Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 382: Zombie attack

Regarding the left also, Lin did not know how to face it.

And even though Zuo Yiran said that, she was also very considerate and said to Lin Yi: "I don't want to put pressure on you or embarrass you. I know you have a deep love for Gongsun Sister, which is why I like you. . I just want to have a little bit of place in your heart, just a little bit. If Sister Gongsun will really come to this world, then at least during this period of time before she comes, let me take care of you for her. So I will Satisfied."


Lin Yi was silent again.

He did not know how to answer.

Zuo Yiran didn't force her, but after finishing speaking, he quietly picked up the dishes.

For a long time, Lin Yi said: "But you know, I have a lot of secrets, so many people want to kill me. It is also because of this that I dare not reveal my true identity, even I haven't been home for a long time, for fear of getting tired. Family. If you are with me often, I'm afraid..."

"I'm not afraid!"

Before Lin Yi finished speaking, Zuo Yiran rushed to say.

As a result, Lin Yi's words were also blocked.

After a long time, Lin Yi finally sighed and said, "Why are you doing this?"

"Maybe you think it is bitter, but to me it is sweet?"

Lin Yi took a long breath, looking at Zuo Yiran's affectionate gaze when he looked at him, Lin Yi did not dare to look at her.

In the end he could only say: "Well, if I promise you, if I have free time, I will come to see you from time to time."

Although Zuo Yiran is not as reserved and introverted as Gongsun Lue, she is definitely not an open girl.

Now that she has said this for him, it can be seen how determined she is and how courage it takes.

Lin Yi really couldn't bear to reject her directly.


Zuo Yiran was a little excited.

Although Lin Yi promised her last time, he only promised to "think of her occasionally".

As for whether he would think about it, who knows.

But this time was different, he promised to "visit her often".

This is simply something she didn't dare to expect before.

Lin Yi already had Gongsun Lue in her heart, and now she could promise her this, she felt it was a gift from heaven.

Next, Zuo Yiran was in a high mood, and his steps were much lighter. There was always unconcealed joy on her face.

While she was busy in the kitchen, she said to Lin Yi: "Look, I rented this room again. Although it is not the same room we used to live in, it is still in the same community. And I also let people re-rent in the room. It’s been renovated, and it’s decorated according to the room we lived in. How about it, it looks exactly like the original room, right?"

She looked a little proud.

Lin Yi could only smile wryly.

Zuo Yiran continued: "How many days can you stay here this time?"

Lin also thought for a while and said, "Not necessarily, but it should be at least ten and a half months."


Gongsun Lue looked even more pleased.

Lin Yi used to come back and only stayed for two or three days at most, but this time he was able to stay for ten days. How could this not make him excited.

"Then you can live here for more than ten days. I have already prepared the bedding and everything, exactly the same as yours."

Zuo Yiran said.

Lin was also a little surprised.

Last time the house they lived in was destroyed by those in the shadow group.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Yiran not only redecorated a house that was exactly the same as the original one, but also the things inside, the bedding and everything else were exactly the same.

This shows her good intentions.

This also made Lin also unable to say rejection.

He could only nod his head and said, "Okay."

So in the next few days, Lin Yi lived here in Zuo Yiran.

In order to make the teacher happy, Lin Yi went to several classes specially.

Although it seems that learning to paint seems to be of little use at the moment, there are many planes that Lin Ye has to go to, and maybe he will use it then.

When Wang Molin saw Lin Yi's arrival, he was naturally happy, and just like the last time, he asked the other students to go back and gave Lin Yi all the time these days.

Lin Yi also studied very seriously.

When learning to paint, the advantage of his special insight became apparent.

Can grasp every feature and detail of things, and then express its features in an exaggerated way.

Wang Molin was surprised at Lin Yi's progress.

Every time he saw Lin Yi, he felt that Lin Yi had improved a lot.

He has never seen a student who can learn as fast as Lin Yi.

However, although Lin Yi is studying here, he has always followed the news of Shanghai-Hai City.

He is especially concerned about reports of missing persons.

In the end it proved that his attention was correct.

On the fifth day, the missing cases showed that those missing were all people who came to the sea alone.

Because they came here alone, almost all of them have been missing for several days or even more than ten days. It was only a few months before someone found out that they were missing.

But what is strange is that the police did not find one, two, three or four.

Obviously, there is a ghost in it.

Lin didn't care about this, he just wanted to know the location of those underground laboratories.

Judging from the locations where these people disappeared, they are basically at several docks in Shanghai-Hai, especially at the Nanmen dock on Chongming Island, where the largest number of missing people is. Chongming Island is the largest island in Shanghai-Hai City. There are many shipyards on it. These shipyards have many migrant workers every year.

The evil forces are to seize the opportunity of these migrant workers to go to the dock and **** them away.

Lin Yi analyzed briefly and felt that there must be an underground laboratory on Chongming Island.

Surrounded by water here, the virus will not easily spread out.

If you want to block messages here, it's easy.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the entire Chongming Island is conquered by the virus, it will be easily controlled. Because the Yangtze River water is a natural isolation zone.

The virus doesn't necessarily spread out by boat.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi briefly said to Zuo Yiran that he was going out for a few days, then packed up and left.

He didn't tell Zuo Yiran where he was He was originally a dangerous person. The more things Zuo Yiran knew about him, the more dangerous he would be.

And Zuo Yiran didn't ask where Lin Yi was going, she just packed Lin Yi silently.

When Lin Yi left, she only said: "Lin Yi, be careful."

She would not persuade Lin Yi because she knew Lin Yi had a lot to do. All she can do is support Lin Yi silently in her heart.

Lin Yi looked at Zuo Yiran, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

In the end, he just nodded, then turned around, carrying a backpack, and went out the door. ...


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