Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 923

Before cc wanted to say something, Skaha smiled very gently and comforted her like this: "Perhaps you think I am crazy, but in fact, of course I know what I am doing. cc, and you have not been able to. Stop my ability, right?"

That's it.

Under cc's slightly surprised gaze, Skaha took out something that was definitely not "good".

"Even if it is, I will take revenge on you for him. CC. Seriously, apart from this thing, I like you quite a lot."




That's it, it's very "interesting". When Zhanchangyuan heard the news from his secretary, he felt very strange.

A guy sent a package to the Governor's Mansion—to be precise, did he post a package to himself?

What are you doing?

Such matters can be handled directly by the Secretariat.

Since he is so handsome, the number of beloved objects received by various nymphomaniac girls will naturally not be small. The girl who sends love letters to the Governor's Mansion every day, the girl who buys flowers. There are even a few girls who throw their own underwear, tube tops, erotic underwear, stockings and so on. There are even a lot of young girls who have just taken off their underwear, and they are still stained with all kinds of strange mysterious liquids.

If all these things have to be handled by one person on the battlefield, then there is no need to do anything else on the battlefield. It will be exhausting to squat in the office every day to check items.

So, usually only very important gifts, or very memorable things, secretaries will come to inform themselves. The problem is this...

This big box. It always feels wrong...

The original sincerely did not think so. Or is it someone who made a joke with him? Of course, there are many whimsical guys in the world who think that this way can kill a big man. Put all kinds of poisons into the original things on the battlefield, bacillus anthracis, and blades—oh, this one doesn’t—

But... Generally speaking, these things should be excluded from the beginning. My secretary is not so useless.

The battlefield originally thought of this, suddenly thought of a possibility——

Although not.

The eyes of the guy controlled by Geass should have a strange red light. But this one doesn't—that is to say—this guy still has the possibility of being controlled?

But isn't Lelouch already arrested and imprisoned for play?

So who is this guy?

Of course, in fact, the original sincerity of the battlefield does not need to be so cranky. He quickly discovered this. You can understand many things by just looking at the card on the box.

"To my dearest student, Battlefield Hara is sincere.

From the teacher who loves you the most. "

With this, the scope of the suspect is greatly reduced, and even reduced to a level that can be completely determined——

In other words, the battlefield originally only used the name Wright Baldwin in this world. And the guy who knew the name Battlefield Hara and claimed to be his teacher. I am afraid there is only one in this world.

"So, it's Teacher Skaha. What did she give me?" Zhanchangyuan thought so sincerely.

He can feel that the box is the size of a person and has life, so it cannot be a silicone doll or something.

Could it be that Mr. Skaha scented the fragrance he washed himself, then stripped it off and tied it with a red ribbon, put it in the box as a gift and sent it to himself, playing a surprise play with himself?

Hahaha, this is not funny at all.

Zhanchangyuan shook his head sincerely, and then opened the box.

It may be dangerous, but it doesn't matter. After regaining part of his power, Zhanchangyuan believed that there were very few people in this world, or that something else could hurt him.




Four eyes face each other.

Zhanchangyuan opened his mouth in sincere surprise.

This is not because of the opponent's posture-the opponent is just like the original thought on the battlefield-yes, it is the delusion just now, stripped and washed for nothing. Then tie the ribbon-

The difference from before was that she didn't seem to be active, but was done by someone-that person gagged her mouth, then bent her arms, and her legs were the same. Then tie your hands and feet together and separate them in a very yd m shape. Make sure Wright can see all her sensitive parts at the first time.

Anyone who sees this beautiful woman with good figure, outstanding appearance, and being treated in this way can't help but raise a flag in tribute. In fact, Zhanchang Yuanzheng almost did so-if it weren't for another thing far beyond the above-mentioned things-

That is to say, the identity of the beautiful woman who was packaged and sent by Mr. Scarha in this way-that is another one he thought about all night. He once thought about how to treat her and repay her "good" in this way. woman.


This one deceived oneself and played with oneself. She seemed to be able to bring herself redemption, but she was actually a ruthless woman who easily abandoned herself.

"Really, this gift is really sincere." Zhanchangyuan sincerely mumbled. The corners of his mouth turned upwards, revealing a slightly...some twisted smile.

When he reached his position, he had eaten and seen so many things, and there were few things that could make him so excited.

Unfortunately, cc is such a role.

"Teacher, you gave me such a gift at such a critical time. It really makes people... people don't know what to do." Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely tried his best to restore the body. The restlessness was suppressed, but it was still not very successful. Especially cc this guy, after he opened the box, couldn't help making a "woooooo" sound, trying to attract his attention.

Zhanchangyuan sincerely endured this for a while. After taking a deep breath, under cc's surprised and unhappy gaze, he closed the box again.

"I like this gift very much." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly: "Tell her and thank her for everything she has done for me. But I will never let it go and let it go. If she thought I would be distracted by this matter, If you delay the next decisive battle with her, then she is wrong.

cc is very important to me.

However, the teacher is equally important to me. Even at this time, it is more important. "

——Next, the secretary's performance once again verified the original guess of the battlefield.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will only feel overwhelmed when I hear the inexplicable words of Battlefield. But he is different. The guy who should be the secretary Wright trusted in theory nodded: "Yes, I will tell her what you mean."

He gave Zhanchangyuan a sincere response.

In other words, whether it is controlled by Geass, or for other reasons. Now this guy is from Skaha's side.

Thinking of this, Battlefield Yuan's heart felt uncomfortable.

He waved his hand and asked this guy to quickly leave his sight. Then I watched the two staff members carry the box with cc inside and walked towards their room.

Ok. Yes.

Although he said that handsome, but if only for a short while. It's just this period of time, then it should be fine, right?

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