Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 379: Promoted to level 9

When everyone did not react, Lin Yi actually swallowed the Fire Cloud Cthulhu.

This scene caught everyone's expectations.

A Xing looked at Lin Yi in surprise, and said, "You...I originally planned to..."

A gleam of excitement flashed in Lin Yi's eyes and said, "I know, you originally planned to let him go. But you don't know, I let him go once ten years ago, but as a result, he has gotten worse and worse than ten years ago. Great. So we must not be merciful to the wicked, but do our best to eliminate the evil!"

When the five people upstairs and Ah Xing heard this, they were silent.

These people, although they have all been in the rivers and lakes, they basically did not kill a wicked person.

Their philosophy of life is to be forgiving and forgiving, and it is always good to let them live.

They also think that Lin Yi's approach is a bit extreme.

But I have to admit that sometimes their actions will be counterproductive.

After thinking about it for a while, Ah Xing couldn't immediately judge which of these two approaches was better or worse, so he didn't even think about it.

He just looked at Lin Yi slightly provocatively, and said, "Ten years ago you said I wanted to learn Kung Fu, but it's still a long way away. Now?

Lin Yi was about to speak, and not far away, a figure crouched slowly came.

This person is not someone else, but the old beggar.

As he walked, he said, "That's wrong. In fact, ten years ago, he knew that you are a martial arts prodigy."

A Xing shook his head and said, "Impossible. Ten years ago, I wanted to worship him as a teacher. He said that "it's still far away" and I will never forget it for the rest of my life."

The beggar laughed and shook his head and said, "You only know one, but you don't know the other. Ten years ago, the day you challenged him, when you left, I told him that the evil **** of fire cloud was practicing the third layer of toad gong. After training, no one can beat him. He said: After ten years, someone will clean him up. I only now know that the person he was talking about is you."

The provocation in A Xing's eyes suddenly disappeared, turning into surprise: "Really?!"

The old beggar laughed and said: "I have always been a beggar and never talked empty words in my life. Especially to children."

Lin Yi has a black line.

This old guy is too thick-skinned.

But I could see that Ah Xing seemed to believe in this old guy.

He looked at Lin Yi: "Since you know that I can practice magical skills in ten years, why didn't you accept me as a disciple?"

"Everything has a fixed number, and your Tathagata palm has actually been practiced back then, but you haven't opened up the Rendu Channel. I have nothing to teach you, so naturally there is no need to accept you as a disciple."

Ah Xing said nothing when he heard this.

If Lin Yi had accepted him as a disciple, maybe he could avoid many detours.

Seeing Ah Xing, the old beggar still couldn't figure it out.

He said: "Masters of martial arts have to make many detours. But because of so many detours, he can be more practical than others, and finally become a master of martial arts. If you directly followed him to learn martial arts, you may not be able to achieve Today’s achievement. He also saw through this point and didn’t accept you as a disciple."

Lin Yi secretly complimented: This old guy explained well. I still don't know how to explain to Ah Xing.

In fact, if it weren't for accepting Ah Xing, it would change the plot, and Lin also said that he would accept everything.

Ah Xing understood Lin Yi's "good intentions" and said to Lin Yi, "So, it seems that I have been misunderstanding Master Lin Wu for the past ten years. I am not here to pay you."

Lin Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just a small effort."

The old beggar said to Lin Yi: "It's just that I don't know something. You can actually see what happened ten years later? My old beggar thinks that he knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom. There is nothing I don't know about the entire land of China. But one year I'm not sure about the future. How can you know what will happen ten years from now?"

Lin Yi laughed and said, "This is a secret. Don't disclose it."

The old beggar really wanted to know, and said: "In this way, I will spend 500 yuan to buy your secret."

"Am I a greed for small profits?"

Lin Yi smiled.


Said the beggar.

Lin Yi still smiled and shook his head.


Lin Yidao: "Do you think that with my current net worth, do you still care about your 1500?"

With that said, the beggar finally stopped speaking.

Indeed, with Lin Yi's current net worth and monthly income of at least tens of thousands, he would not care about this 1,500 yuan at all.

When Lin Yi was talking to these people, the voice of the system seemed impatient in his mind: "It's endless, can you still listen to the announcement?"

"Listen, of course!"

Lin Yi said.

If you swallow the Fire Cloud Cthulhu, you will definitely gain a lot of evolution points.

Lin Yi couldn't wait long ago.

Had it not been for Ah Xing and the old beggar to interrupt here, he would have taken the initiative to ask the system.

The system's voice continued: "Since I want to hear it, I have been talking with others for so long. How can you bear to leave a small system aside?"

Lin also had the urge to beat the system, and said, "If you want to broadcast, hurry up."

The system chuckled, and then said: "Swallow the Fire Cloud Cthulhu, get 1000 evolution points, and total evolution points 20132 points. Can be promoted to level 9, do I need to be promoted immediately?"

"Of course promoted, hurry up!"

"Intensifying, please wait."

Along with the sound of the system, the familiar feeling came from Lin Yi again.

This surface system has begun to strengthen his body.

The voice of the system continued: "This enhancement is expected to last for 1 hour."

The higher the level, the more difficult it is to advance.

Lin Yi still has systematic help, and it takes an hour. If it is an ordinary evolver, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky if it wants to be promoted to level 9.

And with the help of the system to strengthen, Lin can also do other things while upgrading.

Unlike ordinary evolvers, when they are promoted, they can't do anything.

Next, Lin Yi, the old beggar, A Xing, the Condor Heroes, and A Sheng and the others, found a tavern and talked about the wine.

An hour later, Lin Yi finally heard a system voice in his mind:

"Successful enhancement. You have been promoted to level 9 evolution. This enhancement will consume 20,000 evolution points and 132 evolution points remain."

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

The 9th level evolutionist has finally reached it!

After being upgraded to level 9, the strength is stronger and the speed is faster.

But this is not what Lin Yi most values ​​ What he most valued is that the difference between level 9 and level 10 is only one level.

As long as it reaches level 10, there will be a substantial increase in strength.

And you will get an upgrade package, which has many good things.

And after being promoted to level 10, the flame claw will also be upgraded to level 3.

With so many benefits, how can we not let Lin Yi be anxious.

So he can't stop the pace of upgrading, he wants to upgrade to level 10 as soon as possible. ...


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