Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 352: The Fall of the Deity

In the entire Shanghai-Hai martial arts world, no one dared to be disrespectful to Longwu Master.

Asan, the disciple of Master Longwu, when these two men broke into the Tianlong Wushu Hall, he said grandiosely that he wanted to kill his master. Angrily retorted with a smile: "Want to kill my master? I'm afraid you don't have this ability. I'll talk about it after passing my level!"

Speaking and **** straight to the two.

The thin man sat there, still motionless.

The fat man also sat on the chair, lifted his right foot slightly, and kicked it on the thigh of Asan who was coming over.

Ah San suddenly fell to the ground sideways, and when he landed, his calf was broken and he could not get up.

When the other disciples saw it, their expressions changed one by one, and they went to the courtyard to bring weapons.

Master Long Wu waved his hand and shouted, "Retreat to me!"

He knew that with the strength of these two people, his own disciples were not opponents at all, and if they rushed forward, they would die.

The disciples all stepped aside.

Master Long Wu also stood in the hall and set his posture, but his expression was very solemn.

The fat man unloaded the things on his back and came to the hall.

Since the two of them were going to kill the Dragon Warrior, the Dragon Warrior was not very polite, and directly fisted with both hands and hit the fat man.

But Fatty's speed was too fast, and he avoided the punch in a flash.

At the same time, his right hand became a claw, and he grabbed it towards Master Longwu's chest.

Master Long Wu quickly leaped back, but it was too late.


With this claw, three blood marks were drawn on the chest of Master Longwu.


All the disciples around shouted together.

After only this move, Master Longwu and his opponent felt the strength of the opponent, and he was far from his opponent.

He immediately took a pair of knives from a disciple and attacked the fat man.

With a wave of his claws, the fat man directly grabbed the two knives with his half-inch nails, and then kicked them out, hitting Master Longwu’s chest.

The Dragon Warrior suddenly flew out, smashing the table and chairs to the ground, and the tea cup on the table smashed to pieces with a bang, and tea flowed to the ground.

The fat man didn't wait for Master Long to get up, his right fist hit Master Long's chest directly.

Click ——

With the sound of a crisp rib fracture, Master Longwu spouted out blood. As soon as his head tilted, it softened and remained motionless.



The disciples present all cried out in grief.

All of them had eyes red in an instant, and Ah San cried bitterly.

He has no father or mother since he was a child, and it was the master who raised him and taught him martial arts.

Without a master, there would be no such thing as his San.

His eyes were blood red, and all the tears he shed seemed to be bloody: "Kill him, revenge for the master—"

Although his right leg was kicked and broken, in the midst of great grief, he actually stood up for a lifetime, using a brow-like stick as a crutch, and forcibly leaped towards the fat man.

"kill him--"

"Get revenge for the master—"

More than 20 disciples, while shouting, lunged at the fat man.

The fat man curled his mouth and said with a smile: "The crocodile helped by the bargain. If you kill other people, it's a free gift."

Speaking, his claws kept swinging.


The disciples around kept screaming and falling down.

In just half a minute, the twenty-odd disciples were all lying on the ground, and they all died.

The disciples outside the hall are far inferior to these dead disciples. At this time, seeing this fat guy so powerful, how dare they try again?

The fat man smiled disdainfully, and his blood-red paws wiped a dead disciple's clothes.

Then he came to the thin man, picked up the coffin board on his back, and walked outside the hall.

Of the dozens of other disciples present, no one dared to stop them.

When the two walked to the door, what they were carrying was stuck and couldn't get out.

They stepped back again, turned sideways, and walked slowly outside.

"It's time to go to the next one."

Said the fat man.

The thin man replied blankly: "Yes."

The two left slowly.


That is to say, during this day, there were three martial arts masters in the strongest martial arts hall, all of which were killed by these two men.

Strictly speaking, it was killed by the fat man.

Because the thin man didn't make any shots from start to finish.

If there is any good news, it is that Dragon Warrior did not die on the spot.

He was seriously injured by the fat man's punch and just fainted on the spot.

After being awakened by the doctor, he talked like a gossip, and it seemed that there was not much time left.

The martial artists from other martial arts halls all came after hearing the news.

One is the last time to see Master Long, and the other is to let Master Long have an idea.

Although Master Long Wu coughed and vomited a mouthful of blood, he still had a heart for the entire Shanghai-Hai martial arts world.

He lay on the bed, looked at the martial arts by the bed, and said with difficulty: "The two killers...must be...the crocodile's help..."

A martial artist said: "The Crocodile Gang wants to collect protection money from us. They have come to collect it many times before, but we have beaten them back. So this time they hired these two killers."

"The two killers are too strong, we are not their opponents at all. Or... we just pay the protection fee?"

Master Long once again coughed out a mouthful of blood. He was so angry that he said with difficulty: "As a... a martial master, you have to pay protection that is... a shame... "

"Then what to do? Could it be that these martial artists were all killed by those two killers?"

"This is the disaster in our Shang-hai martial arts world."

Those martial artists were a little frightened.

Master Long Wu coughed a few times again, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, his eyes were closed, and his voice was already inaudible.

Only the mouth is moving.

A martial artist quickly moved his ears.

Just listen to Long Wu Master’s voice is very small: "Look for...find...Invincible Martial Arts Hall...Lin...Martial Master..."

Having said that, there was no sound anymore.

The dean of the Shanghai-Hai martial arts world died forever.

All those martial artists were full of grief and indignation.

"This matter can't just leave it alone."

"That's right, killing so many martial artists, how can we let those two people go."

"But... even the Dragon Warrior is not their opponent, we can't match them even more."

"What about then?"

After being silent for a while, everyone finally said, "Then, according to Long Wushi's intention, find Lin Wushi in Invincible Wushu?"

"It seems that this can only be done."

Some people expressed doubts: "Even Master Long is not the opponent of those two. Master Lin can be the opponent of those two at a young age? Do you really think Master Lin is better than Master Long?"

At this point, everyone was silent.

Because Long Wu Shi is a master in the martial arts world, he is the first person recognized in the Shanghai-Hai martial arts world.

No one can be stronger than him.

When they were silent, Ah San next to him said with grief and firmness: "In short, Master said that if you want to find Master Lin, you have to look for it. Whether that Master Lin can do it or not, this is always Master's last wish, and I must fulfill it. ."

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