Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 394: Blood Buddha

All the people present were taken aback by this sudden scene.

Originally, they thought that Cheng Gong would be able to easily win against a 9th-level evolutionary player, but no one thought that Cheng Gong would be so miserable by these 9th-level evolutionary.

And one by one they are all scared.

Fortunately, they just couldn't keep up, so they were far away.

Otherwise, they might be torn to pieces one by one.

At this time, Cheng Gong, from the thigh to the calf, had no flesh and blood, only the **** leg bones remained.

The great pain made him angry.

But even so, he did not fall.

His eyes were blood red, and he roared: "Good boy, if I don't kill you today, I will never stop!"

He said that he jumped with one left leg, and he continued to chase Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was slightly moved in his heart, and this Cheng Gong was considered a man.

But there is no way, let alone you are a man, even a woman who dares to block my way, there is only a dead end.

Now that Cheng Gong has been disabled, the others are just an evolutionary point for Lin Yi.

He immediately turned around, showing his claws in both hands, and grabbed him towards Cheng Gong.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

He was shocked, and his figure quickly retreated.

But even so, it was too late.

I saw a cloud of water vapor suddenly condensed around his body.

In a very short period of time, the water vapor formed a water ball with a diameter of two meters, which enveloped Lin Yi.

In the water polo, even if Lin struggled again, it would not help.

Then, three people appeared in the woods next to him.

All three of them were dressed in green, dressed in green cloaks and green hoods, and could not see their faces.


Lin Yi was shocked secretly.

He had clearly explored a kilometer in a radius before, except for those few people within a kilometer, no one else existed at all.

Why did this shadow suddenly appear?

Could it be said that none of my own probes are useful to Miao Ying?

Impossible, the last time I was on the wall of Chang'an, I was able to detect the existence of Miao Ying.

Could it be that I just focused too much on the battle with Cheng Gong, thus neglecting to explore other places?

It seems that this is the only explanation.

Being locked in this water polo now, I feel the power of my body, but I can't make it out.

The three of Miao Ying turned their heads and glanced at Cheng Gong.

Cheng Gong was initially a little annoyed. The three of them had already come before and had been watching them fighting in the woods nearby. As a result, he just watched his right leg being scrapped by this kid.

No matter how angry the process was, he would not dare to say anything harsh to Miao Ying, one of the three envoys.

In fact, the Miao Ying trio originally thought that with Cheng Gong's strength, they could deal with that kid.

All they have to do is to look around, the town hall.

In the end, he didn't expect that kid would make such a weird trick, and he would throw people over as biochemical bombs.

The result is that it is too late for them to save.

The eyes under the hoods of the Miao Ying trio looked at Lin Yi for a moment, and then beckoned to the 9th-level evolutionary next to him.

The 9th-level evolutionary understood Miaoying's meaning and was to take Lin Yi away.

Lin Yi was naturally unwilling to be arrested like this. Although he struggled to no avail, he did not stop thinking of a solution.

He must not be caught just like this.

Who knows what these people will do to themselves.

Lin Yi thought this way in his mind, but his body did not stop struggling.

Even above his body, a strong fire attribute energy surged.

Fire can make water evaporate, and he wants to use fire attribute energy to evaporate the water ball.

This trick really worked, and the water polo didn't seem as strong as before. He tried to move his hands and feet, and it was easier than before.

He was overjoyed and continued to release the fire attribute energy.

The three of Miao Ying didn't expect that the energy in this kid's body was so huge that they could even evaporate their water balls.

After they looked at each other, they began to inject their water attribute energy into the water ball.

After all, they are three people, no matter how strong Lin Yi's fire attribute energy is, it is impossible to match the water attribute energy of their three 10th level evolutionists.

Moreover, this water attribute energy has an advantage over fire attribute energy.

Fire attribute energy focuses on the outbreak, after the outbreak, there will be a period of weakness.

Although the water attribute energy is not strong, it is continuous and endless like a trickle.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lin to break through the shackles of the water polo.

However, he would never admit defeat.

He has to do the last struggle.

He mobilized the energy of his whole body, and around his body, red energy was constantly surging.

But this time the red is not fiery red, but blood red!

He looked at the evolutionary who had just been torn to pieces by the biochemical bomb, and Cheng Gong's **** right leg, and his eyes were also covered with blood.

Around the body, the blood red energy kept surging.

Make the whole water ball look like a transparent blood red crystal ball.

Blood crystal!

The water polo was doubled by his blood-red energy

The three of Miao Ying glanced at each other, all in shock.

Why is the energy in this kid suddenly so huge?

Their energy is like a river of water, but the energy of this kid is like the power of heaven and earth.

Their water attribute energy is nothing in the face of this kind of power of heaven and earth.

The next moment, bang——

The blood ball burst suddenly.

Then, Lin Yi, who was wrapped in blood-red energy, suddenly moved up, and in an instant he reached a height of 100 meters.

But he still didn't stop.

Two hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters...

His body has reached a height of one thousand meters.

At the same time, the blood-red energy around his body turned into a phantom image of a Buddha.

This Buddha statue is several tens of feet tall, standing in the sky, overlooking all beings.

However, unlike the traditional golden Buddha statue, this Buddha statue is blood red.

It turned out to be a blood Buddha!

On the ground, everyone, including Miao Ying, saw this blood Buddha, all in shock.

After all, no one has seen such a shocking celestial phenomenon.

They have also fought with many powerful people before, but no matter how powerful those people are, at most they will show only visions.

And this kid has already aroused the astronomical phenomena at this time.

Lin Yi was at a height of a thousand meters, looking at the blood buddha, the bloodshot eyes were more intense.

He turned over in the air, his head rushed down, his feet rushed up, and he rushed down towards the ground.

The sound of the wind whistling in the ear;

The scenery grew rapidly in front of my eyes.

And the people on the ground, including Miao Ying, only felt an unprecedented powerful breath, which pressed them to lie on the ground and couldn't stand up at all.

Reluctantly raised his head, only a blood-red meteor could be seen, falling towards them.

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