Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 360: Breaking Dancer (Part 2)

"You will be killed in less than three minutes. Leave your last words while your mouth is still moving."

There was a cold light in the woman's eyes and a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Su Jiu saw it, angry and regretful.

"Master, how are you, Master... I am all to blame, I am not good. Master..."

Then he turned around and denounced the woman: "Why do you want this, why?"

The woman smiled indifferently and said: "There is no reason, as a killer, someone paid me to kill him. Since I have received the money, I naturally want to do something."


Su Jiu couldn't believe it.

"That's right, the killer ranks third, the Breaking Dancer."

Su Jiu hadn't read a book, and didn't hear the woman's words clearly, and said angrily: "Desperate hen? I don't care if you are a rooster or a hen. Anyway, if you hurt my master today, I will fight with you."

As he said, he rushed to the woman.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and he almost ran into that figure.

Su Jiuyi was stunned: "Master!"

The Breaking Dancer was taken aback.

This guy was stabbed by his own poisonous needle, how could he still stand here?

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and pointed out with his right hand.

call out--

A burst of fiery red energy shot straight towards the Desperate Dancer.

The speed of the Desperate Dancer was worse than that of the second blind.

This one positive finger shot directly on the chest of the Breaking Dancer.


With a muffled sound, the Desperate Dancer's chest was pierced, but it also exploded.

She looked down at the big blood hole in her chest that was blown out in disbelief, then raised her head with difficulty, staring at Lin Yi with wide-eyed eyes: "Why... why... you are obviously poisoned... …"

"The answer is no longer important to you."

Lin Yi finished speaking, and slammed a distance of five meters.

The woman's neck was pinched with her right hand, and the fiery red energy gushed out of her body and swallowed the Desperate Dancer.

The woman didn't understand until she died, why she would be fine if she stabbed him with a poisonous needle.

And Su Jiu had a horrified expression.

What did he just see?

He saw a layer of fiery red appearing on the master's body and wrapped the desperate hen, and then the hen disappeared.

How is this going?

Is it a spell?

Is his master not a martial master, but a mage?

Especially when he remembered that Lin Yi had just lit a light with his finger, he moved in his heart and asked Lin Yi, "Master, the trick you just used is..."

"One yang finger."

Lin also replied.

"One yang finger?" Su Jiu looked surprised, "Is there really a yang finger?"

Lin Yidao: "Do you know a yang finger?"

Su Jiu replied: "I have heard people mention that one yang finger is a very powerful genius. If you train to a higher level, you can transform into a six-channel divine sword. At that time, you don’t need a weapon, you can just rely on your fingers. Defeat the enemy."

Lin Yi was slightly surprised.

According to what he has learned over the past few months, although the people here have heard of the One Yang Finger and Six Meridian Excalibur, they basically think that these are just legends, and there is no such skill in reality.

Unexpectedly, this Su Jiu knew so much, that he could even tell the relationship between Yiyang Finger and Six Meridian Sword.

It seems that it is not easy to accept this apprentice inadvertently.

Lin Yi swallowed this Desperate Dancer, and a systematic reminder came in his mind: "Swallow first-class masters, get 500 evolution points, and total evolution points 13,672 points."

A first-rate master can obtain 500 evolution points, which is within Lin Yi's expectation.

From the memory of this Breaking Dancer, he knew that this Breaking Dancer usually lures targets with beauty and color, and can often kill them easily.

In particular, she is also a master of poison, which makes it easier for her to kill the target.

This is why, although her strength is not as good as that of a vocalist, but in terms of success rate, it can be compared with a vocalist.

And Lin also knew that the intelligence seller had sold the intelligence of the Breaking Dancer to himself, and then sold his intelligence to the Breaking Dancer, so that he made two money.

This is too special for selling intelligence.

And Lin also knew that it was the Crocodile Gang who wanted to kill himself.

The Crocodile Gang had already invited Huoyun Cthulhu to deal with him, but Huoyun Cthulhu said that his divine art would be completed soon, and he would come out to deal with him at that time.

So the crocodile gang first asked the Breaking Dancer to deal with themselves.

Thinking of the evil **** Huoyun, Lin also had to be cautious.

After all, Huoyun Cthulhu's toad power was not covered.

In the next three months, Lin Yi successively eliminated all the killers from third to tenth in the killer rankings.

Suddenly, the entire Chinese martial arts and killer circles were shocked.

In three months, it was possible to defeat the No. 2 killer and the second blind, and then kill everyone from the third to the tenth. How could it not be shocking.

And among the killer rankings, the 11th to 15th ones are not considered first-class masters, all of them are trembling and panic all day long.

They were still complacent about being on the killer list.

Now they regret that they shouldn't be on this killer ranking but in the end, they failed to escape Lin Yi's sanction and were swallowed by Lin Yi one by one.

These eleventh to fifteenth killers are not considered first-class masters. Lin also swallowed them, and only got 300 evolution points from each.

In this way, Lin Yi's total evolution point has reached 18,632 points.

It can be said that it is only a matter of time to advance to level 9.

Thinking that there will be rewards for promotion to level 9, and mysterious rewards, Lin Yi is really a little looking forward to it.

Next, Lin Yi had a peaceful life.

The martial arts hall runs as usual every day, and Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are now almost tempered. Lin Yi basically delegated half of the martial arts affairs to the two of them.

In his spare time, he taught Su Jiu to learn painting.

As he said, Su Jiu was extremely talented in painting.

In just three months, the portraits can be painted to the point where they look like they are, but they are still a little bit behind the gods.

Of course, Su Jiu still did not forget his desire to learn kung fu.

Anyway, he is now in the martial arts hall basically every day, watching Master teach other people martial arts, he can also learn some from it.

Of course, his talent in kung fu is still very poor, and his learning is just a little bit of fur.

Finally, one day three months later, after Su San finished the introductory class of Chinese painting that afternoon, he said to Lin Yi: "Master, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

Lin also said very easily.

"Master, there is actually one thing that I have been keeping from you."


Lin doesn't matter.

Seeing that Master didn't seem to pay attention to his tone, Su Jiu paused and said, "Master, my last name is actually not Su. My last name is Duan."

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