Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 366: Fire Cloud Cthulhu, defeat!

An ancient dragon of a hundred meters long descended from the sky.

Booming on the head of Huoyun Cthulhu.


There was a bang like a thunder.

A fiery red shock wave spread out instantly.

The entire island in the middle of the lake disappeared instantly.

The shock wave rushed the water on the lake to over 20 meters high, like a tsunami spreading to the surrounding shore.

Even if it is more than ten kilometers away, you can see the skyrocketing fire here.

After more than ten minutes, the water here calmed down.

But the smoke and dust around still did not dissipate.

The entire lake was shrouded in smoke.

After more than ten minutes, a gust of wind blew, and the smoke and dust dispersed.

At this time, Lin Yi was soaking in the water, a little helpless and a little helpless.

Just dropped the eighteen palms of the dragon, because he issued it himself, so it had the least impact on him, and he was not injured.

But this palm swept away the entire island with a diameter of more than 300 meters, so he naturally had to soak in the water.

He really didn't expect that the power of the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong would be so huge.

Looking at it this way, the power is almost greater than the Tathagata Palm in Kung Fu.

It's a pity that such eighteen palms of Jianglong can only be used once.

At this time, because Jianglong's eighteen palms had just pumped his excessive energy, and almost all the energy between his cells had been emptied, he felt weak and almost sinking in the water.

But he can't sink yet, he has to find the evil **** of fire cloud.

He was a little worried, if this palm really killed the Huoyun Evil God, wouldn't his mission fail?

If the mission fails, I won't say it without so many evolutionary points. In reality, I will be extremely weak for a month.

In the current real world, there are zombies, fire crows, shadow moon groups... there are many things that I have to deal with. If you are extremely weak for a month, maybe every minute is the rhythm of death.

Fortunately, after investigating for a while, he found the Huoyun Cthulhu who was holding a tree trunk on the lake and seemed to have passed out.

He desperately patted the water and rowed to Huoyun Cthulhu.

I saw Huo Yun Cthulhu's body up and down, naked.

He hung the trunk tightly with his hands, his head was dripping with blood, but his lips were blue.

Lin Yi slapped his face, slapped and shouted: "Hey, Huo Yun, Huo Yun..."

It took a full two minutes to shoot, but Huo Yun Cthulhu spit out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes opened slowly, and then he saw Lin Yi's face.

The next moment, he said quickly: "Don't fight, I give up, I give up!"

Lin Yigan laughed and said, "Isn't your famous saying,'I just want to kill you or be killed by you'? Since I've defeated you, then die."

Said that he raised his right palm, eager to fight.

The evil **** Huoyun waved his hand again and again and said, "Don't fight, don't fight, I'm just talking for fun, don't fight, I give up!"

Of course Lin Yi would not fight again, he had no strength to fight again.

The Huoyun Cthulhu looked at Lin Yi at this time, frightened and terrified, for fear that Lin Yi would make another move.

He tremblingly asked: "What kind of kung fu is that?"

"Falling Dragon Eighteen Palms."

Lin also replied.

"Eighteen Palms of Jianglong? Actually there is such a unique skill?"

"That's natural."

The evil **** Huoyun turned his head and seemed to fall into contemplation. He muttered to himself: "There is such a power that can destroy my island. I am afraid that it will only be as short as the dragon. Palm up."

Having said that, he seemed to suddenly remember something.

Looking down, he saw that he was holding a tree trunk and his lower body was all soaked in water.

Seeing this, he suddenly saw a look of horror in his eyes again, and then shook his hands, yelling: "Help, help, I don't know how to water, help—"

It's okay for him not to wave his hands. With such a wave, his whole person sinks.

Fortunately, he caught Lin Yi's leg and quickly climbed up. When he stuck his head out of the water, he coughed and hugged Lin Yi tightly.

Lin is also quite speechless.

Being held so tightly by a naked middle-aged wet body uncle in his fifties is so sour and nothing more.

And one thing made Lin also find it funny.

"You are so afraid of water, why live on a small island? Looking for excitement?"

Huo Yun Cthulhu held Lin Yi tightly and said, "It's quiet here, no one will bother me practicing martial arts."

Lin Yi nodded, stopped chatting, and asked, "Where is the Six-Medition Divine Sword Book? Hand it over, and I will let you go."

The evil **** Huoyun didn't dare to give it at this time, and said: "Originally on the island, but the island was destroyed by you, now I can only find it slowly."

Lin Yi gave a wry smile.

It seems that sometimes it is not a good thing that Kung Fu is too powerful.

At this moment, neither of them had any strength, so they could only slowly paddle the log and come to the shore.

After resting for two full hours, Lin Yi slowly gained some strength.

As for the Huoyun Cthulhu, his injury was much heavier than At this time, he still fell limply on the ground.

He was very surprised when he saw Lin Yi had stood up.

This kid is so much stronger than his own recovery ability, it is really terrifying.

In surprise, he asked: "Who are you? How could you be so powerful?"

Lin Yi replied: "Shanghai-Hai Wudi Wuguan, Lin Yi."

Huo Yun Cthulhu heard this, his eyes flashed: "Are you Lin Yi?"


Huoyun evil **** said: "Two months ago, Shanghai Crocodile asked me to help them kill people, saying that it was the master of the invincible martial arts museum, so it was you."

"Yes. Why didn't you come to me."

Lin also asked.

"Because at that time, I just inquired about the Sword Genealogy of Six Vein Excalibur, so I told them to look for you after I practiced the magic skill, that is, Six Vein Excalibur. Later I heard that the killer ranked second. You also defeated the two best sellers. Later, you killed them from the third to the tenth."


The evil **** of fire cloud Lin Yi looked up and down carefully, and said: "You are young, and you have such a martial arts. In the future, you will definitely be the overlord of the world martial arts."

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said: "The overlord is not overlord, I don't care. As long as I can be with my beloved woman and travel the world, I will be satisfied."

The evil **** Huoyun shook his head and enlightened Lin Yi in a persuasive manner: "How can young people be so unambitious. Women are like clothes, you can change them at any time. But there is only one number one in the world. With your strength, you have almost reached the world now. The strongest point. No matter how hard you work, you can definitely become the pinnacle of the world. It is not worth giving up all this for a woman."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "This is just your idea."

(End of this chapter)

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