Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 917

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Update la la la

Chapter 52 The Uninvited Guest

Before Skarha wanted to say anything more, Wright kicked her out-and then pulled out the gun on his waist and pulled the trigger at Skarha-

"Boom, boom—"

He almost wanted to shoot out all the bullets in the gun in one breath-but before that, Skarha had jumped on top of Wright's Avenger, entered the cockpit, and launched.

She pulled out the battlefield before, and the battlefield naturally had no time to shut down the Avengers' operating system, that is to say, Skaha does not require authentication and no password.


The battlefield had never thought about it, but Skaha had this way—the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows had been abolished. The Avengers were driven away by her, what should I do? !

"Ah-thief! Return my masterpiece!!"

From behind, Dr. Lloyd, who was watching the battle, yelled angrily. At the same time, Skaha had already started Wright Baldwin Avenger.

"Even if you win this time, Wright," she said, then turned and left as quickly as possible.

On the way out, a group of Knightmare from the Imperial Army wanted to stop the opponent, but she was easily destroyed. It's easy-some unharmonious weapons of mass destruction were installed on the original sincere Avengers on the battlefield, such as the energy weapon that has just been successfully tested. The Large Hadron Cannon is one of them. It is useless to be sincere on the battlefield, because there are too many friendly targets around and it is easy to accidentally be injured. But Skaha is different.

Under the bombardment of the Hadron Cannon, a road was opened soon. Large numbers of troops and tactical weapons were destroyed under such a bombardment that could almost destroy the world.

Survivors are not one in a hundred.

The last batch of defeated soldiers of the Black Knights and the Japanese Liberation Front finally disappeared among the reckless mountains with Skaha’s new car... At the same time, those remaining, abandoned, or The guys who took the initiative to surrender looked pale.

Among them is Lelouch Vi Britania. This "first zero" also became one of the prisoners of the imperial army in this battle.


at last.

Although in this final process, the loss was a little bit bigger, and many accidents broke out. But in any case, the war finally won. Empire finally became the final winner.

More than 50,000 rebels, guerrillas, and remnants of the old Japanese army died, were captured, or disappeared in the Battle of Narita Mountain. Just like the official propaganda of the empire, this is a complete and unprecedented victory. The imperial army only paid for the death of less than a thousand soldiers and succeeded in winning. And among the more than a thousand soldiers killed in action, more than half came from those worthless honorable Bretonians——

Of course, the Empire did not say this.

However, in any case, after this battle, the guerrilla warfare that has plagued the 11th district for several years is finally coming to an end.

As the battlefield said sincerely, in the next section, the 11th district will concentrate on production and construction, and reclaim the happiness and wealth taken by those evil terrorists. The empire firmly believes in this.

At least, that's what the empire official said.

As for things that the empire official didn't explain... well, it's actually not nothing.

It's like zero, the true identity of the first zero in the world. The official just made an understatement and claimed that another zero was arrested. Of course, this is not news at all. With more than three hundred zeros happily captured in the Imperial Army, even the guy who likes news the most will not be interested in zero.

So, zero is Lelouch Vi Bretania. For the time being, not many people will know.

Especially this-

"Ordered in the name of Lelouch Vi Bretania! Let me go!"

When Lelouch saw the original sincerity of the battlefield, he did not hesitate to use Geass, and then, of course, was resisted by the original sincere battlefield.

"I also didn't expect you to have the power of Geass."

Seeing Zhan Yuan Yuan sincerely and calmly said this, Lelouch's expression became very subtle. It is despair.

"In any case, it depends on the face of our past friendship." Sincere shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Don't worry, I won't tell Nanali about this matter."

"...Is that so, thanks." Lelouch lowered his head.

"Blind his eyes." Wright ordered: "From today, Lelouch, I believe you are going to live a blind life."

"...Hmm." Lelouch continued to lower his head, depressed.

In a short period of time, this child may not have the will to fight.

"In short, I will take good care of Nanali. Also... Next, I will tell the Emperor about this matter."


"I'm very sorry, I know that you have a bad impression of His Majesty the Emperor. But in any case, he is the Emperor." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly.

"Why—what?! You can't do this!"

Although he said such words and struggled desperately, however, Lulu Xiu's weak body was no match for the two big-waisted imperial soldiers beside him. Soon this guy was arrested. Then they were packed and sent to prison.

In the prison, this guy enjoyed the treatment of a severely mentally ill patient, restrained with a restraint, and then blindfolded his eyes. To prevent this guy from violently hurting people, of course, it is more important to prevent him from using the power of Geass to control anyone.

The next step is to communicate with China.

"Very well done, Qing Wright." His Majesty the Emperor praised the battlefield with a rare praise: "Does anyone know this matter besides you?"

"There are still a few soldiers who know about it, but don't worry, they don't know Lelouch, and I will make a series of personnel transfers in the future, Your Majesty."

"Very good. It's still as reliable as before, Qing Qing."

"You have praised, Your Majesty."

"Then, next, send Lelouch back to the country. I want to have a good talk with this stupid son."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Then, the matters in District 11 will continue to be entrusted to you. Do it well."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

after this. The two sides ended the conversation. The battlefield was sincere and relieved. Every time he sees this guy, he feels nervous. This sturdy and unbelievable guy is hard to believe that he is over seventy years old.

"In short, this matter must be kept secret." Zhanchangyuan turned sincerely and looked at Veretta: "The person who arranged to escort Lulu Xiu, choose a strong mouth and a reliable elite. Also, Veretta, this You're rotten in your stomach, don't mention it again."

"Yes, sir."

"Ah, ah. Really, next is Nanaly... It's really a headache." Zhanchangyuan shook his head sincerely: "Arrange the car, I'm going to Ashford College."


This is one of the truths buried by history in the Battle of Narita Mountain-and the second truth buried by history is the few hundred remaining defeated generals.

They were taken away by Skaha-although the battlefield is not clear, Skaha wants these shrimp soldiers and crabs to be useful. But it doesn't matter, people just like this, you can't make people resist, right.

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