Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 353: Sing 2 blind

Lin Yi's invincible martial arts hall is also in the crocodile gang.

Actually, there is no need for those martial arts masters to come to Lin Yi, Lin Yi also has to fight the sing-song second blind-of course, they are not blind at this time.

That afternoon, Asan rode in a rickshaw and came to the Wudi Martial Arts Hall with several other martial artists.

The few martial artists, seeing the word "invincible", still felt a little angry.

There are two bad tempers, and they just don't want to go in.

Asan and the remaining two martial artists entered the martial arts hall.

Lin also asked them to sit in the living room and wait. Today is a day when he teaches people who have no money or talent for free, and what he teaches these people is basically simple one-touch techniques to control the enemy. It's just that these techniques have been slightly changed so that they will not kill people as soon as they get out.

The martial arts masters waited for a while in the meeting room, and when they saw that Lin Yi hadn't come yet, they simply went to Lin Yi.

And when they saw the moves that Lin Yi told those people, they all stunned to themselves.

Although their martial arts are also used for actual combat, they are not as harsh and fierce as Master Lin's martial arts.

Often one move out can subdue the opponent.

What kind of martial arts is this?

Lin Yi finished teaching those people, and then invited the martial artists to the living room.

"Dear warriors, come to me today, I don't know what you can do?"

Lin Yi asked knowingly.

Before the other martial arts masters spoke, Asan said in grief: "This morning, two killers came to our martial arts gym, and the master was...killed by them..." At this point, he couldn't help it. Trembling.

Lin Yi frowned: "Is he killed?"

He still respects the character of this Dragon Warrior.

After reluctantly calming himself for a while, Ah San continued, "The two assassins are wearing black robes and black top hats, and they don’t know anything on their backs."

Lin Yi heard this and already understood: "Singing and singing."

Ah San nodded, and then shook his head again: "They also said that they are selling singers, but they are not blind...Before Master died, the last word left by Master is to let us come to you..."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, I see."

The three martial artists looked at each other.

What they saw from Lin Yi was calm and calm, and secretly said in their hearts: It seems that Master Lin must have something to do.

One of the martial arts masters said, "Master Lin, since the dragon martial artist asked us to come to you, now we have found you. You must have something to do?"

At the same time, Lin Yi's mind came to the system with a reminder: "Trigger the plot task: defeat the singing duo. Complete the task, you will get a mysterious reward."

Lin also listened, secretly happy.

After the last plot mission, he already knew this mysterious reward, which was absolutely awesome.

For example, last time, not only got the evolution point, but also got the opportunity to bring a Yang finger into reality.

So in any case, this plot has to be completed.

So he said: "Just one way, defeat them."

Seeing that Lin Yi said so calmly, everyone looked at each other again.

One of the martial arts masters said: "But those two have extremely high martial arts..."

"I know."

Lin Yi still said calmly.

Seeing that Lin Yi was so calm, those martial artists were very puzzled.

Could it be said that the martial arts of Master Lin is really higher than Master Long?

And not only is it higher, but also much higher?

So high that you don't even care about the two singers?

Lin Yi continued: "Go back and tell all the martial arts masters not to act rashly in the past two days. If the two vocalists come to the door, you can temporarily avoid the edge, or everyone can come to our invincible martial arts hall. Since they want to kill these martial arts, That will definitely come to our invincible martial arts hall."

When everyone heard it, they nodded secretly.

Based on the words of Master Lin Wu just now, it shows that he is not afraid of those two singers at all.

Perhaps his strength is really enough to deal with them.

And if so many martial artists are gathered together, even if Lin Wushi loses to those two, there are dozens of martial arts masters, wouldn't it be them?

So the three of them discussed and immediately agreed to Lin Yi's proposal.

It's just that the two tempered martial arts masters think they can gather anywhere, so why must they be in the Wudi Martial Arts Hall?

But after all, they were small in number, and after everyone's unanimous persuasion, they finally agreed.

So by the afternoon of the next day, the Wudi Martial Arts Hall had gathered nearly a hundred martial artists.

Although other martial artists are not on the crocodile help site, they will not be in any danger, but they are also martial arts people, they will naturally come to help this.

Finally, in the morning of the third day, two people in black coats, black top hats on their heads and a strange rectangular object on their backs came at the entrance of Invincible Martial Arts Hall.

One fat and one thin.

It is the second most popular hitman on the killer list.

When the disciples came to report, the other martial artists were all taken aback.

This vocalist knew that nearly a hundred martial arts masters were gathered together, and even dared to come, which shows that they are confident that their strength can completely rival nearly a hundred martial arts masters.

Lin Yi said to the two disciples: "Invite them in, yes, be polite to them."

Everyone was puzzled, and both of them came to the door. Why should you be polite to them?

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You have to be polite when you treat the disabled."

Everyone was shocked. Could it be that Master Lin is confident that they can be marked as disabled?

It didn't take long before the singing duo came in with the strange rectangular object on their backs.

The fat man looked at so many people in the yard and said, "Many people, haven't we caught up with some rally?"

The thin man said in a voice that hasn't changed for thousands of years, "I just added a few burials."

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said: "The tone is bigger than athlete's foot, but I don't know how he is capable."

The fat man said, "Don't you know if you try?"

"Then try."

Lin also responded.

Asan persuaded Lin Yi: "Master Lin Wu, this fat guy is very strong, I'm afraid he can't handle it alone."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Just look at it."

A San Jian couldn't persuade Lin Yi, so he could only say, "Then you should be careful."

Lin Yi nodded and stood up slowly.

At this moment, I listened to the sound of a lute suddenly sounded over the yard.

The sound of the pipa is not pleasant to hear, but it gives people a sense of danger, as if there is a sense of crisis on all sides.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads around, looking around, looking towards the sky.

Including the two singers in the ground, they all looked around.

Only Lin Yi was calm and composed.

But at the same time he said in his heart: "System, don't make any background music on stage at this time, and surround sound, you are enough."

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