Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 398: Fire crows appear

In the next few days, everything seemed to be as usual as before.

Lin Yi returned to the rented house with Zuo Yiran, watching movies and attending classes every day.

Seeing it is the end of the month.

Lin Yi originally planned to engage in other laboratories at the end of the month, but after the last incident, he thought of many things.

The last time the fish farm was not considered a very important laboratory, but there were five groups of Chang Cheng Gong and one of the three special envoys Miao Ying guarding it. And it seems that they are still prepared.


Lin Yi secretly guessed in her heart: Maybe these people gave herself the last time.

Think carefully.

If this is the case, then you must act more carefully in the future.

So every day, except for classes, he hardly goes anywhere and lives in a rental house.

In his free time, apart from watching movies, he feeds the fire crows.

The body of the fire crow grows quickly, from the original normal crow size to the current wingspan of about one meter.

The largest adult fire crow Lin Yi has ever seen has a wingspan of two meters.

So, this fire crow is now a half-big fire crow kid.

In addition, the fire crow is becoming more and more humane. Basically, Lin also said that it will not go west.

Lin was also wondering whether this fire crow would be stronger than other fire crows when it became an adult.

After all, it was fed by his own blood.

It is already the 28th on this day, and in three days, you can enter the film and television plane again.

Lin Yi wanted to spend these three days in peace.

But people are not as good as heaven.

In the morning, I went to Wang Molin to finish the class. In the afternoon, he planned to look for movies on the Internet.

But at this moment, I accidentally saw a beautiful woman on a live broadcast website.

This beauty was visiting the ancient city of Lijiang-this is known as the city of amorous encounters.

But at this moment, I saw a big fire bird passing by in the sky.

The beauty immediately pointed the camera at the big bird.

While the people around were shouting in surprise, they also picked up their phones to take pictures.

But this is only the beginning.

After a while, the second and third big fire-bearing birds also flew over and hovered over the ancient city of Lijiang.

A big bird with fire, people will be surprised and surprised.

But ten big fire-bearing birds hovered in the sky, which made people panic.

The beauty of the live broadcast was naturally panicked.

But this beauty can be regarded as a man, and in panic, she continues to broadcast live.

The number of viewers of such live broadcasts naturally soared.

Zuo Yiran came back at this time and saw the live broadcast watched by Lin Yizheng, and said in shock: "Huo Crow! So many?!"

Lin Yi's face was solemn. The fire crows he had seen before had only appeared alone. And they are all appearing in no one's places.

But this time there were ten as soon as they appeared, and it seems that there is a trend of increasing.

It seems that the things inside must not be simple.

Thinking of this, he said: "No, I have to go to Lijiang."

Zuo Yiran knew that once Lin Yi decided something, no one said it would work.

All she can do now is support.

She immediately said: "I have a classmate whose dad is in the airline. I will ask her to book your ticket now."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Hurry up."


Zuo Yiran nodded and dialed her classmate's phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zuo Yiran said: "In half an hour, the plane to Lijiang will take off. The ticket is already booked for you, and she will let you go directly to the airport."

"Then I will go now."


Two hours later, Lin also appeared at Lijiang Airport.

As soon as he got off the plane, he opened the live broadcast window with his mobile phone.

But the live broadcast had already stopped, but there was a video of a man hanging there.

After opening it, a man dressed as a police officer said: "The video you saw just now is purely a rumor. We have controlled the anchor of the rumor. Please be aware of it and beware of being deceived."

Lin Yi saw this video and cursed in his heart: Nima, when is this? I don't want to find a way to control the crow, but he still thinks about information control. You can't be so brazen if you want to cover it up, right?

He was in a taxi, while rushing to the Old Town of Lijiang, while continuing to search for news about it on his mobile phone.

Sure enough, there are already thousands of news on the Internet that are good at seeing Firebirds in Lijiang.

The ancient city of Lijiang was originally a tourist destination.

Especially in winter, many northerners feel too cold and will choose to travel here.

After all, the temperature here is higher than in the north.

With so many people, each with a mobile phone, each person only needs to send one message, then how many messages should be.

It is very difficult to control all these messages in a short time.

Lin Ye browsed the news and found that two hours later, the number of fire crows there had increased to more than fifty.

And these fire crows have already begun to attack The police and even the military have already been dispatched.

It seems that things have become a big deal.

After more than forty minutes, Lin Yi had already arrived outside the ancient city of Lijiang.

But the taxi stopped about five kilometers away from the ancient city

At this time there has been a big traffic jam here.

People were standing outside the car, looking at the fires hovering over the ancient city, and they talked in panic.

Forestry's vision is much better than these people. He can clearly see that there are 60 or 70 fire crows there.

And these fire crows are not flying randomly, but are led by a fire crow, circling neatly in the sky.

From a distance, the whole is like a cloud of fire circling constantly over Lijiang.

The scene looked rather spectacular.

When Lin Yi paid the taxi driver, the driver didn't even bother to take a closer look, put the money in his pocket at will, and continued to look up at the sky.

Lin Yi said, "Master, leave here as soon as possible."

After speaking, he quickly jumped towards the direction of Lijiang Ancient Town.

Everyone present looked up at the sky at this time, only to feel that there seemed to be a flash of human figures in front of them, bringing a gust of wind.

When they looked down, they saw a figure had gone away.

Everyone was surprised: "That person ran so fast!"

"This speed... even the 100-meter champion is far behind it."

"A firebird appears in the sky, and this man runs so fast again, am I not dreaming?"

People were surprised and talked in horror.

When the taxi driver saw Lin Yi running at such an inhuman speed, he was frightened and remembered what Lin Yi had said.

He quickly turned around and drove away from the ancient city of Lijiang.

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