" in the oral addiction, I didn't just say it casually, but really did it.

"Ah. Ah. Where is that guy Yuchuan..."

When I think of these messy things, I feel a headache sincerely, and my desire for Yuchuan increases again——

I called Kuroko just now, and so did Yuchuan.

But no matter who it is, it can't get through. At this time, Gao Cheng Saya also went home to polish the mirror with her mother. The procedures for entering and leaving the Academy City are quite troublesome, so I can't come back for a while...

"Really, do you want me to handle these things myself? That guy Yuchuan..."

Sincerely muttering like this, he got into the car and prepared to go to the mansion of the commissioner of discipline-the commissioner of discipline also has a car. It's just that not many people are old enough to get a driver's license. Fortunately, the science and technology of Academy City is strong enough. Autopilot may be considered high-tech in the outside world, but it is already very popular in the school city.

In addition, the post of the chairman of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline can also allow sincerity to use power for personal gain.

The appearance of the vehicle is a relatively ordinary high-end vehicle. But in fact, the facilities inside are quite luxurious. Enough to accommodate four to six beautiful girls.

Leather seats, besides, there is a hidden wine cabinet where you can draw high-end wine at any time.

This makes sincere really like it.

It's a good thing to occasionally have a friendly game with the girls in the car.


"Ah, ah. It's really interesting today. Isn't it, Senior Former Battlefield~"

By sincerely, there is Suruga monkey who looks very happy.

The good brother doesn't call him, he has to call him senior. It seems that she prefers the play of seniors than her brother and sister?

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