Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 916

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Chapter 51 Exchange Play

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

At this moment, whether it was the Black Knights or the remnants of the Japanese Liberation Front, they all went mad—no matter if the beast was still fighting, or the dog rushed over the wall. After being pushed to the corner by the imperial army, even the weakest guy had unbelievable spirit and fighting power-and then, desperately killed the imperial army's line of defense.

"Damn! Zero!!!" Seeing this scene, Karen roared angrily, and Lelouch rushed towards Zero.


"Don't stop me!!"

Seeing that knightmare, which was absolutely camouflaged, appeared in front of him in an instant, Karen didn't hesitate to drive the mecha to kill it - then it was torn apart in an instant and cut into parts.

"Damn--stop them!"

Battlefield said this sincerely, and jumped up and walked toward the command room: "How is Wright Baldwin preparing?!"

The words of Zhanchangyuan stunned the people around, but immediately, Veretta reacted to what Zhanchangyuan really meant.

Wright Baldwin is the car of Wright Baldwin. One of the best knightmare in the world.

After the siege of Alexandria. The wreckage of this car was recollected. And because of the fierce battle with the world's number one ace pilot, a lot of data was collected. What's more important is that after this battle, the battlefield was a sincere public offering for private benefit.

He exceptionally allowed Dr. Lloyd and his team to integrate the other two knightmare research groups to upgrade their mecha. And the subsequent works, there are two mechas.

One of them is the seventh-generation knightmare of the Imperial Army, named as the prototype of Lancelot. Currently being rationed to the Knights of the Round Table for testing. I believe it will be put into mass production soon-of course, according to Dr. Lloyd's words, this prototype can be improved and upgraded. It can even be upgraded to the level of the eighth-generation knightmare on this basis.

In the age of war, any country can't wait for its weapons and equipment to be as strong as possible. As for the funds invested in military research and development and upgrading and strengthening departments, it will also be more than usual.

In this case, the upgrading of weapons and equipment is a matter of course.

It is as if the current main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles have been upgraded to the third generation, and the armed helicopters and fighter jets are the second generation.

In fact, the project to study the fourth-generation main battle tank has been ongoing. Only because of the emergence of the energy wing, the new armor was conceptually mentioned. The armored forces of the empire are likely to form an unprecedented new army. In this case, the research and development of these modern weapons was terminated——

In addition to manufacturing the seventh-generation knightmare, the prototype Lancelot, the one that invested more manpower and material resources to manufacture, far exceeded the Lancelot prototype in performance, and surpassed the special body of the Knights of the Round Table. This one is Wright Baldwin Avenger.

This mech was originally used by the battlefield without calculating energy consumption, cost, balance, or the concept and purpose of manufacturing whether the pilot can bear it. After desperately piling up data, it is called such a machine. The world's first mech that no one can use.

After making it, the maker Lloyd's eyes gleamed and then faded. He thinks this is one of his masterpieces. The problem is that he can't find a driver who can drive this masterpiece at all. No matter how good the quality of the trump card is, after sitting in, it will definitely be turned into meat stuffing like glutinous rice balls-until the battlefield happily drove the Avengers for a round and then returned.

"It's unbelievable, unbelievable! I originally thought that performance must be reduced or equipped with a better life support system to start this Avenger's body, but I didn't expect--" Lloyd's eyes sparkled at the time. Liang, if it weren't for Battlefield's happily squeaking his fists to remind this guy of his identity and status, God knows that this guy will say something next.

but. In any case, this unruly, ultra-modern, useless garbage that wastes money is finally equipped with the original army of the battlefield-even the battlefield does not like to drive this guy to fight, because the physical consumption is really Too big. No matter how hard he tried, he could only maintain the fighting time at half an hour. If it takes longer, it will cause huge, unbelievable, and irreversible damage to his body.

And the reason why the original battlefield would consume so many resources to create such a waste that can only be used for half an hour, and named it "Avenger". Anyone who knows the outcome of the siege of Alexandria knows it.

