Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 380: Biochemical bomb

Lin Yi was excited, and asked the system: "Now I have been promoted to level 9. What skills do you give me?"

The system replied: "Promote to level 9, get the skill [Biochemical Bomb]."

Lin also listened and felt even more happy.

This biochemical bomb is a very interesting skill.

It injects the virus into a target body and then throws it far into the enemy's crowd.

The target body injected with the virus will shoot out dozens of scarlet vines instantly, piercing through or even tearing the surrounding enemies.

Its final effect is similar to the black hole attack of tendrils.

But the difference is that biochemical bombs can achieve long-range attacks.

Lin Yi could not wait to find a place to try this biochemical bomb now.

It's just that the people around here have been evacuated, and those Axe Gang members had already escaped when the Huoyun Evil God was fighting with A Xing.

Without a goal, Lin Yi could only give up.

While drinking, the old beggar asked Ah Xing: "What are your plans for the future?"

Lin Yidao: "Of course he opened a candy store."

Ah Xing is curious: "How do you know?"

Lin also smiled without answering.

The old beggar waved his hand: "What's so fun to open a candy store? It's better to follow my old beggar to beg for food, and you can get up to ten yuan a day."

"so much?"

Ah Xing expressed surprise.

But the beggar shook his head and said, "I don’t know the guys, I’m going to talk less. If there are more, it’s not a problem to get to forty or fifty yuan a day. Of course, you can’t just eat, you can do it. Engage in side business, such as selling cheats."

When everyone heard it, there was a black line.

"By the way, if you don't have enough money to open a candy store, you can come to me to get it."

Lin also said to Ah Xing.

A Xing said, "Thank you, Master Lin. But I want to open a candy store on my own."

Lin Yi nodded: "Well, I support you."

The old beggar looked speechless: "You don't even want to give you money. Couldn't you just be stupid by the Huoyun Cthulhu?"


After drinking with these people, Lin Yi returned to the Wudi Wuguan.

When Gongsun Lüe saw Lin Yi's return, he let go of his hanging heart, and hurriedly cooked himself, cooking Lin Yi many dishes he liked.

When eating, Gongsun Lüe saw Lin Yi seemed to be worried, and asked, "Lin Yi, why do you seem unhappy?"

Lin Yi also didn't want to conceal from Gong Sun Lue, saying: "Now the plot of the movie is almost finished. When A Xing's candy store opens, we will be parting."

When Gongsun Lue heard Lin Yi's words, he also felt infinite sadness.

After a while, she said, "But it doesn't matter, Lin Yi, didn't you say that we might still be together in the future?"

Lin also listened, and his emotions gradually rose, and said, "Don't worry, Lue, one day in the future, I will definitely bring you to reality. Then we will always be together and never separate."

"Well, I believe it."

Gongsun Lue leaned on Lin Yi's shoulder, with infinite nostalgia in his heart.

A Xing’s candy store has opened

Finally, on this day, Ah Xing's candy store opened.

A Xing and the little girl he had saved when he was a child lived a happy life.

I have a good time when I charter a company and my wife.

Four-eyed boy and Gu Yazhen are also very close.

The haircut boy who has been showing his **** is also starting to slap her sister.

The second boss of the Axe Gang also corrected his evil spirits and found a job as a traffic policeman.

The endings of others are so happy and happy, but Lin Yi and Gongsun Lue are about to part.

Those who are depressed, have nothing but goodbye.

That night, the two cuddled with each other, sitting on the roof of the martial arts hall, watching the full moon that had just risen.

"Lu E, have you seen it, the moon is so round, it also hopes that we can meet again."

"Yeah. Lin Yi, being with you for these ten years has been the happiest and happiest time in my life."

"me too."

The second is to hug each other tightly.

At the same time, the system urging voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind: "There are still 10 minutes. If you don't go out, you will be obliterated in this outer world."

Lin didn't move either, instead he hugged Gongsun Lue tighter.

"There are two minutes left."

The system urged again.

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

He just hoped that time would be slower and slower.

Finally, when the time was up to the last 30 seconds, Lin Yi showed his rental house.

At the moment the door closed, Gongsun Lue's eyes were filled with crystals.

Seeing the tears in Gongsun Lue's eyes, Lin Yi couldn't help but want to go out again.

The system discovered Lin Yi's actions and immediately shouted: "Damn, are you crazy? I'm not dead? I'm not afraid that I won't be able to burn firewood if I leave the green mountain. There will be opportunities in the future."

Speaking, the door slammed and closed automatically.

When the door of the house opened again, Lin Yi had already returned to reality.

He wiped a drop of tears from the corner of his eyes, and said in his heart: "In any case, no matter how much the price is paid, Gongsun Lue must be brought to reality. Never separate again."

It was 12 o'clock at this time, and after Lin Yi came back, he lay on the bed.

His mind was full of Gongsun Lue, and he couldn't sleep at all.

The system's voice came: "Don't think about it anymore, just want to have a fart. Where there is no fragrant grass, why bother to love a calyx. The big deal is when you enter other planes in the future, find a good woman for you. Super God How about Angel Yan in the academy? Otherwise, Liang Bing would be okay. In short, don't be too sad, listen to the announcement first."

The system continued: "Enter the game this time, complete the task get 1000 evolution points, 1132 total evolution points. Complete the hidden task, reward 1000 evolution points, 2132 total evolution points. And reward the mysterious gift pack , Do you want to open the gift package?"

Lin Yi was still immersed in the memories of Gongsun Lüe, and ignored the system at all.

The system said to itself: "Okay, if you don't speak, you are tacitly disassembling it."

Before the words fell, Lin Yi had a golden light in that dark space.

Under the light, a golden gift bag appeared.

There are two big characters written on the package-mystery!

Before Lin Yi could speak, the mysterious gift package had already been opened.

I saw four big characters with golden light in it-Tathagata Palm.

Lin Yi saw these four characters and couldn't help but feel shocked: "Tathagata palm? You mean I got the Tathagata palm? Will I be able to use the Tathagata palm in reality?"

"Not only in reality, but in any other plane, it can be used. Just like the same Yang finger."

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

He knew the power of the Tathagata palm.

Although the comparison is not as sturdy and fierce as the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, the momentum is unmatched by the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon.

Being able to have the palm of the Tathagata God, after that, he will have one more life-saving hole card.


[There must be many people who will ask: Lin Yi and Gongsun Lue have lived together for ten years, but there is no one and a half children? Is one infertility and one infertility? the answer is negative. This is a foreshadowing laid by the author, a very deep foreshadowing...Fart, in fact, it is completely because the author thinks that if you give birth to a child here, it is difficult to deal with. Of course, there are many couples who have not had children for ten years, so don't care about these details. 】

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