Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 922

So she asked the question that the battlefield didn't want to discuss at present.

"Simply." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely: "Support Euphemia-let's play a big one." Zhanchangyuan's sincere eyes flickered.

"What?! Go ahead and implement a comprehensive reform plan?!" Cornelia was stunned when she said sincerely: "Such resistance will be great, Wright!"

"Yes, of course I know. But this is the best way now." The battlefield was a little annoyed: "I will amend the Japanese Autonomous Region Act-not a trivial, small-scale autonomous region with only 150,000 people. And. It is to give the status of the dominion of Japan!"

"This will cause an all-out war with the old nobles!" Cornelia said: "In this case, then another plan..."

"Perform as usual." Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "Even the emperor would not think so, right?"

"..." Cornelia opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything. After a while she continued, "Wright, this sounds ridiculous."

"Yes, it is absurd. On the one hand, we have to face the bastards of the old nobles. On the other hand, we have to seize the supreme power of the empire. Our allies are unreliable, lunatics with different thinking than ordinary people. At the same time, we must Fight the conquering war against the giant EU.

Each of these goals will take us a long time and rack our brains to complete. Not to mention the completion of these mission objectives in one breath. "

"If that's the case, why do you still—"

Although he had prepared for the bad situation, Cornelia's expression became even more ugly after hearing what Battlefield said.

"Because if I don't do this, Yufimia will be over." Zhanchangyuan sincerely said the most terrifying words in a calm tone: "Although this guy is a fool. He even said that after seeing this guy did it. After such a thing, I almost want to choke her to death. But I can't really just leave her alone, can I?"

"Maybe we can have other ways. For example, Yuffi's spirit is not right, and then..."

"Then we will give up the initiative in the next step." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely, a little annoyed: "This way, if we want to do anything, the difficulty will increase more than it is now."

"……I understand."

Now that the battlefield has said so much sincerely, it should be time for Cornelia to express his attitude. At this time, the battlefield seems a little bit—no, it should be said to be very, very nervous. Saying that his plan was rejected by Cornelia, what should I do next?

If all his most important allies flinched, then this war...

"Just do what you say."

It was for this reason that after Cornelia gave the answer that Zhanchangyuan wanted to hear, Zhanchangyuan was sincerely relieved.

"Don't worry." Then, Battlefield said: "It's okay. Our strength is stronger than we thought."

"...Well, yes. I understand." Cornelia suppressed the anxiety in her heart and said sincerely to Battlefield Hara: "Then, we..."

"Contact as usual during this time. Don't let anyone see the flaws. Otherwise, I love you, Cornelia."


After saying this, Zhanchangyuan sincerely turned off the video without waiting for Cornelia's response.

"...Really..." On the other side of Africa, Cornelia's face was a little red, and she looked a little at a loss.

"Okay." Zhanchangyuan stood up sincerely: "Then next, it's time to start a war." He said to himself: "I won this war after all, Skaha."


Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.

Although there is no sign, she participated in this conspiracy. However, the original sincerity of the battlefield can still feel it-of course it is just a feeling.

This time, Skaha shot. Even all of this is her masterpiece.


"In other words, you did all this?"

In the consulate of the Chinese Federation. It is still cc and Skaha. They continued to talk as if they had repeated it many times before. The tone is flat. This is true for both cc and Skaha. It seemed that they didn't care about everything that happened.

It was like using restraint suits to tie up the cc so that she could not move.

"Well, yes." Skaha nodded: "I originally thought of using other methods to achieve this war. However, as expected, it is still too slow to use others...

In short, that's it. I don't want to go in circles with him anymore. I don't want to play any game of wits with him anymore. At least in Japan. This round has been too long. I want to get a new one. "

Beside this guy, there are a few soldiers in black knight costumes. Their eyes were dull, as if they were under control. As for the Chinese Federation guarding outside, the soldiers of the consulate guard are the same. Outside, hundreds, thousands, and thousands of terrorists of the heavily armed Black Knights are the same.

This was just the soldiers gathered around Skaha. If you count other troops, the number is likely to become more.

"So, what do you want to do?" CC still looked at her very calmly, and then asked.

"How to do it?" Skaha chuckled lightly: "Of course it is. Have a nice fight with that kid."

"...Happy, fighting?"

"Yes, a pleasant fight." She nodded: "I had a great time with him during this time. It feels very good to fight him every time-it makes me feel younger... Oh, I am very young now, am I?"

"You... I thought you liked her."

"Yes, of course I like him." She said without hesitation: "However, there are many ways to like, aren't they? It's just like you. If you really like something, you will stay far away. , So that guy will never find you..."


CC did not speak, but frowned. For the first time, she expressed her dissatisfaction when talking with Skaha.

"But I won't let this happen." Skaha said: "If you want to go to war officially, I need a war book. You are a very suitable carrier."

"Appropriate, carrier? Zhan Shu? I don't even know that guy." CC shook his head and said.

"Well, yes, indeed... In other words, do you know a child named Zhanchangyuan sincere?

Abandon him without hesitation after playing with him well? "

"Zhanchangyuan... sincerely?"

CC thought about it seriously, but of course, no. No impression at all.

She shook her head. Show that you don't know.

"Well, of course, it's taken for granted that you don't know." What made her feel uncomfortable was that Skaha still looked like a matter of course: "Although my favorite thing to do is to play with him. But it is not It means I would like to see someone else play her around. You know what I mean. cc?"

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 57—Skaha's Gift

Of course cc can understand what she means. The problem is that cc doesn't understand at all-all this has nothing to do with her. In fact, she didn't know why Scarha had such strange feelings for Wright Baldwin.

All this is very strange. She even thought that Skaha was mostly crazy.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't understand."

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