Although the empire continued to promote their victory. However, the battlefield has sincerely lost the battle, and even the news of being captured continues to circulate in the upper circles.

After losing such a big person, the battlefield would sincerely find it back. This is something recognized by most people in Brittania and even EU.

however. In fact, things are a little different from what they thought.

The battlefield sincerely wanted to kill Skaha, this was a total mistake.

It's like this.

"Mr. Scarha~ I don’t know if you can still win this time? Huh huh huh -" Jumped into the cockpit of the Avengers at the fastest speed, and then happily started, the battlefield was sincerely the fastest Speed to the battlefield-

Yes Yes. His physical fitness is not as good as Skaha, and his strength is not as good as Skaha. Even the level of mecha combat is not as good as Skaha.

But there is one thing, the original sincerity of the battlefield is stronger than Skaha.

That is his power. Although Skaha has become a battle hero of the EU, the power she holds is not worth mentioning compared to her reputation. It was just a brigade commander of an elite brigade. It is possible to command one or two divisions temporarily. Because of the problem of birth, for an ordinary person, this is already top-notch. Unless Skarha chooses to marry a certain noble family, don't even think about climbing up.

Both Battlefield and Skaha knew that it was impossible.

As for the original sincerity of the battlefield, it is very easy, he can even do the imperial prime minister.

With almost unlimited resources, the built-up Wright Avengers absolutely surpassed Skaha's Queen of Shadow. This is where the battlefield's confidence was when facing Skaha!

"Confidence is good, but still too naive!"

"--Don't worry about me! Go kill those guerrillas and catch Zero alive!" Zhanchangyuan yelled sincerely, saying through the public channel--

"Damn it! Wright?!"

The three of Karen, who had just been killed by Skaha, were very upset and didn't want to implement the original plan since the battlefield-although it was implemented in the end-as a result, the end of the Black Knights came.

The concerto of sword and gun is coming again. Zhanchangyuan felt it sincerely, for the first time, he suppressed Skarha——

"Is it just such a thing that you have deliberately produced?!" Skaha said in a dismissive tone on the other side.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can beat you!"

In the next second, the mechas of both sides began to wrestle again, just like the last time-when the long spear and the narrow sword penetrated into the opponent's mecha almost simultaneously-

Although the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows and Wright Avengers are all alloy armors with the latest technology. But under the horrific power of the two mechas with more than two thousand horsepower, there is still nothing to do-just a pity. Or before this, two people expected this, so whether it is the queen or the Avengers, they have protected its key parts very well. Although this blow destroyed part of the structure, there was no way to stop the fight.

"Damn—is that Skaha?!" At the same time, the members of the Black Knights around Zero were declining almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally, their fleeing force was close to 7,000. Up to now, there are only less than two thousand defeated soldiers left.

Under the intimidation of the Imperial Army, after losing the powerful spearhead of Skaha, they no longer have enough power to threaten the Imperial Army.

The defeated soldiers continued to lose their fighting spirit and announced their surrender. Some felt that they were desperate, so they gave up resistance. The number of soldiers surrounding Zero continues to decrease.


"So, in the final analysis, I won this battle, teacher!"

The mechas of the two sides resembled the legendary Titan giants, and the ground under the feet of both sides cracked, and the joints of the mechas creaked unbearably. At the same time, suddenly, Skaha's mecha cockpit opened-the gorgeous girl with long purple hair briskly jumped on top of her mecha-after losing the pilot, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows lost resistance. With the voice of "Kara, Kara", the arms of the mecha were broken by the Avengers.

This mech suddenly lost its combat effectiveness.

But at the same time, Skaha also jumped behind the original sincere mecha on the battlefield. With her incredible power, she tore apart the protective armor of the mecha shell, and then stretched out her hand to pull the battlefield out of the original sincerity——


The battlefield fell heavily to the ground. Before he tried to get up, Skaha had already landed on him-her knees were down and she slammed into Wright's stomach. Then he held his shoulders, raised his head, and slammed into the forehead of the battlefield.

There was a muffled "bang". The battlefield only felt dizzy.

"How about it, hero?"

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