At this time, the sky had gradually darkened.

Lin Yi promised to help Duan Jiu take revenge, and then said: "But we still bury your parents, brothers and sisters and these villagers first, we can't let them just lie here."

At this point, Lin Yi suddenly noticed a figure under a tree not far away.

He swept over to the figure at an extremely fast speed, and grabbed the man as soon as he stretched out his hand.

To his surprise, that person did not resist, or said he had no ability to resist.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a child with thin arms and legs who looked only eleven or twelve years old.

Lin Yi brought the child to Duan Jiu,

When Duan Jiu saw the child, he lost his voice: "Fruit! It's you!"

When the child named Guozi saw that it was Duan Jiu, he suddenly cried out: "Brother Su Jiu, you are back! Why did you come back?"

"Fruit, tell me what happened, and who killed them!"

Duan Jiu clutched Guo Guo's skinny shoulders tightly.

Guo Guo cried and said, "I don't know, I don't know who he is. He is an adult, a little fat. He knows martial arts, and martial arts is very high. He is fast, as fast as lightning. He kills people. At that time, I saw him from a long distance from a tree. I saw him like lightning, for a while, and then there..."

"Fruit, please make it clear, make it clear, what does he look like?"

Lin Yi shook his head, and said, "There is only one person who can have that speed-Huoyun Cthulhu."

That's right, only the ultimate murderer King Huoyun Cthulhu could have such a speed.

The speed of the Huoyun Cthulhu was so fast that he could even catch the bullets fired by a nearby gun, so he must be the murderer.

"Fruit, why did he kill the folks and everyone?"

Guo Guo cried and said: "He originally came to your house and said he was looking for a sword book. If your father didn't give him, he would kill your parents. Then he killed your brother and sister..."

Hearing this, Duan Jiu looked at the mutilated corpse of his parents and brother, especially his younger sister, already crying, "Bastard, beast——"

Guo Guo continued: "After he killed your family, your yellow dog rushed over and bit his leg. It hurt him. He kicked your yellow dog to death, and then killed him. Villager."

Duan Jiu cried so much that the clothes on his chest were stained red with blood. While cursing the beast, he flapped his big ears and shaved his big ears: "Blame me, blame me, why don't you bring Master back earlier. If you bring Master back earlier, Master can do the same. Killed the Huoyun evil god."

After a while, Guo Guo seemed to think of something again, and continued: "After he killed the villagers, he continued to browse through your house. Later, he turned to a book and laughed like a madman. After a long laugh, he left with the book."

"Sword spectrum, that must be sword spectrum. The **** of the Huoyun evil god, snatched the sword spectrum!"

Duan Jiu cried and said.

"Master, I beg you to find him, find the bastard, kill him, avenge my parents, and the whole village. Also, Master, you must regain the sword score. That's our Duan family thing, we can Give it to Master, but you can't let that **** get it!"

Lin Yi pressed Duan Jiu's shoulder again and said, "Don't worry, this matter will be given to me."


In the next few days, Lin Yi spent money to ask people to bury all the people in the village, and then returned to the Wudi Wuguan with Duan Jiu He Guo.

After that, he asked Chen Sheng and Wu Guang to ask someone to inquire about the whereabouts of the evil **** Huoyun.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang still inquired from the previous information seller.

The last time he sold information was equivalent to selling Lin Yi, and Lin Yi wanted to clean up the goods. But then I thought that there would still be something useful in the future, so I ignored him for the time being.

And he believes that this smart person who sells intelligence will learn a little bit more sensible after the last incident, especially after the overall assault on the killer rankings.

Sure enough, the information seller didn't play any tricks this time, but directly provided Lin Yi with the address of the Huoyun Cthulhu's temporary retreat and practice.

With the address of the fire cloud evil **** practicing, Lin Yi did not act immediately.

Because Fire Cloud Cthulhu is currently considered the strongest in the plane of Kung Fu.

Go to fight with him by yourself, there is no absolute chance of winning, maybe you will be beaten and fled.

So he must be prepared to flip.

Since half a month ago, he had already used his flying skills in a battle against a killer, so he had to wait at least for his flying skills to cool down before going to the Fire Cloud Cthulhu.

In the past ten days, he also explained the affairs of the martial arts gym to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.

Let them both become Gongsun Lue's right-hand man.

As long as Gongsun Lue is responsible for listening to the reports of the two occasionally, it is enough for them to check certain things.

At this time Duan Jiu had calmed down a bit.

He feels that these actions of Master are like confessing funeral affairs.

This made him hesitate.

He really wanted his master to avenge his parents for the whole village.

But he also heard about the name of Huoyun Cthulhu recently and knew that Huoyun Cthulhu was almost the number one power in the world.

If the master avenged his village but lost his life, then he would regret it too late.

Thinking of this, Duan Jiu finally came to Lin Yi after hesitating for a while and said, "Master, or else... the hatred of my parents, the hatred of the whole village will not be reported..."

"Why not report?"

Lin Yi said coldly: "The sorrow of killing one's parents and brothers and sisters is not shared. Although I have also said that when the grievances will be reported, it depends on whether it is a small or a big grudge. If it is just your family's grudge, Maybe I will give up. But Huoyun evil **** slaughtered your entire village for a sword book. How can I ignore such a heinous crime? Besides, I have promised you to take revenge. Do you want to let your teacher fail?"

Duan Jiu was excited when he heard it, and said, "Master, I know you are a good person. That's why I don't want you to take risks. Huoyun Cthulhu is today's number one master. If you go..."

"Don't worry, even if I can't kill him, I can still get out of my body. As long as you help manage the martial arts gym well."


Duan Jiu was excited, tears were already welling up in his eyes.

And Lin Yi had already regarded this matter as his own.

Finally, on this day, the pounce skill has been cooled down.

Lin also bid farewell to Gongsun Lue.

Gongsun Lue knew that Lin Yi's trip was very dangerous, but she also knew that Lin Yi had to go.

So she just told Lin Yi: "We must come back, and we have to travel the world together."

"Don't worry, I, Lin Yi, can keep promises to others. How can I miss the promise to my own woman?"

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