Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 354: 10 ambushes

It turned out that the sudden pipa sound was played by the guy in the system with an external sound, and there was also a surround sound, which made people unable to hear the source of the sound.

It feels like this sound is in all directions, really fitting the theme of ambush on all sides.

Yes, this pipa song is "Ambush on All Sides".

In many previous movies, there were important characters, especially when the protagonist appeared, the music of "Ambush on Ten Sides" would sound.

In "Kung Fu", when Ah Xing played for the first time, it was the same kind of music.

It's just that the protagonists of other movies are big characters and appear in a very powerful or mysterious posture to match this kind of music.

In "Kung Fu", after A Xing bullied a few children, he appeared as a gangster and even matched this music. In this way, a strong contrast is formed to create a comedic effect.

I have to say that Master Xing's grasp of the soundtrack far exceeds the level of general directors.

Lin Yi asked the system to turn off the background music, but the system said: "You, a big man, are going to play. It's not sensible not to have some background music. If this song is not suitable, I can give you another one."

With that, another song of suona sounded in the yard.

This one is even more imposing, and it is the protagonist's appearance music hummed by almost every Chinese-"Small Knife Club Overture".

Yes, it is commonly used in Star Master movies, especially the soundtrack when Monkey King appeared on the stage.

Lin Yi was sweating in his heart. If these people knew that they had such a nervous system in their bodies, how would they think of themselves?

Fortunately, these people didn't know, they all looked awkward at this time, looking around, looking for the source of the sound.

After the chanting duo searched for no results, they simply ignored the music.

The corner of the fat man's mouth curled up, and he said disdainfully: "Pretend to be a **** and play a ghost."

As he said, he untied what was behind him, was held by the thin man, and sat on the bench beside him.

The fat man saw that Lin Yi was young and thought that no matter how high Lin Yi was, he would not be higher than Master Long Wu.

So he didn't even use his own claws, and he made a fist with both hands, and blasted towards Lin Yi.

Lin also didn't evade, punched his right hand, and banged against the fat man's punch.


The two fisted and fisted, Lin Yi remained unshakable.

The fat man flew directly back more than ten meters away, and after falling to the ground, his fist was already dripping with blood.

Everyone present was shocked.

They all knew that when these two people killed the Dragon Warrior, the Thin Man didn't make any moves. It was the Fat Man who defeated the Long Warrior within ten moves.

And now, this Wu Master Lin flew Fatty with just one punch.

This shows how strong Lin Wushi is.

Especially those warriors with hot tempers. They had never seen Lin Yi make a move before, and they didn't know Lin Yi's strength, so they had not been very convinced by Lin Yi.

But just now, they were completely convinced.

With that strength just now, they couldn't beat it at all.

There was still no change in the thin man's expression, but a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The fat man got up from the ground and spit out the mud in his mouth. With a twitch at the corner of his mouth, he blasted at Lin Yi again.

He knew that his strength was far less than Lin Yi, so he avoided Lin Yi's boxing front and attacked from the side. And when his fist was about to touch Lin Yi, he suddenly stretched out his hands, showing half-inch-long claws, slashing towards Lin Yi's face from top to side.

Lin was also a little unprepared when he changed his tricks quickly.

However, the speed of his 8th-level evolutionary would not be hurt by such a small accident.

Leaning back slightly, avoiding the grab, his right elbow rammed the fat man's chest directly.

The fat man didn't react slowly. He didn't come into direct contact with Lin Yi. He still avoided Lin Yi's collision, and struck Lin Yi from behind.

Fatty's claws are really amazing. His power is far less than Lin Yi, but when he uses his claws, he can even compete with Lin Yi.

In "Kung Fu", A Sheng, A Gui, and Coolie are all first-rate masters, but they all die in the hands of the second blind. Their strength is definitely a super master.

Moreover, the kung fu in "Kung Fu" is a bit exaggerated or even a bit illusory, such as the Tathagata Palm, which is much more than the kung fu gods in the Legend of Condor Heroes.

So when Lin Yi came to the plane of Kung Fu, these real masters were much stronger than the masters of the Condor Heroes.

Super masters are naturally not covered.

Lin Yi's power is so much stronger than him, and even for a while, he won't be able to beat him.

At this time, Lin Yi was no longer hiding it. The fiery red energy gushed out of his body, his arms turned into fiery red like magma, and there seemed to be chunks of lava.

The arms are also three times thicker.

Then his hands turned into double claws.

All this happened in an instant. When the fat man's claws attacked again, Lin Yi blocked his left arm.

His paw was placed on Lin Yi's left arm.

There was a click, sparks flew everywhere.

At the same time, Lin Yi's right paw cut directly towards the fat man's paw.

The fat man stepped back quickly.

But even if he reacted his right paw was still severed by Lin Yi's claw.

At the same time, Lin Yi kicked out, hitting the fat man's chin.

The fat man was kicked and flew out. In the process of flying, half of his teeth were lost. Then he slapped and slapped to the ground.

He looked up at Lin Yi in disbelief.

Everyone present also looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

I saw Lin Yi at this time, his arms were red, three times thicker than normal arms.

There are a few thick **** barbs on the elbow joint.

On his flaming arms, blood-red vines were tangled, extending to the end, forming eight shimmering claws nearly two feet long.

It looks majestic, and looks murderous.

This made everyone shocked and fearful.

That's right, Lin Yi's appearance is like a murderous **** descending into the world, and the ability he demonstrated far exceeds the understanding of ordinary people. How can it not be scary?

Only Gongsun Lue saw Lin Yi look like this, but his face was smiling.

Lin Yi used this form to save her life.

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, she would feel a sense of security.

Seeing the shocked gaze of other people looking at Lin Yishi, she felt a sense of pride.

This is my husband.

Although the two of them haven't really married yet, in Gongsun Lue's heart, Lin Yi has long been regarded as her husband.

The fat man got up after slowing down, and came to the thin man with difficulty.

At this time, there was also a surprised expression on the face of the thin man, which has not changed for many years.

Then he tore open the cloth cover over the rectangular thing in his arms.

The thing inside finally revealed its true colors, it turned out to be a guqin.

(End of this chapter)

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