Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 361: Six Vein Excalibur Sword Spectrum

"Master, actually my last name is not Su. My last name is Duan."

Lin Yi was startled when he heard the last three words.

For those who are familiar with Yiyang Finger and Six Meridian Sword, they all know what a "duan" means.

Both the Yiyang Finger and the Six Meridian Divine Sword were created by the Duan clan of Dali, which is the unique knowledge of the Duan clan of Dali.

Lin Yi originally thought that this setting was only available on the plane of Jin Yong's martial arts, but he did not expect that this setting would still be valid on the plane of Kung Fu.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi said: "You mean, are you a descendant of the Duan family in Dali?"

"Yes, Master, our Duan clan in Dali has continued from the Song Dynasty to the present. In our family, there has always been a legend of Yang Finger and Six Meridian Swords. But maybe because our talent for martial arts was too bad, we never did. People can practice the One Yang Finger and the Six-Med Excalibur. The legend really becomes the legend, and no one can really practice the One Yang Finger and Six-Med Excalibur."

"In our generation, even several generations before, our Duan family has fallen. We have even been sold as slaves to others. It was not until my grandfather's generation that we barely escaped and settled in the countryside. But we dare not mention it anymore. Our Duan family was afraid of embarrassing our ancestors, and also afraid of people making jokes. In addition, the village where we settled was called Su Jiabao, and almost everyone in the village was named Su, so we followed the surname."

Lin Yi heard this and sighed inwardly: That's it.

Su Jiu continued: "However, although no one in our Duan family can practice the One Yang Finger and Six Meridian Swords anymore, we have kept the ancient Six Meridian Sword Book. But our family is just I kept it as a social thing, and didn't regard it as a real sword score. But when I saw you use a yang finger that day, I knew that a yang finger really exists. Then I thought, Since the one-yang finger exists, does the six-channel divine sword really exist?"

"Master, forgive me for not telling you about this at the time. I didn't know what your character was, so I observed it for three months. In the past three months, I saw what Master did. You He is a good person. That's why I confessed this to you today."

Lin Yi heard this and shook his head and said, "The Six-Medition Divine Sword was originally handed down from your family. You have nothing to confess to me."

Su Jiu continued: "Master, what I mean is that although it is a sword book handed down by our family, if it continues to be placed in our house, it will still be just an ancient book. The magical skill of sword appears in the world again. Then we can be considered worthy of our ancestors. Moreover, the master taught me how to paint. I am afraid that I will not be able to repay it in this life. I will use this sword book as a reward."

In fact, Lin Yi had already been moved by it. Hearing what Su Jiu said, he was not welcome.

Immediately said: "Then I will be welcome."

One yang finger still needs to hit hundreds of thousands of people to upgrade again, which is really too difficult.

I can't let myself slaughter this entire plane.

If you can get the true Six-Maiden Excalibur Sword Book, maybe it will be very helpful for me to comprehend the higher-level Yiyang Finger and Six-Maid Excalibur.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi said: "Su Jiu--it should be called Duan Jiu now. If you can take a look at the Six-Medition Divine Sword for a teacher, it will be very helpful for the cultivation of One Yang Finger."

After changing from Su Jiu to Duan Jiu, I suddenly felt that this foreign name was like Long Wu, becoming taller.

Duan Jiu said: "Now the sword book is still in my house, it should be kept by my father. Let's go back and get it tomorrow. I haven't returned home for a long time."

Lin Yi nodded: "Well, let's go together."

The Six Meridian Divine Sword is a peerless magical skill, so Lin could not worry about letting this kid go back to get the sword spectrum by himself.

So early the next morning, Lin Yi asked Gongsun Lue to stay and look at the martial arts hall. Together with Duan Jiu, he and Duan Jiu took the boat and headed towards the countryside.

The boat took two full days, but the scenery along the coast was pretty good, so Lin didn't feel bored either.

And on the boat these two days, it happened to teach Duan Jiuhua to paint the scenery on both sides of the strait, and to give him pointers.

Seeing Duan Jiu's painting so lifelike, the owner of the ship repeatedly admired him.

By the afternoon of the next day, they finally reached their destination.

I saw a village by the river.

The village looks very quiet, but at the entrance of the village, there is a stench.

Lin Yi frowned and covered within one kilometer with biological tracking.

At this moment, his expression changed slightly.

Because within the range he explored, there were dead bodies in every household, lying or lying on their stomachs. Regardless of men, women and children, even pregnant women and the disabled are not immune.

Moreover, the livestock, cattle, chickens and dogs in the family were also slaughtered.

Real chickens and dogs do not stay!

Lin Yi was shocked when he saw this.

Who did this?

At this moment, Duan Jiu also saw the tragedy of the entire village. Among the swarms of flies, his whole body trembled, his eyes were red, and he was hysterical: "Ah——————"

He seemed to be crazy, and quickly ran towards his home.

Lin Yi walked quickly behind When they came to Duan Jiu's house, Duan Jiu's house, like other homes, was not a dog or chicken.

Duan Jiu's father, mother, elder brother, and seven-year-old sister were all dead at home.

And the death of their family members is worse than that of other villagers.

The chests of both father and mother had collapsed, and one of his brother's arms seemed to be torn apart.

The worst was her sister, who looked like she had her head crushed by a foot.

Seeing this, Duan Jiu was almost completely crazy.

"Who did it-ah-God-ah-who did it-I want to kill him-I want to kill their whole family-I want their whole family-I want to chop him into meat sauce ——"

Duan Jiu shouted hoarsely, that kind of huge grief and huge anger, which Lin couldn't understand at this time.

He didn't stop, and he won't stop.

At this time, the anger and grief in Jiu's heart at this time, if you don't vent it, I am afraid that something will happen.

All Lin can do is to accompany Duan Jiu silently.

After a long time, Duan Jiu finally stopped screaming, but turned into silent tears.

And Lin also saw that Duan Jiu's tears were bloody.

He shed blood and tears!

Even if his heart is as hard as a forest, he can't help being moved.

He stretched out his right hand and pressed it on Duan Jiu's shoulder.

Duan Jiu came back to his senses at this time and said tragically: "Master, please... please help me with revenge, you must help me with revenge..."

When he spoke, his eyes were bleeding and his voice was already hoarse.

Faced with such a request, how could Lin also refuse.

He looked directly at Duan Jiu, and solemnly said: "Duan Jiu, I will help you take revenge, no matter who the murderer is."

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