Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 401: So handsome without a girlfriend

The female colleagues followed Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing out of the room.

After the male colleagues thought for a while, a male colleague cursed: "Go to the special, you die."

After speaking, he followed out of the house.

"Well, for the goddess, I also fight."

He also left the house.

The last person said to himself: "We must share the joys and sorrows with the goddess. I will go too."

He also left the house.

In this way, Lin Yi took a full nine people out of the house.

Those female colleagues were all okay, following Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing's appearance, they moved slowly against the wall as soon as they came out.

And the three male colleagues stood in the middle of the road right after stepping out.

Lin Yixin said that these three second-hand goods are definitely a pitfall.

But he didn't care about these three people at all at this time, so he didn't say anything.

But those female colleagues reminded: "Hurry up and lean against the wall."

Only then did the three people woke up, looked up at the sky, and then followed the same female colleagues, leaning against the wall, followed Lin Yi, and walked forward slowly.

However, since they had just stood in the middle of the road, they had been spotted by the fire crows in the sky.

With the cry of a fire crow in the center, two fire crows suddenly swooped down toward the ground.

When the man with glasses looked up, he suddenly exclaimed: "I'm down..."

Lin Yi glanced back at the man with glasses, and cursed in his heart: Are you a pig? Didn't the three of you lead it down?

He said to Shui Ruobing: "The Firebird has found us. You take them first, and I will deal with the Firebird."

Without hesitation, Shui Ruobing said with concern: "Then you should be careful."

Seeing that Shui Ruobing was so concerned about this kid, the man with glasses said, "Hey, don't do it. In this situation, is it the time to be a hero?"

The other two male colleagues agreed: "At this time, it is better for everyone to walk together."

"It takes time to be a hero. Sure enough, being young is impulsive..."

As soon as he said this, his voice stopped abruptly.

What followed was an unprecedented shock.

I saw Lin Yi's arms suddenly turned into fiery red lava arms, and they were three times thicker than ordinary arms.

At the same time, blood-red vines entangled on this arm.

Then, at the end of his arms, eight dazzling Wolverine-like claws extended.

The next moment, Lin Yi jumped suddenly.

This jump is one hundred meters high.


The two claws passed, and the two fire crows that rushed down suddenly turned into a ball of magma and fell down.

But before these magma fell to the ground, Lin had already swallowed them.

Then, he fell to the ground.

When landing, the left paw is pressed against the ground, the right paw is extended, the left leg is slightly bent, and the right leg is half kneeling on the ground.

The whole posture, like Iron Man landing, is so handsome that he has no girlfriend.

The three men in glasses saw their eyes wide.

How can such actions and scenes that only appear in movies and games appear in reality?

Lava arms, sharp claws, 100 meters into the sky, instantaneously killing the firebird, falling from a height of 100 meters but nothing happened...

All of this seems so unreal.

When they went to see Lin Yi again, they saw that Lin Yi had slowly raised his head.

Under the hood, he couldn't see his eyes clearly, only the corner of his mouth was seen, and a bloodthirsty smile was evoked.

Although he couldn't see Lin Yi's eyes, the man with glasses could feel the cold gaze shooting out from the eyes under the hood.

He couldn't help trembling in his heart and took two steps back unconsciously.

The expressions of the other two male colleagues also changed drastically.

Those female colleagues didn't dare to speak any more, and they didn't even dare to look at Lin Yi again.

Only Shui Ruobing, seeing Lin Yi's appearance, not only didn't have the slightest fear, but a flash of light flashed.

Then she said to Lin Yi: "Be careful alone."

He turned and continued to walk forward.

The people behind, no one dared to say a word of nonsense anymore, followed Shui Ruobing, against the wall, and walked forward quickly.

Lin Yi walked forward on another street 500 meters away from them.

With the help of the three stupid men, he has successfully attracted the attention of the fire crows and can only stay away from them.

At the same time, he still can't get too far away, if the fire crows attack Shui Ruobing and them again, he can also have time to rescue.

Sure enough, after the Huo Crow group discovered Lin Yi, there were more than 20 Huo Crows all at once and flew towards Lin Yi.

With so many fire crows flying down at once, even if Lin Yi is strong, he can't stand upright.

He stretched out a positive finger and shot at the fire crows.


The speed of the fire crow is actually not fast, at least not as good as the level 10 evolutionary.

And when in the air, it is more difficult to dodge.

Therefore, these fire crows couldn't avoid the energy of a Yang finger that Lin Yi shot out.

Bang bang bang bang bang-

More than twenty fire crows all exploded and turned into a rain of fire, falling toward the ground.

The scene is also quite spectacular.

Of course, Lin couldn't let these rain of fire fall to the ground, otherwise the city below would really become a city of fire.

A huge fire energy gushes out of him like a huge carpet spreading under the area covered by the fire rain.

Those rain of fire fell on this "carpet", was completely wrapped by it, and then swallowed by Lin Yi.

At the same time, Lin Yi could also feel that in his rental house, Little Fire Crow could no longer hold back, and was about to fly out to fight.

Lin Yi hesitated for a while and let the little fire crow out.

After the little fire crow came out, he immediately circled Lin Yi twice, and then flew directly towards the sky.

Lin Yi quickly communicated with Little Fire Crow using consciousness: "Come back, you can't do them!"

The little fire crow flew back obediently, and circled Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said, "When you are useful to you, follow me now."

The little fire crow continued to circle Lin Yi obediently.

Lin Yi glanced at the sky, and saw that in addition to the dozens of fire crows hovering above, from the direction of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the distance, a few more fire crows flew out.

Lin Yi stunned in his heart: Could it be that these people have also transformed the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain into a laboratory?

It seems necessary to go to Yulong Snow Mountain.

He continued to protect Shui Ruobing and they walked forward 500 meters away.

In the sky, the fire crows had already stared at him, and this time, there were more than 50 fire crows attacking Lin Yi.

Under this circumstance, Lin can only avoid his edge.

After all, Yiyang Zhi is powerful, but it consumes too much energy.

He could only follow Fire Crow and hid in a room selling tambourines next to him.

The moment they entered, the more than fifty fire crows spouted a mouthful of fire crows at the same time.


The room lit up instantly.


[I am very busy today, so I will throw out two chapters of the saved manuscript. Four shifts will resume tomorrow. 】

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