Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 910

That's almost it. This incident seems to be resolved so easily?

At least for Battlefield Yuan, it seems to be correct...but, in recent times, Yufimia's mood seems to be getting lower and lower.

It's like thinking about something. Even once again, Euphemia thought that Battlefield would sincerely ask this question: "Wright, am I very useless?"

"Why do you say that?" Wright asked strangely. But after this, Yuffi did not answer. And Wright also found that the child's attention to zero has increased a lot recently.

In other words, has this child been exposed to zero before?

Did zero have some influence on her?

In any case, at least, if the opponent is unwilling to tell Battlefield Hara, then Battlefield Hara can't help it.

That's it, there is no other way but sigh.

The battlefield sincerely can only hope that Yufimia can adjust by herself. Or I hope time can heal her injury.

Almost, that's it.

In any case, the battlefield is sincere as a governor, there are a lot of business needs to be done, can not always be with Yufei. It's like this time.

After this kidnapping activity, in any case, the battlefield could no longer tolerate the arbitrariness of these guerrillas in Area 11—the last attack on the guerrillas was finally about to begin.

"The target is Mount Narita. The other party is really not good at learning." Zhanchangyuan smiled sincerely: "It's actually up to now, still superstitious about this kind of thing, Mountain Fortress? Humhhhh."

Even during the Japanese campaign a few years ago, the legendary cloud bombs proved that this mountain fortress was a joke. Unexpectedly, even today, these guys still treat it as a treasure. It cost them not a lot of funds and resources to transform Narita Mountain into a mountain fortress. As their headquarters.

"In any case, this is actually cheaper for us."

After rescuing Euphemia, the battlefield sincerely began planning to retaliate against these bold terrorists. In his opinion, what could be more pleasant in the world than beating down the enemy's main base?

That's it. After a short period of preparation. The imperial army gradually tightened the encirclement net-before that, the imperial garrison intensified a series of offensives in District 11. It makes other smaller terrorists unable to take care of themselves when the resistance organization is beaten.

In order to survive, they also had to choose the most reliable Japanese liberation front, namely Mount Narita. This behavior has recently overcrowded Mount Narita. Major General Katase, the elder of the Japan Liberation Organization, felt very happy, but also very distressed.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 46: Battle of Narita Mountain, Prelude

Happiness is naturally due to the improvement of one's own strength.

Although most of the people who come to take refuge in this guy are shrimp soldiers and crabs with little training. But more people is also a good thing. It can make your combat power on paper look stronger.

In this way, this group of guys are like the most idiotic head-shrinking turtles, shrinking all their claws and heads into their shells, thinking that they are safe. As everyone knows, it is precisely for this reason that they have become more, more, and more dangerous.


"In other words, do you want me and the Black Knights to go to Narita Mountain?"

At the same time that the battlefield was sincerely and happily dispatching troops, Scarha nodded happily in Lelouch's room in the Tokyo concession.

"What's a joke? If this situation goes against that guy, he will die!" Lelouch complained loudly.

Because of the previous series of actions, Lelouch didn't have much interest in continuing the battle. Facing the upcoming outbreak of the largest public security campaign since the establishment of District 11, he did not eagerly want to join in and make contributions happily. But instinctively wants to hide away.

This naturally does not conform to Skaha's aesthetics. This led to such a dialogue.

"They are defeated, and Wright Baldwin won't give them any chance!" Lelouch said, seemingly unambitious.

"Of course, of course, they will lose. Even if you guys help out."

"Then you still—"

"——I didn't have so much hope for you, His Royal Highness Lelouch." Skaha said: "As long as you can make the Empire's army lose more, then take advantage of the chaos to collect some people and strengthen your own strength.

If you can't do such a thing, you will have no value at all. Do you understand, His Royal Highness? "

The words "His Royal Highness", as always, are full of irony.

Lelouch didn't know whether to cry or to be happy. What is this? What is this guy's attitude towards himself? Is it important or contempt? What does this guy want to do?

Facing the mysterious and powerful Skaha as always, Lelouch was as at a loss as before. He felt more and more muddled, and he felt more and more powerless.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Skaha.

It's as if everything Skaha does has nothing to do with cc.

Inside the consulate of the Chinese Federation. Skaha and cc were chatting as always, and it was the same as before. Both had reservations. The mutual distrust has not decreased, but has increased due to the extension of time.

"Speaking of which, some time ago I met a young boy with an abnormal mental state." Skaha leaned easily against the wall and drew the curtains casually. The sunlight coming in made CC lying on the side a little uncomfortable.

There was a mess in the room. The green-haired girl in straitjacket reads the magazine while eating pizza. Not far from here is a lot of Pizza Hut pizza boxes. On the other side is a large pile of worn clothes and other messy things.

Seeing this scene, most people who have fantasies about the "girl's room" will have their faith collapsed.

Of course, whether it is Skaha or cc, they don't care about this.

"Ah, isn't it."

"Really cold, cc, you should know the kid named Mao, right?"

"Who knows."

When hearing the name, cc's movements stopped for a while, but then he continued to relax.

"Really, it's colder than I thought." Skaha shook his head with a chuckle.


After that, just when Skarha wanted to turn around and leave, cc spoke up: "What have you done to that child?"

"Naturally killed."

Skaha seemed to have done a trivial thing in a relaxed and natural way, saying this lightly.


"Well, I killed it." Skaha said, "Although the other party has been shouting to see cc or something. Although the other party still thinks of you when he dies, it doesn't matter. That kind of thing. Anyway, you It's also so cold, isn't it."

"..." CC did not speak.

"You voluntarily gave up that guy, right? Anyway, it's just a guy driven crazy by the power of Geass, a failed product, something worthless."

cc frowned.

Although before, the relationship between her and Skaha was not very good. But before, the two parties were only satirizing each other at best, never like this. This can be considered malicious. What's more, that child...In a sense, he was sorry for him. If he was really killed... even though he was crazy before then.

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