Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 393: Biochemical bomb reappears

That Cheng Gong's weapons were two sharp axes made up of fire attribute energy.

That's right, it's a sharp axe like Cheng Yaojin.

Dare to love this guy to bite himself into gold.

"Today I will let you learn the three tricks of Master Lead Tutorial!"

With a loud shout, Cheng Gong jumped more than five meters high and slashed directly at Lin Yi.

This vigorous feeling of downward movement is simply earth-shattering.

Lin Yi naturally refused to confront him head-on, and he dodged the axe for a moment.


This axe slashed directly where he stood.

I only felt that the ground seemed to sway a few times, and there was a crack that was two inches wide and more than five meters long.

Lin Yi's complexion changed slightly.

The power of this axe is also strong enough.

Lin also didn't dare to neglect, but also used fire attribute energy to condense energy claws.

When the evolvers around met, they were all surprised.

The weapons condensed by other evolutionists are at most knives, guns, swords and sticks, and they must be held by hand in order to fight.

This guy is good, the condensed weapon is so exaggerated: arms that are three times thicker than lava, and thick blood-red vines are entwined on them.

At the end of the vine, eight dazzling sharp claws that are more than a foot long extend directly.

An 8-level evolutionary couldn't help saying: "This weapon is so powerful!"

"It's definitely much sharper than the weapon we condensed. I feel that his claws can definitely cut off my long knife."

"Yes, and the speed of this kid's flash just now is much faster than us."

"It seems that this kid is not easy."

In the end, the smaller 8-level evolutionary tilted his head, looking like a curious baby, and said, "Where is his hand?"

He watched Lin Yi's arm turn into a lava-like arm, with eight sharp claws extending from the top of the scarlet vine, but he was very puzzled as to where Lin Yi's hand went.

After speaking, the other people did not respond to him for a long time.

In doubt, he turned to look at the others.

I saw the other evolutionaries, all looking at him with idiotic eyes.

He swallowed unconsciously and said, "...that, is there a problem?"

The 9th-level evolutionary said: "The point now is where his hands have gone?"

"Is not it?"

The evolutionary looked puzzled.

The others shook their heads speechlessly.

"With your IQ, I really can't communicate with you."

An 8-level evolutionary complained.

As a result, the evolutionary replied: "Is it because your IQ is too low? It doesn't matter. When I communicate with you, I can pretend that IQ is not online."


Each of the other people stared at the evolutionary with murderous eyes.


At the same time, the battle between the two in the middle of the field has reached a fever pitch.

Every time that Cheng Gong approached with a sharp axe, he almost wielded about 90% of his power, and even occasionally wielded 100% of his power.

This shocked Lin Yi.

You know, the average evolutionary below level ten doesn't have time to accumulate power in battle, so at most they can only wield 60% of their power. The evolutionary above level ten has a short time to accumulate power, so they can wield about 80% of their power in battle.

It is very rare that this process can directly wield 90% or even 100% of the power.

His absolute strength is two tons more than Lin Yi, and now in the battle, he can wield 90% or even 100% of his strength, which makes him gradually suppress Lin Yi in terms of strength.

And this kind of power didn't even lower his degree.

It suppressed Lin Yi in both degree and strength, which made Lin Yi's battle very difficult.

"A level 1o evolutionary, really strong!"

Lin Yi said inwardly.

And that Cheng Gong became more frightened as he fought.

Generally speaking, he can easily crush a 9th level evolutionary.

It is even possible to cut it into two with a sharp axe.

But now facing the boy in front of him, he has fought for more than fifty rounds, yet he has not been able to win.

It seems that this kid is not just a level 9 evolutionary.

At this time, Lin Yi Yue Zhan was even more disadvantaged, and he immediately pointed out **** and one yang finger.

Cheng Gong was fighting to Xing's head, and suddenly saw a burst of energy flying towards him.

Before he could think about it, he almost subconsciously blocked an axe in front of his chest.


With a soft sound, a small hole was blasted out of the surface of his axe.

Around the hole, several cracks have been cracked.

Cheng Gong was even more surprised. He raised his head to look at Lin Yishi, but his face was full of excitement: "I thought you could take your kid in two or three strokes. That would be very boring. I didn't expect you kid to have two or three. Next, good, good, come again!"

Speaking again, he rushed towards Lin Yi.

At the same time, Lin Yi suddenly said something inexplicable: "Didn't it mean that there are only three axes?"

Cheng Gong was taken aback for a moment, stopped right there, and after reacting for a while, he said, "Whether I am a three-axe or a three-hundred-axe, I will kill you today!"

But just as he said this, Lin Yi had already snatched up to an 8th-level evolutionary and grabbed the 8th-level evolutionary, and lifted the 8th-level evolutionary into the air with one hand.

Only then did Cheng Gong know that he was fooled.

He yelled: "Cunning kid, don't play with these yin, come and challenge Laozi!"

Where did Lin listen to him, stretched out the index finger of his right hand and poke directly at the chest of the 8th-level evolutionary.


With a soft sound, a small hole was punched in the chest of the 8th-level evolutionary.

At the same time, the fiery red biological energy had been injected into the body of the 8th level evolutionary.


The 8th-level evolutionary cried heartily, looking extremely painful.

"Boy, put him down for me!"

Cheng Gong roared angrily, then holding the axe, he jumped over to Lin Yi.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth evoked a curve of silk, holding the level 8 evolutionist with one hand, and shouted, "I'll give it back to you!"

Saying like throwing a sandbag, he threw the 8th level evolution over.

Cheng Gong jumped into the air and saw the oncoming 8-level evolutionary. He quickly threw down his axe and hugged the 8-level evolutionary.

However, at the moment he hugged the 8th-level evolutionary, he suddenly yelled: "No!"

Hastily released the 8th-level evolutionary.

However, it was too late.


With a muffled sound, dozens of blood-colored vines suddenly shot out of the 8-level evolutionary.

Chi Chi Chi -

The three scarlet vines all pierced Cheng Gong's right leg.

Then, the scarlet vine continued to extend forward and stuck to the ground next to it.

Cheng Gong felt a huge force coming from the vine.


With a crisp sound, the flesh on his right leg was torn away in an instant, leaving only a **** leg bone.


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