Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 911

"So, what do you mean, Skaha?"

CC stood up, licked his fingers, and confronted Scarha. Although she had seen Skaha's strength before, she did not think she would be much weaker than this woman. After all, in terms of age and experience, I have an advantage.

At least cc thinks so.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. I'm just, I seem to be too close to you recently, and even unconsciously treat you as a friend." Skaha said.

"Ah, isn't it? This is your own idea. What does it have to do with me?" CC asked then.

"Yes, it shouldn't matter at all. It's just that after seeing the boy Bai, I thought of some interesting things-that is, how many children you have harmed before, do you remember?"

"Who would remember that kind of boring thing?" CC continued, speaking in that indifferent tone as always.

"...Is it boring?" Skaha was silent for a while: "For you, maybe it is really boring. No, for me, most of these things are indeed boring. thing.

Most of..."

"The vast majority?"

"Well, forget it." Just when cc wondered what was going on, Skaha gave up. She turned around, and then left in a big stride: "I'm leaving, do whatever you like."

For Skaha, this is a piece of advice to do everything. If CC escapes at this time, she will not do anything. However, if cc stays here... then it is her own fault.


Narita Mountain.

"All in all, has there been any progress in the research on Geass during this period, Doctor?"

At the secret underground research institute near Narita Mountain, Zhanchangyuan sincerely met General Bartlett who was in charge of the project here, as well as his Dr. Finet.

"Yes, this kind of geass should be controlled by human brain waves. It is a very strange power. We tried to see if it can be given to humans, but the experiment is very difficult... But the other one is to release the geass control The ability is relatively smooth. But there is still a little difficulty..."

Dr. Finet, a skinny, but looks very professional and energetic scientist, said this sincerely to the battlefield.

"What's the difficulty?" Zhanchangyuan asked.

"That is to say, we don't have a qualified test product."

"...As for the test product, I remember I approved it. Prisoners of war, and prisoners on death row, you can have as many as you need?"

"No, no, no, the general test items are not up to the requirements. Governor, we need people with more vitality, stronger physical strength, and stronger mental will as our experimental materials. Only in this way can we fully Aspect of understanding this power."

"Yes, besides..." On the other side, General Batlle also followed up: "We are likely to have to make some modifications to the test product. To further enhance the opponent's physical fitness and brain activity. In this case, the material It’s even more difficult. Normal prisoners of war and death row prisoners are not good. Not even normal elite soldiers. We conservatively estimate that at least..."

"at least?"

"It takes at least one rank of the Knights of the Round Table to withstand the negative effects of this transformation."

"So? Knights of the Round Table? Your requirements are really high." Zhanchang Yuan sincerely couldn't help but shook his head: "There may not be one out of 10 million talents of that kind. Where can I find a Knight of the Round Table... …Wait."

Speaking of this, in the sincere mind of Battlefield, the figure of Suzaku Shuque disappeared: "Just ask, what are the consequences of this transformation?"

"It's the transformation of the body into a semi-mechanized human being, and the strength of both the spirit and the body has been greatly increased. In addition, it may have a certain impact on the intelligence. There is also the loss of fertility."

After hesitating a little, General Bartlett still told the battlefield all the answers.

"Then, will it cause that guy to hate the empire extremely, or become an anti-human and anti-social creature?" Zhan Tian Yuan asked sincerely.

"How is it possible? Your Excellency, we are not the kind of crazy scientists." The other party said the answer that made Zhan Tian Yuan sincere and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"In fact, if we want, we can even set up something in the other party's body during the transformation. If the other party really does something unfavorable to the empire, then we can detonate it."

"Well, it sounds pretty good. Then I understand. Relax, you two, you will soon have a suitable experiment material."

"If this is the case, it would be great." General Bartlett responded.

"Then the next step is the remains of Shengen Island. How about the development there? Is the Hadron Cannon still useless?"

"It's already very useful, sir, now we only need to wait for a while, everything in the ruins can reveal the truth to us."

"Very good," Battlefield Yuan nodded, expressing satisfaction.

Author's message:

Update la la la la.

Because of the well-known crazy behavior of a certain news, all the files of the Lifan group were deleted, and the Lifan update plan was completely terminated... When will you reply, wait until the situation slows down. Orz

Chapter 47: Battle of Narita Mountain, Electronic Superiority

Zhanchangyuan sincerely showed a happy smile and patted them on the shoulder. Then he turned around, ready to leave.

Said happily: "Then, things are going to be all right. Goodbye, two people, take care...Although the battle of Naritasan will definitely end with our army's victory in the future, there may be some things...

Your wisdom and abilities are the most precious assets of the empire, so you must take care of yourself...Of course, I will also send troops to protect this place. "

Battlefield said this sincerely and mildly, which caused a relative wry smile between the two scientists.

Protection, maybe. Perhaps it does mean to protect. But beyond that, there must be surveillance.

Of course, this is also inevitable.

That's it, the result of this conversation is pretty good.

After Zhanchangyuan left the underground research institute sincerely, he returned to the command post on the front line of the war as quickly as possible.

In a sense, the science and technology tree in this world is very good, but unfortunately it is a bit crooked. It is like a giant ground fortress that has been very popular in the past few decades, with a total combat weight of almost 5,000 tons. This combination of command vehicles, heavy self-propelled artillery, and personnel carriers is a model of greatness and impropriety in the original sincere view of the battlefield. It is also a pleasant target to attract local firepower.

It is different from those governors or generals who like to ride on this giant mobile command vehicle to show their identity and strength. The battlefield is sincerely disgusted with this kind of thing-especially after calculating that the materials used to make a giant command vehicle are enough to make up two heavy armored regiments.

Therefore, the original sincere command system on the battlefield is unique. Usually consists of three aspects.

The first is the front-line command post, with the radar vehicle and command vehicle attached to the army-the second is the early warning aircraft in the sky. Equipped with phase radar and more electronic equipment. At the same time, it has an entire fighter squadron escort, as well as electronic jammers and electronic warfare pioneers in electronic countermeasures equipment.

The third is the original and sincere proprietary military network system on the battlefield——

Regarding this, Zhanchangyuan sincere also couldn't help but want to complain.

Network engineering in this world does not know how to describe it. Very primitive and backward. Perhaps it is also because of the unique technology tree in this world. The network here is very easy to crack and attack. And the network in this world is still shared by the military and civilians. This made the battlefield feel very uncomfortable. This has also led to an increase in the proportion of high-tech and technological reforms in military reforms.

In the original sincere view of the battlefield, all this is as important as the hardware-armored units, fighters, rockets and exoskeleton armored infantry.

One is to strengthen the body, and the other is to strengthen the brain. To this day, an electronic combat system far exceeding the world average has been completed, and the entire Bretonian army has been happily connected into a whole.

And this was the first time that Battlefield Yuansin used this system to fight the enemy.

In this sense, his enemy is unfortunate. Of course, in a sense, his enemies are also lucky. As the first set of happy fools who experienced this series, they are destined to be recorded in history.

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