Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 399: Fire crow attack

The sky in Lijiang is very blue, so blue that makes people intoxicated;

The sky in Lijiang is very clean and so clean.

Against such a blue and clean background, the outline of Yulong Snow Mountain appears so clear.

This was originally a landscape painting that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

But in this painting, there are discordant factors.

There are dozens of firebirds hovering over the ancient city of Lijiang, the capital of Aventure.

When Lin Yi came near the ancient city, he saw that the road here was already full of police and military vehicles.

The army has almost surrounded the entire ancient city of Lijiang.

The tourists in the ancient city of Cash Exchange are fleeing out of the city one after another.

In the sky, among the group of fire crows, occasionally one or two fire crows flew down and attacked the people on the ground.

The military kept firing at the fire crows in the sky.

But the military's bullets seem to be of no avail.

Maybe only artillery fire can affect those fire crows.

But because thousands of tourists have not escaped, the military can't shoot casually.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Lin Ye to enter.

Ever since, when everyone was not paying attention, the fiery red energy surged from his body, and he changed into a brother A suit.

Then he jumped and jumped directly over the encirclement of the army, and after a few flashes, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Whether it was ordinary tourists, the police, or the military, they were all shocked when they saw Lin Yi jump into the ancient city.

"That was..."

"That person also jumped too high, and he jumped directly... more than fifty meters..."

When this person said the last "50 meters", his voice was much lower. Because even he himself couldn't believe what he saw, he felt it was an illusion at all.

The person next to him said, "Did you see it? I thought I had the hallucinations. That person really jumped more than fifty meters!"

"And his speed is too fast!"

The commander on the military scene asked: "It was just..."

"According to our instruments, it was a human just now."

The on-site commander rubbed his eyes: "What did I see? Birds with flames run faster than rabbits and can jump more than fifty meters of human beings? What's wrong with this world."

At the same time, the beauty that was broadcast live is still here.

She continued to live broadcast: "Audience friends, I am Xiaomei, welcome everyone to continue watching my live broadcast. Just now my live broadcast room was temporarily closed, there is no way, I can only borrow one of my friends' live broadcast room... …"

At this point, in the screen of her mobile phone, a figure suddenly ran past him.

It was so fast that she could hardly see it.

She quickly turned around and looked at the figure that was going away.

After a moment of stunned, she said, "Did you just see it? That person... how fast did he run?"

Then she suddenly remembered: "The double-winged flying dragon pattern, that is... Brother A?!!!"

After she said this, even she herself felt incredible.

On the barrage, hundreds of comments appeared in an instant.

"I'll go, Brother A! Really?!"

"What's the real thing, can run so fast, jump so high, who else besides Brother A?"

"Nima, isn't he in the game?"

"By the way, I remembered, isn't there a fire crow in Prototype 2? These firebirds are exactly the same as fire crows. And brother A just past... Is it really like in Prototype 2? Same, the end of the world is coming?"

"The anchor will catch up, I want to see Brother A!"


At the same time, Lin Yi had already arrived in the city.

He saw that there were already several fires in the city at this time.

Although the fire wasn't too big, the fire crows in the sky continued to attack below, and every time they attacked, a burst of flame would be emitted.

Many inns and shops in this ancient city of Lijiang are decorated with wooden materials.

Once the fire is really big, it will probably be out of control.

At that time, the entire ancient city of Lijiang will probably be reduced to ashes.

At this time, more than fifty tourists were escaping from Lin Yi, and in the sky, a fire crow yelled twice and swooped down at these people.

Lin Yi waited for the fire crow to be less than 50 meters above the ground, and jumped up with a fierce force on both feet.

When a person is in the air, the claws are already condensed.


With the sharp claws passing, the fire crow was cut in half and fell to the ground.

But Lin also didn't wait for its corpse to fall to the ground, and the fiery red energy from his body gushed out, and he had already swallowed the flame.

Swallow a fire crow to get 50 evolution points. There are so many fire crows in the sky, and there are two to three thousand evolution points, let alone.

It's just that these fire crows are flying higher, which he can't reach at all.

It seems that I can only wait for the opportunity.

At this time, another fire crow flew down towards the crowd.

Lin Yi jumped up again, and before the fire crow came close to the ground, the claws had already cut the fire crow into two pieces, and then swallowed it.

When those people saw this scene, they would not feel that Lin Yi saved them.

On the contrary they saw that Lin did not have hands, but had a pair of sharp claws nearly two feet long, they would feel panic and scared.

Lin also didn't care about this.

In his eyes, only the large group of fire crows in the sky.

These are all evolutionary points.

At the same time, he was thinking secretly in his heart, which laboratory this is, why so carelessly, so many fire crows have flown out.

Of course, there is another possibility, this was originally they deliberately released these fire crows out. Just like the last zombie attack.

Lin Yi stood on the roof of an inn on the second floor, looking at the fire crows in the sky.

Once a fire crow flies down, he will jump over immediately and intercept the fire crow in the air.

After swallowing the five fire crows that rushed down, the fire crows in the sky finally discovered the human Lin Yi.

Then, after one of the fire crows with a wingspan of three meters, after a sharp call, there were fifty or sixty fire crows in the sky, and they all flew down towards Lin Yi on the ground.

Even though Lin was also strong, he did not dare to easily play against so many Fire Crows at this time.

Each of these fire crows sprayed a mouthful of fire, then he had nothing to do with it.

So for the time being, I can avoid it.

He quickly dashed into a room next to him.

I saw the fire crows in the front, all of them opened their mouths and burst into flames toward the room where Lin Yi was hiding.


The room burned in an instant, and the fire was fierce.

Lin also did not dare to neglect, and quickly jumped into the next room.

Although the fire crows have a little bit of wisdom, they are just birds in the end.

They never thought that Lin Yi had already jumped into the next room, still breathing fire at the original room.

When Lin Yi jumped into the next room, he cried out in surprise: "Why are you here?!"

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