Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 376: Fire Cloud Evil God VS A Xing (Part 1)

Facts have proved that Lin Yi's method is still very useful.

Although the charterer and the charterer thought this was a bit weird, they still planned to visit the Axe Gang tomorrow.

In any case, I always have to ask Achen what happened back then.

Lin Yi secretly felt relieved, no matter what they were doing, as long as they went to the Axe Gang.

That night, Lin Yi stayed here for one night.

Early the next morning, the charterer and the charterer cleaned up and went to help the axe.

Lin also knew that there would be a big battle here at noon today. He told A Sheng and the three of them about it and asked them to help evacuate the neighborhood here as soon as possible.

The three of them, apart from being cool and reticent, and not good at interacting with people, A Sheng and A Gui are both very popular.

So although everyone was a little confused about what they said, they eventually moved out of here temporarily.

After ten o'clock, the sun was shining fiercely on the earth, as if trying to roast the earth out of oil.

The three of Lin Yi and A Sheng were hiding in the house.

A Sheng asked Lin Yi: "Since everyone is gone, why should we stay here?"

"Because there is an upcoming decisive battle here. A battle between the strongest masters."

Lin Yi said quite excitedly.

In fact, there are two points of his excitement. The first is what he said. There will be a battle between the two strongest men. How can he not be excited?

And what excites him even more is because he knows that today is the day to devour the evil **** of fire cloud, as long as the evil **** of fire cloud is swallowed, he will immediately be promoted to the 9th level.

The trio of A Sheng were also top martial arts masters before. Although they had already retired from the arena, they still felt passionate when they heard the decisive battle between the strongest masters.

While they were talking, they saw two figures rushing into the pig cage.

To be precise, there should be three figures: the charterer and the charterer, carrying the dying A Xing on their shoulders, and rushed in.

It turned out that when the two of them went to the Axe Gang, it happened that A Xing had “saved” the Huoyun Cthulhu from the Abnormal Human Research Center.

The evil **** Huoyun locked himself there for nearly ten years, just to practice the third level of toad art.

And now that the third level has finally been practiced, he has finally left.

It happened that the charter-in-law and the charter-in-law went to the Axe Gang, and the Huoyun Cthulhu immediately started a fierce duel with them.

During the duel, when the two sides were entangled and no one could escape, A Xing, who had just joined the axe gang, discovered his conscience and slammed a piece of wood against the head of the evil **** Huoyun.

This completely angered the Evil God Huoyun, and he even slammed A Xing's head into the ground with a punch.

But fortunately, he attracted the attention of Huoyun Cthulhu, which allowed the charterer and the charterer to take the opportunity to rescue him and escape.

Ah Xing at this time is already dying.

The charterer and the charterer were also hurt.

Lin Yi and A Sheng quickly helped them into the building.

The two of them didn't care about themselves, but first checked Ah Xing's injury.

The charterer checked it carefully and shook his head and said: "The whole body is broken, and the bones are broken. If you don't have a moment and a half, you will die."

Lin Yi shook his head and said with confidence: "Don't worry, you can't die. And... there will be unexpected gains."

The charter wife also said: "Even if you can't save your life, let's be a dead horse doctor. If it wasn't for him, we both would have died in the hands of Huoyun Cthulhu."

The two immediately used their social decoction to soak Ah Xing in it for more than an hour.

Then he put a plaster on A Xing's whole body and wrapped him with a bandage like a mummy.

After the charter lady had done all this, she drew a cigarette with difficulty and held it in her mouth.

Then he said: "We have done everything we can, but...oh, this will only make him live for half an hour at most."

The charterer also sighed and said, "It takes half an hour to half an hour. At least we have tried our best."

Lin Yi smiled mysteriously and said, "In two hours, you will see a reborn A Xing."

At the same time, the boss of the Axe Gang had been slapped by the Huoyun Cthulhu and his head turned 72o.

The Huoyun Cthulhu took the remaining axe to help the brothers, searching for the whereabouts of the Condor Heroes and A Xing.

Two hours later, they finally found the pig cage.

A Sheng looked at A Xing, who had not had the slightest breath, and shook his head and said, "I'm afraid he is already dead."

"What should I do now? The Evil God Fire Cloud has found here."

A Qiang said: "It's a big deal with him!"

Lin also saw that A Xing hadn't recovered yet, so it seemed that he could only buy some time for A Xing.

He immediately said to those people: "Believe me, Ah Xing will definitely be reborn and resurrected with full blood. All he needs is a little time, and I will help him fight for it."

Having said that, he turned and walked outside the door.

A Ghost asked in doubt: "Full of blood?"

Besides, there were more than a dozen Axe Gang members who were about to enter their room, but Lin Yi suddenly opened the door and walked out.

Then, without waiting for more than a dozen people to react, Lin Yi passed by instantly, waving his fists constantly.

Bang bang bang bang bang-

Just listening to a series of muffled noises, all the more than ten people fell from the third floor.

Pop, pop, pop--

The sound of them falling to the ground sounds very rhythmic.

Then, Lin Yi continued to fight from the third floor to the second floor, and from the second floor to the first floor.

More than a hundred gang members of the Axe Gang were knocked down by him.

I saw the rolling screams of these people everywhere on the ground.

Axes were hung on the railings, windows, and even clothes rails to help the crowd.

When Lin Yi came to Huoyun Cthulhu, the corner of his eye suddenly jumped.

There was a burst of fear in my heart unconsciously.

It turned out that Lin Yi had long left a shadow in his heart.

The only one who has defeated him, the one who blasted the island where he lives, how can he not let a shadow in his heart?

Moreover, the area of ​​this shadow is so large that even a powerful mathematician can't find the area of ​​this shadow.

The most important thing is that Lin Yi once said that if he does evil again, he will come and take his life in ten years.

And now it is exactly ten years-although it has not yet arrived, it is only two months away, which is barely ten years.

Could it be that he came to take his own life today?

Huoyun Cthulhu's heart shook again. UU Reading

But after a while, he regained his composure a little.

Over the past ten years, he has been practicing hard toad kung, and he has reached the realm of great achievement.

This has just come out, how can you die?

You want to take my life, right?

I also want to change my life against the sky, so that you can take my life and take your own life here instead.

Just thinking of this, Lin Yi's calm voice came: "Are you here to lead death?"...


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