Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 383: Chongming Island

Lin Yi took the car and spent more than two hours to arrive at the pier. Then he boarded the ferry and went to the South Gate Pier.

This was the first time Lin Yi looked at the Yangtze River so close.

On the Yangtze River, the smoke waves are vast, and there is a very strange feeling in the boat.

After more than twenty minutes, he finally arrived at the South Gate Pier on Chongming Island.

Nanmen is considered the most prosperous place on Chongming Island, and there are many people.

Lin also thinks that the people in the underground laboratory are likely to put eyeliner here, first to see which targets are suitable for their experiments; secondly, they also monitor those outsiders to prevent any accidents.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Yi came to the South Gate Pier, he activated his biological tracking skills and constantly probed the surroundings.

After wandering in the crowd for about ten minutes, he finally detected the existence of two evolutionaries.

Although these two evolvers are only first-level evolvers, they are inherently rare. In such a small place as Chongming Island, you can see two first-level evolvers at the same time. There must be something wrong in the middle.

So Lin Yi secretly paid attention to these two level 1 evolutionists.

I have to say that this biological tracking skill is simply a magical skill for tracking targets.

Even if separated by a few buildings, Lin could also detect everything within a kilometer.

Not only can the target be tracked, it is almost impossible to be discovered by the target. This is the magical ability of biological tracking.

I saw the two pretending to be wandering people, seeming to stare at people coming and going inadvertently.

Once there are people who are migrant workers with large bags, they should pay more attention to them.

Two hours later, the two went to eat.

Lin Yi also found a restaurant within one kilometer and ordered a bowl of beef ramen.

He is a northerner and is used to pasta.

When it comes to Shanghai-Hai, there are few places to sell noodles. So the beef ramen restaurant has become Lin Yi's favorite.

Although this is very different from the taste of his hometown, it can only be done.

After eating the ramen, he detected the two people and continued to watch at the dock.

He also found a cool place, lying on a bench, closed his eyes and rested.

Who could have imagined that he, who seemed so idle, was watching the two people watching others at this time.

Finally, at around nine o'clock in the evening, there were fewer people on the pier, and the two seemed to be planning to call it a day.

But before finishing work, they focused on a young man who looked less than twenty years old and was carrying a large bag.

The young man seemed to be looking for a place to live here, and when he asked for directions, he asked the two level 1 evolutionists.

The two Level 1 evolutionaries laughed, and then the higher evolutionary enthusiastically led the way for the young man.

The low evolutionary said he was going to the parking lot to get the car, and then left.

And when the high-point evolutionary led the young man to an alley, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the young man's neck.

However, at this moment, he pressed half of his finger and suddenly stopped in the air.

The young man was taken aback and asked, "What are you doing?"

The Level 1 Evolutionist didn't answer him, but just looked at a figure in the alley not far away.

I saw this figure wearing a hood, black leather jacket and gray jeans.

I can't see the upper half of his face, but I can see the faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The evolutionary level 1 was taken aback for a moment, and cursed: "What do you look at, get out of here!"

The heartless youth saw Lin Yi's dress, but he was overjoyed and said, "Damn, brother a! This dress looks authentic at first glance, not like the stalls bought from a certain treasure. Your dress Where did you buy it? I'll get one too. So handsome."

It was the first time Lin Yi saw such a heartless young man.

The level 1 evolutionary said coldly: "No matter what brother A or B you are, get out of me, otherwise..."

Before he finished his words, he saw Lin Yi's figure suddenly swept 3o meters away at an extremely fast speed and came to him.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed his neck and lifted him into the air with one hand.

Lin Yi's right arm has become fiery red like lava, with blood-red vines entwined on it.

The next moment, the fiery red energy gushes out of him, completely covering the level 1 evolutionary and swallowing it.

The young man next to him saw his eyes wide, and was horrified.

It is true that he admires Brother A, but when such a character suddenly appears in front of him, he is not afraid that it is false.

Dear officials, imagine, when Brother A suddenly appeared in front of you, were you afraid?

Anyway, the young author is trembling.

Lin Yi glanced at the young man, then ignored him and walked quickly out of the alley.

The young man looked at Lin Yi's back and the blood-red double-winged flying dragon pattern behind Lin Yi's back, and he felt a sense of bewilderment.

When he was in school, he liked to play the prototype and admired Brother A very much.

It cost a lot of money just to buy Brother A’s posters, figures, and even models such as Brother A’s claws and sharp blades. For this reason, he was almost beaten to death by his father.

But he never dreamed that one day Brother A would suddenly appear next to him.

He patted his face: "Dreaming?"

Then he pinched the back of his hand again, so that he squeaked twice: "It hurts, it hurts, is it true?"

Just thinking of this, I saw that when he was approaching the entrance of the alley, under a burst of fiery red energy on the body of A, he quickly changed into the person before.

Seeing this, the young man said in shock: "Disguise skills! This...really is Brother A!"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly pursued Lin Yi at the entrance of the alley.

But Lin Yi has already turned around the alley.

When he turned around the alley, where was there a figure of brother?

At the same time, Lin Yi had already arrived on another street and stopped the Level 1 Evolution who was driving over.

The level 1 evolutionist pushed the door and asked, "Why are you the only one? What about silly boy?"

"Don't mention it, something happened and he slipped away."

The Level 1 evolutionary laughed and said, "A dignified evolutionary was slipped away by a low-level human? Then you are great."

Lin Yi pretended to be exhausted and closed his, leaning back in the chair, said, "Don't talk nonsense, go back quickly."

The evolutionary level 1 moved the car and drove forward.

At this time, Lin Yi took care of the memory of the Level 1 Evolution who had swallowed before Li. From his memory, Lin Yi knew many things.

As he guessed, there really is an underground laboratory on Chongming Island.

And not only on Chongming Island, but also on nearby Hengsha Island and Changxing Island, there are also underground laboratories.

Chongming Island is the largest of the three islands, and the laboratory above is also the largest of the three islands. ...


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