Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 378: Fire Cloud Cthulhu VS A Xing (Part 2)

Originally, the master showdown should be a scene of surging wind, lightning and thunder, the end of the world.

As a result, Lin Yi and Huoyun Cthulhu gave birth to a daily chat.

Even the system that has always been in the second grade can't listen: "Hey, hey, master duel, moment of life and death, what are you doing?"

Lin Yi sweated in his heart and bit his head and said, "I can't do anything about this. A Xing hasn't come out yet. I am not as strong as him now, and I can't force him. Since he wants to chat, he can only accompany him. "

"But this isn't too slippery, right?"

"There is no way, anyway, let's hold on until Ah Xing arrives."

Lin Yi replied helplessly.

The evil **** Huoyun continued: "Hey, is there any water in your bamboo cage city? I seem to be a little thirsty."

"No, the charter wife stipulated that the water supply in the village of the pig cage will be interrupted every one of three and five, and the water supply will be intermittent on two or six. Unfortunately, today is exactly Friday."

Huoyun evil **** shook his head and said, "Really inhuman."

Lin Yishen nodded in agreement: "Well, inhuman."

When talking about this, the two looked up at the door of a room on the third floor at the same time.

Hearing a squeak, the door of the room was opened and a figure appeared at the door.

I saw this person wearing a white double-breasted gown and a black quilt-a very traditional Kung Fu outfit.

He looks pretty handsome with long hair.

This person is exactly Ah Xing.

The evil **** Huoyun saw A Xing appear, was surprised and delighted: "Is there such a thing?"

This kid had obviously been blasted to pieces by him, his bones were all broken, and he completely recovered in less than four hours. And the spirit at this time looked like a different person.

Lin Yi took a long breath and said, "How come?"

Ah Xing smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I just recovered. I settled down for the charterer and the charterer, and took some time to take a shower and change clothes. By the way, I had a hard time finding these two clothes. The baby who was under the chartered man’s box was found only after I stole their keys and opened the cabinet. How is it, handsome?"

Huo Yun Cthulhu heard this, and his eyes suddenly stared: "Didn't it mean that the water will be stopped every one of three and five? Today is Friday!"

Ah Xing said: "I said that I had stolen his keys. With your IQ, you won't understand it after telling you."

Lin also listened to this second-year dialogue that was even higher than the one they had just done, and felt that he was not watching a dialogue between two peerless masters, but was watching two young middle- and second-year men spray each other.

The Huoyun Evil God glanced at Lin Yi with a little dread, and said, "He said you are a peerless master in a million?"

Ah Xing smiled modestly, and said: "A peerless master dare not be a master, but there is nothing in it."

The evil **** of fire cloud laughed and said, "I am a person who loves to challenge a peerless master in my life. And what I love most is to kill a peerless master, or be beaten to death by a peerless master. But unfortunately, until now. So far, the latter has not happened."

Lin Yi coughed lightly, "What happened ten years ago, forgot?"

The evil **** Huoyun said with a black thread, "I'm just making an analogy, don't it be better?"

A Xing said: "Come on then."


The next moment, the two blasted each other with a punch at the same time.


With a muffled sound, the two took five steps back at the same time.

And the ground they just stood on has cracked cracks.

Huoyun Cthulhu was very pleasantly surprised: "You are the second person who can match my strength."

Speaking again, he blasted towards Ah Xing.

Ah Xing also blasted towards the Huoyun Cthulhu again.

Next, the two fists you come and go, almost to the extreme.

Even with Lin Yi's eyesight, he couldn't see the speed of the two.

Huoyun Cthulhu has always advocated the truth that "the world's martial arts, no strength is not broken, only quickness does not break", so all his kung fu is based on quickness.

Lin Yi was secretly startled when he saw it.

Huo Yunxie's nerve retreat after ten years, the speed is much faster than before.

If you fight with yourself, you really can't do it.

He simply withdrew far to the side, lest the two men beat each other and hurt himself.

Then, Huoyun Cthulhu showed his toad art, the power of the third layer of toad art was twice as large as before.

The ground and the building next to him were shaken constantly by his toad power.

Even Ah Xing does not seem to be his opponent.

The charterer on the third floor and the five others were secretly sweating for A Xing.

"A Xing seems to be at a disadvantage."

"With the power of the Fire Cloud Cthulhu's third-layer toad skill, A Xing may really be no match."

"What to do? We just rescued him, he won't be beaten to death again?"


While everyone was worried, Huoyun Cthulhu's toads were able to fly A Xing several hundred meters high.

Just like the scene in the movie, Ah Xing used that trick of falling from the sky.

Buddha's Palm!

Before the palm of the Tathagata God came out, the Evil God of Huoyun was crushed by the palm to the ground, unable to lift his head.


The ground shook violently, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground.

Under this palm print, the evil **** of fire cloud sank into the ground.

Before Ah Xing issued a second palm, he quickly raised his hands: "surrender!"

But when Ah Xing landed, he suddenly held a hidden weapon and wanted to attack Ah Xing.

A Xing's right palm blasted from his left ear out of thin air, and the building behind him was heavily blasted with a palm print that was twenty meters high and five meters wide.

The power of the palm of the Buddha is evident.

Lin also secretly compared the palm of the Tathagata with his eighteen palms of Jianglong.

Jianglong's eighteen palms are the most sturdy and fierce palms, with one palm exploding, unmatched. Even in the army, you can come and go freely, as if you are in the land of no one.

The palm of the Tathagata God is a kind of palm that is universal in the world, with all things in mind, which can contain all things, but does not kill.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to blast a huge palm print from the ground with one palm, and it would not kill a small Pohuoyun evil god.

In comparison, the realm of the Tathagata palm is higher, which can be called the cosmic palm.

But the eighteen palms of Jianglong are more destructive, which can be called the first palm of the earth.

Given his character, let him choose, of course he still chooses to drop the dragon and eighteen palms.

Of course, if the two can be combined, it is naturally the best.

But I think these are useless.

He didn't even have one of these two skills, he just wanted to have a fart.

At this time, the Fire Cloud Cthulhu had completely accepted the defeat, and Lin Yi did not wait for others to react, suddenly a fiery red energy surged through his sharp claws came out.

Then instantly he swept towards the evil **** of fire cloud, like an eagle leaping against a rabbit, he flew over.

Huoyun Cthulhu has just been slapped with that palm for half his life, and he will recover soon.

So even though he realized this and wanted to avoid it, he was still slow after all because of his body injury.


Under the swoop, the body of the evil **** Huo Yun was caught in two parts.

Poor, the Huoyun Cthulhu, who is number one in the killer rankings, was culled by Lin Yi without even screaming. ...


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