Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 365: 18 Palms of Jianglong VS Toad Gong

Lin also saw that the entire palm of Huoyun Cthulhu had been blasted to the point that only **** bones were left. He continued to blast away at Huoyun Cthulhu with a yang.

He must strike while the iron is hot.

His one positive finger is powerful, but it is too blue.

If the Huoyun Cthulhu is not taken within a short time, he will have to be slaughtered when his energy is exhausted.

Huo Yun Cthulhu was now dripping with blood, and the white vest had long been stained blood red.

His shorts had long been turned into a bomb.

One of the slippers has also been dropped.

At this time, he was not like the ultimate killer king at the top of the killer rankings, but like a bereaved dog.

Finally, the Huoyun Cthulhu withdrew a hundred meters away.

At this moment, because his speed has been greatly reduced, only one hundred meters away can he avoid Lin Yi's energy attack.

He was a hundred meters away, looking at Lin Yi, and said to his mouth: "What a powerful one."

Seeing another column of energy shot over, he jumped up and avoided the column of energy. When he landed, he landed on all fours and fell on the ground.

In the next moment, his cheeks bulged, and he felt that his head seemed to be bigger.

There was a toad cry from his mouth.

"Qua-quack-quack -"

Every time he yelled, a shock wave spreading around him was generated on the ground within 20 meters of him.

The toads on the ground around were rolled up by the shock wave and rushed outward.

And the energy pillar that Lin Yi shot turned into invisible and disappeared when it hit the shock wave.

Lin Yi secretly shuddered in her heart: What a great toad skill.

He also estimated from Lin that if his one Yang finger cultivated to the first rank, he might be able to penetrate this shock wave.

If it is a Six-Medition Divine Sword, it can be easily killed.

But at this time, his Yi Yang Zhi was only third grade.

After the Huoyun Cthulhu croaked for a few times, he suddenly jumped up, and his whole person was like a fast-flying iron pillar, ramming towards Lin Yi.

Lin also knew how powerful this toad gong was in Kung Fu.

In "Kung Fu", toad gong is set in a form similar to iron head gong. After gathering power, it flies to the enemy very quickly and hits the enemy with its head.

So Lin Yi had been prepared for a long time, and hurriedly turned back and supported the ground with both hands, and an iron bridge came.

The Huoyun Evil God flew by less than half a meter above him with unmatched power.

The wind brought out when he flew past, he slashed Lin Yi's chest clothes, and scratched his chest with a few deep bone injuries, and blood suddenly poured out.

The Huoyun Cthulhu, because of its huge inertia, flew forward a full 100 meters, breaking no fewer than 20 large and small trees in the woods behind Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was horrified, this Huoyun Cthulhu's toad skill was too powerful.

The wind that came out of it cut out such a deep wound.

At this moment, Lin Yi turned around and probed the location of the evil **** Huoyun.

But at this moment, among the trees that kept falling down, the Evil God of Fire Cloud suddenly flew out.

This time, Lin Yi couldn't avoid it again, he had no time to get in front of him with his arms.

He was slammed by the Fire Cloud Cthulhu.

In this collision, he was hit and flew more than 100 meters, almost falling into the lake.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, gleaming with wine-red light under the sun. It was like a string of wine-red pearls scattered on the lake.

Lin Yi only felt the qi and blood all over her body, seeming to be able to spray out the blood all over her body at any time.

Huoyun Cthulhu succeeded in one blow and laughed loudly: "We Kunlun School of Toad Kungfu is the best in the world. Your Yiyang Finger only reaches the third rank. It is impossible to beat my Toad Kung fu. Hahahaha... "

Lin Yi reluctantly swallowed a bite of blood in his mouth, and the sharp claws of his hands turned into fiery red energy and returned to his body.

This Fire Cloud Cthulhu is so powerful, then it can only be used.

Thinking of this, he said to the system in his mind: "Use the Jianglong Eighteen Palms skill pack."

"The Jianglong Eighteen Palms skill pack has been equipped and can be used immediately for a time limit of five minutes." The system's voice replied, and added a sentence afterwards: "I don't think he is pleasing to kill this dog day."

Lin Yi sneered, and above his body, fiery red energy began to condense.

This time, the fiery red energy was not condensed in his hands, but condensed behind his back.

He almost condensed the remaining one-third of his energy.

A fiery red sphere with a diameter of more than one meter was formed.

But even so, it was still not enough energy for Jianglong Eighteen Palms.

The system also said: "The energy needed is not enough. You must use the energy in each cell from each cell in your body. Only in this way, your body will suffer severe damage. It will take at least one month to recover. Make sure to use it. ?"

"Use it, don't talk nonsense."

At this time, there are still a lot of system products.

Before he finished his words, he felt that there seemed to be endless energy in his body, condensing towards the energy ball behind him.

At the same time, what followed was the kind of fatigue produced by the body.

Seeing that Lin Yi condensed such a huge fiery red energy ball, the evil **** of fire cloud also knew that this matter was not trivial.

He slammed his feet on the ground and stomped the ground out of a pit half a meter deep.

Then he ran into Lin Yifei again.

At this moment, behind Lin Yi, an energy ball with a diameter of one foot was formed.

Soon, this fiery red energy ball turned into an ancient dragon.

This dragon is different from the ancient dragon that Lin Yi had previously been on the Avatar plane.

At that time, he was only a level 6 evolutionary, but now he is already an 8th level evolutionary, and the power of Jianglong's Eighteen Palms has naturally increased by a notch.

I saw this ancient dragon reaching 100 meters in length.

Dragon horns, dragon whiskers, dragon scales, dragon claws, dragon tail, dragon bottom and dragon bird are clearly visible and lifelike.

The system in Lin Yi's mind was so excited that he screamed: "Wow, it's a big deal, Shenlong! Can one of my wishes come true? I want many rich women! Please help me Realize it, please..."

Lin Yi ignored the mental retardation of the system, and slammed forward with both hands.

I saw that the one hundred-meter-long dragon did not fly directly to the flying fire cloud evil god, but directly flew out into the air.

It flew to a height of one thousand meters at an extremely fast speed, then suddenly turned its dragon head, and smashed it down towards the Fire Cloud Cthulhu below at an unparalleled speed.


[The author has become a shameless dog out of chapter again. But no way, breaking chapters has become a habit. Continuous for one day, upset; two days without half life; three days without blood splashing. 】...


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