Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 400: Lijiang

After Lin Yi jumped into the house, he bumped into someone head on.

Almost knocked the man to the ground.

Thanks to his quick eyes and quick hands, he stretched out his hand and took the man's hand.

When he saw the person clearly, he couldn't help but cried out in surprise: "Why are you here?"

It turned out that the person was not someone else, it was the Shuruobing who saved him a few days ago.

Shui Ruobing has always looked calm, but when Lin Yi held his hand, there was a trace of shyness across his face.

Although compared to Gongsun Lue's lovely shyness, Shui Ruobing was only fleeting.

But Shui Ruobing's expression on his face still surprised Lin Yi.

A woman who should have seen a lot of scenes and experienced strong winds and waves will be shy if she is only caught by herself?

Lin also really didn't expect it.

After Shui Ruobing stood firm, he quickly pulled his hand back.

Then he said: "Lin Yi, it's you."

Lin also asked: "Why are you here?"

Shui Ruobing said: "My colleagues and I came here to travel. We didn’t expect to encounter those firebirds suddenly. We wanted to escape, but these firebirds seemed to be eyeing us. We only need to show up, they Will attack us."

Lin Yi looked at the other people in the room, and saw that all of them showed horror.

Lin Yi comforted: "It doesn't matter, I will take you out."

In addition to Shui Ruobing's five female colleagues, there are three male colleagues in the room.

The three of them had pursued Shuruobing on weekdays, but Shuruobing was basically cold and frosty, and there was no chance for them to be connected.

But when Shui Ruobing saw the kid who broke in suddenly, he seemed to have changed.

When talking to him, Shui Ruobing's face, the coldness would disappear. Even when the kid held Shui Ruobing's hand just now, there was a hint of shyness on Shui Ruobing's face.

This shy look made the three men ecstatic.

At the same time, when they looked at Lin Yishi, there was also a bit of hostility in their eyes.

On weekdays, it is rare for the goddess to say a few words to them, at most, "um", "good", "OK" and the like.

If the goddess can say a few more words to someone, that person will have to blow it for a while.

This kid was good, and he touched the goddess' hand as soon as he came up.


And when he touched the hand of the goddess, the face of the goddess also showed the kind of shyness that had never appeared before.

They are even more intolerant.

Although this kid seems to be just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old kid, they can't underestimate the enemy.

One of them asked: "Shui Ruobing, do you know him?"


Originally, the person asked Shui Ruobing's words, because he wanted to know what this kid had to do with Shui Ruobing.

Unexpectedly, Shui Ruobing only answered the word "knowing".

Asking it means not asking.

Another male colleague said, "Shui Ruobing, shouldn't he be your brother?"

When Shui Ruobing spoke to the person, his expression became cold: "No."

Another said: "So are you a cousin? A cousin? Or some relative?"


Shui Ruobing still said coldly.

Those few people couldn't ask what they saw, and they didn't talk much anymore, lest they make the goddess angry.

However, when they looked at Lin Yi, the hostility in their eyes grew a little bit more.

The female colleagues next to him said in horror: "When is it all, I still inquire so much. Just think about how we leave?"

Shui Ruobing looked at Lin Yi and asked, "You should have a way?"

"Cut, what can he do for a kid who doesn't have all the fur."

The male colleague wearing glasses whispered.

He thought his voice was so low that no one else could hear it.

But as soon as his voice fell, he suddenly saw Shui Ruobing's cold eyes look at him.

He felt guilty in his heart, smiled awkwardly, and said: "Shui Ruobing, look...what am I doing?"

A coldness flashed in Shui Ruobing's eyes, no longer paying attention to him, and looking at Lin Yi instead.

When she looked at Lin Yi, the coldness in her eyes had disappeared, replaced by concern.

Lin Yi was looked at with such concern by Shui Ruobing, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He simply stopped looking at Shui Ruobing's gaze, and only said: "Now I have no good idea, we can only act by chance."

"Cut, sure enough, what can a kid do?"

This time, the man with glasses didn't dare to speak out, only to speak in his heart.

Lin Yi looked at these nine people and said to them, "I will go out soon, and everyone will follow me. If those firebirds come down one or two, it doesn’t matter, everyone keep moving forward. If the firebirds are in groups Don’t panic when you come down in the team, just hide in the house by the side of the road."

None of the female colleagues said anything, but none of the male colleagues agreed.

After all, let a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child lead them at this critical moment of life and death. They will never be If I don’t go out, is it a dead end? "

"I won't leave either. Those firebirds are so fierce. If we go out, our chances of survival will not be great. If we stay here and wait for rescue, our chances of survival will be greater."

Lin Yi actually didn't care about their life or death at all, he just thought Shui Ruobing had saved him, so he wanted to take Shui Ruobing away.

So what others say, whether or not he goes out with him, doesn't matter.

Shui Ruobing didn't even look at the male colleagues, and said to the female colleagues, "What about you?"

Those female colleagues were also out of ideas at this time.

After all, let them believe that a sixteen or seventeen-year-old kid who suddenly appeared, could take them away under the attack of so many firebirds, and they felt that it was like a fantasy.

But if you don't go out, stay here, who knows when the rescue will come.

The surrounding houses have already been burned, and if they continue to burn, they will be connected to their houses.

So they are really hesitant.

Lin Yi stopped paying attention to those people either. He stuck his head out and glanced at the sky.

I saw that the fire crows seemed to have released their hatred, and then attacked the next room, but continued to hover in the sky, looking for new targets.

Lin Yi immediately jumped out of the door, pressed against the walls on the side of the street, and walked forward quickly.

Shui Ruobing followed behind him and quickly went out.

The female colleagues met, and after hesitating for a few seconds, they all followed Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing out.

After all, they also know something about these male colleagues.

If you follow these male colleagues, you might as well follow Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing.

They didn't understand Lin Yi, but they knew Shui Ruobing very well.

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