Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 377: Fire Cloud Cthulhu VS A Xing (middle)

In fact, with Lin Yi's current strength, he couldn't beat the Huoyun Evil God.

The last time I ran Huoyun Cthulhu, I used the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong to shoot this guy.

But now there is no Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and the Fire Cloud Cthulhu has practiced the third level of Toad Art. Coupled with his incredibly fast speed, even if Lin tried his best to use a positive finger, he couldn't hit him.

But Huo Yun Cthulhu didn't know all of this, and he was still a little frustrated when he saw Lin Yi.

Although I kept reminding myself, today is going to change my fate.

But if the psychological shadow can be eliminated so easily, is it still called a psychological shadow?

The Huoyun Evil God wanted to kill Lin Yi immediately, but he dared not attack.

Just using words to test: "Do you think I am still the me ten years ago?"

"Well, no." Lin Yi replied, "ten years older than ten years ago."

Huoyun Cthulhu was speechless for a while, and he didn't know how to respond.

After a pause, he said, "I mean kung fu. My kung fu is no longer comparable to me ten years ago. You could beat me ten years ago. Do you think it's okay now?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Yi asked directly.

The Huoyun Cthulhu was again at a loss.

To be honest, he didn't know what to do.

The reason why he has such a tough tone is that he only emboldened himself.

"Ten years ago, I was able to clean up you, and now I can naturally."

Lin Yi said lightly.

Huo Yun Cthulhu's heart was stunned, looking at this kid's appearance, it was not like talking big.

But his mouth is still hard: "Ten years ago, your Eighteen Dragons Palms could defeat me, but today it may not be able to."

Lin Yi laughed and said, "If a Jianglong Eighteen Palms can't work, what about the Six Vein Divine Sword?"

"What? You have practiced the Six-Medition Divine Sword?"

The evil **** of fire cloud looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

He is also considered to be a genius of Tianzong, a martial arts genius who is unique.

But in the past ten years, he has only raised one Yang Zhi from the 9th rank to the 5th rank. Up to now, I can't use my fingers to isolate internal force.

He knew that from one yang finger to the six-channel divine sword, the more difficult it was to cultivate.

But in just ten years, this kid has actually risen from a third-rank and one-yang finger to the realm of a six-channel divine sword?

how can that be?

Moreover, he also discovered a fact that he had just ignored: the appearance of this kid, compared with ten years ago, has not changed in any way.

Ten years, no matter how well-maintained people are, it is impossible to remain unchanged.

Especially for the fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid, who has grown up to twenty-five or sixty years old in ten years, this change is definitely very big.

But this kid hasn't changed in ten years. How can this not make him feel weird?

Lin also has experienced so many worlds, it can be said that he has read countless people.

From the change of Huoyun Cthulhu's eyes, he probably guessed what Huoyun Cthulhu was thinking.

He smiled faintly and said: "I didn't expect it, my kung fu has reached a level that can delay aging to a large extent."

"Impossible, there can be no such kung fu in the world."

Huo Yun Cthulhu shook his head and said.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You think it's impossible, but it doesn't mean that you won't be born."

When he said this, Lin Yi had already detected that one of the bandages on A Xing had broken.

He continued: "Next, there will be moments to witness miracles."

Speaking, Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the room where A Xing was.

At this time, in the room.

The charterer, the charterer, Asheng, Agui, and Aqiang, five people, originally thought that Axing might be dead.

But at this moment, they saw a bandage on the mummy suddenly break.

A Sheng said in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the second and third bandages, both of which had been broken.

Both the charterer and the charterer stared at the mummy.

Just listening to the sound of clicking, cracks began to appear on the mummy.

At a certain moment, the whole mummy burst out suddenly, revealing the figure inside.

I saw Ah Xing at this moment, where was the appearance that was beaten so that my mother didn't even recognize him.

At this time, he seemed to have not been injured at all, his body didn't even appear to scratch the skin.

Broken muscles?

Broken bones?


All five people present had their eyes widened.

"how is this possible?"

"what happened?"

"This... is too incredible, right?"

At the same time, they also admire Lin even more in their hearts.

Lin also said that Ah Xing would not die, and they were still a little doubtful.

However, now the facts have proved that Lin also made no mistake, that A Xing has really "resurrected"!

In the compound, Lin Yi probed this scene, secretly happy.

Then he collected his biological impulse, and focused on exploring the evil spirit of Huoyun.

Facing the Huoyun Cthulhu, who was stronger than before, he had to be careful.

It can be said that in the face of the evil **** Huoyun who has practiced the third level of toad art, if he is not paying attention, he will be shot to death.

So in any case, he had to be careful and careful, but he still had to delay time until Ah Xing arrived.

"Huoyun evil god, I won't take action today, someone will take care of you."

Lin Yi said calmly.

In fact, the little heart is thumping.

What if Huoyun Cthulhu is a dumbfounded person and doesn't listen to his nonsense, skips a slap and shoots him to death, is he wronged?

But fortunately, the Huoyun Cthulhu had already had a shadow in his heart. At this time, he heard that Lin Yi hadn't taken any action, and he was fortunate in his heart.

To be honest, let him and Lin Yi do it, he was really a little bit embarrassed. At this time, it was the best to hear that Lin Yi did not do it. And the phrase "someone cleaned up" didn't scare him. Even if someone came, as long as it wasn't Lin Yi, he would have absolute confidence to defeat him.

This is like a martial artist who was once scared by a snake. Although he grew up, he could trample a snake to death with one foot, and even beat a tiger with one punch. He was not afraid when he saw a tiger, but he would still be frightened when he saw a snake.

At this time, neither of them spoke anymore, just waiting for Ah Xing's arrival.

But after waiting for five minutes, Ah Xing did not come out.

The two stood facing each other, looking a little embarrassed.

Huoyun Cthulhu coughed twice, cleared his throat, looked up at the big sun in the afternoon, and said, "Aren't you hot?"

Lin Yi swallowed and said, "Hot. How about you?"

The Huoyun Cthulhu wiped his and said, "I'm hot too. But not as hot as them."

He pointed to the axe in suits and leather shoes to help the brothers.

Huoyun Cthulhu continued: "I heard that there is a kind of electric fan in the West, and it is very cool with a cool breeze."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "But there is no air conditioning to cool down yet."

"Air conditioning? What is that?"

Huo Yun Cthulhu asked.

Lin Yi replied: "It's a high-tech thing. With your IQ, you won't understand it after I tell you."...


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