Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 395: Buddha's Palm

Lin Yi was like a blood-red meteor, smashed down towards the ground.

Because the speed is too fast, the temperature is too high due to friction with the air, and his clothes have started to burn.

At a distance of 300 meters from the ground, his right hand became a palm, and he pressed it to the ground.

The next moment, boom——

Below the ground, a huge palm print with a length of 50 meters and a width of 30 meters appeared.

It was like being slapped on the ground by an invisible giant palm.

The earth shook for a while, and the surrounding houses collapsed due to the violent shaking.

Countless water splashes were splashed on the water in those fish ponds.

At the edge of the fish pond, the people who fished did not notice the previous fight because of the distance.

But at this time, I saw the huge blood Buddha in the sky, and saw the blood-colored meteor hitting the ground, and then I felt the ground shake so much.

An unprecedented panic surged in all of them.

Is the end of the world coming?

They no longer had the calmness and leisure they had before, so they quickly got up and fled to the distance without even caring about driving.

When Lin Yi reached fifty meters in the air, he was upright, flipped backwards, and then landed on the edge of the huge palm print.

Support your elbow with your left hand and put your right hand on your chest.

Looking at the palmprints, those eighth-level evolutionists have already sunk into the ground, motionless;

The 9th-level evolutionary also sank into the ground, motionless;

Although the three of Miao Ying were still moving, they only moved their fingers.

This is the power of the Tathagata palm!

Not to mention being able to break free from the shackles of Miaoying, but also blast the three of Miaoying out of combat effectiveness with one palm.

Tathagata Palm is really strong!

However, although the power of the Tathagata palm is strong, it does not kill.

Even under the influence of Brother A, Lin Yi's character is somewhat bloodthirsty, giving the Tathagata the palm of the blood Buddha the appearance, which looks more domineering and weird. But it still cannot change its compassionate nature.

Lin also had some regrets. If it were the eighteen palms of the dragon, none of these people would want to live.

But it's okay now, these people have all lost their combat effectiveness, even the Miaoying three are no exception.

However, the bad point is that the energy in Lin Yi's body has been completely exhausted.

His body could not withstand the impact of the energy required by the palm of the Tathagata.

A Xing can bear it, that's because A Xing is a unique martial arts prodigy.

His body is not good yet.

The blood in his eyes slowly disappeared, and his vision became blurred.

Finally, he shook his head and plunged into the huge palm print.


A gust of wind blew by, and the branches made a ghostly noise in the wind.

The dust on the edge of the pit was driven away by the wind like a ghost.


I don't know how long it took before Lin Yi woke up.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the roof.

I saw the roof was pink.

The painting on the wall is pink.

The decoration and arrangement of the bed are all lovely pink.

It seems to be the boudoir of a certain girl.

He swallowed hard, only to find that his mouth was dry and his lips were puffed up.

He wanted to stand up on his feet, but found that he had no strength at all.

He grinned and gave a bitter smile.

Although the power of the palm of the Tathagata God is great, the current self cannot be completely controlled.

When I was thinking of this, I heard footsteps outside.

Then, a seemingly cheerful footstep entered the room.

Lin Yi turned his head and saw that a girl of 17 or 18 years old came in.

Long black hair was tied back casually, looking pretty. There was a smile on her face that seemed to never disappear.

Seeing Lin Yi waking up, she was pleasantly surprised: "Lin Yi, you are awake!"

"Han Yue, who can talk about meaty jokes? Why are you?"

Lin was also very surprised.

That's right, this girl is the girl named Qianjiang Hanyue in the team formed by Avril Lavigne.

Lin Yi once asked her real name, and she replied in a serious manner: "My real name is Liu Caixia."

"Uh...I'll call you Hanyue."

Since then, Lin Yi has called her Hanyue.

Seeing Lin Yi talking, Hanyue pouted her lips with an unhappy expression: "Hanyue is Hanyue, can you remove the adjectives in front? Anyway, I am still a big girl."

"Okay, I can talk about the cold moon of the meat joke."

Although Lin Yi doesn't like to make jokes, Hanyue has always been cheerful, so when he is with Hanyue, he occasionally makes jokes.

Hanyue glared at Lin Yi, and then asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's just a little tired, so I'll be fine after taking a break... Give me a drink..."

Hanyue just slapped her head and said: "Look at me. According to the routine of movies and novels, people who almost hang up but don't hang up, the first thing after waking up is to drink water. What am I going to do? That's not winking. Wait a minute, I'll get you some water."

So he went to the kitchen.

Then Lin Yi heard all kinds of strange——



After a while, Hanyue, sweating profusely, walked in with a glass of water.

"What happened just now? Pour a glass of water without making such a big movement, right?"

"It's okay, but I didn't care to knock over a cup and hit two bowls when I cleaned up."

Han Yue still looks happy.

Lin Yi has a black line. This girl is so flexible when playing games, but she seems a bit clumsy on weekdays.

Han Yue handed the water to Lin Yi's mouth. Lin Yi saw the steaming steam and smiled bitterly: "It's so hot, you can drink one and let me see."

Hanyue smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, then I will let you dry it."

Then I opened the window and wanted to dry the cup on the window sill outside.

But as soon as it was put on, I heard Hanyue exclaimed: "Ah----"

A few seconds later, I heard a curse from downstairs: "Who is going to pour hot water downstairs, I want to burn me to death!"

Like a kid who has done something bad, Hanyue quickly closed the window, turned around, stuck out her tongue to Lin Yi, and said, "I'll pour you water again."

"Forget it, you still tell me what's going on."

Hanyue insisted on pouring water, this time nothing happened.

Lin Yi watched Hanyue sit safely by the bed and asked, "Did you save me?"

"It's not me, it's Sister Ruo Bing."

"Ruobing? Who is it?"

Hanyue said, "It was the last time I took the bus and forgot to bring money. She paid for me. Then we became friends."

Lin Yi was secretly curious.

"What about her?"

"She said that you have been in a coma for three days. You should drink some millet porridge after you wake up. She went to buy millet and will be back soon."

Lin Yi's heart warmed slightly, and she was secretly curious about the woman named Ruo Bing.

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