Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 404: Super-evolved (part 2)

Lin Yi originally thought that he was a unique evolver in the world, but he did not expect that there would be other evolvers with the same abilities as him.

The system chuckled and said: "Are you surprised? Was it unexpected? Actually, think about it, in "Prototype 2", not only brother A and Uncle J have various abilities, but there are others that have been injected with viruses by brother a. Those with the ability to become. Some of them can use claws, tendrils, blades, wind whips and other skills. So there is nothing surprising."

Lin also thought about it.

The system continued to explain: "Generally speaking, after being infected by a virus, they will become zombies. However, a very small number of people will not become zombies after being infected because of certain antibodies in their bodies. On the contrary, the virus will catalyze Certain cells in their bodies give them a stronger strength than ordinary evolvers. So such people are called evolvers."

Lin also heard this and realized that he was an evolutionary.

Now that he knows that that person is also an evolutionary like himself, he wants to destroy this evolutionary.

To swallow an evolver, you should be able to gain a lot of evolution points;

Secondly, to see people with the same ability as yourself, always want to destroy him. This is human nature-it's like a king. You see a hero like yourself on the opposite side, do you try to get him Killed? And the pleasure brought by killing him is many times greater than killing other heroes.

Lin Yi is in this psychology now.

But now he didn't intend to go to that evolutionary right away.

Because he can detect that the evolver is also a level 9 evolve.

According to the system, the level of evolution is actually the same as that of evolution.

It's just that at the same level, the evolutionary can easily torture and kill the ordinary evolutionary. Even if it is one or two levels lower, the evolutionary can still challenge the ordinary evolutionary.

This is why Lin Yi can often torture and kill the same level of evolution, and can leapfrog other evolutions.

Fighting that 9th-level evolutionary must be another fire from heaven and earth.

So before the fight, he must be fully prepared.

He wants to swallow all these fire crows first, so as to put himself into the fire crow state.

As long as it enters the flame state, then it will be easy to handle next.

Presumably that evolutionary, but there is no flame state.

He walked forward along the laboratory passage, and he swallowed all the staff he encountered along the way.

These people knew that the monsters studied here were all those monsters, and it was obvious that the people of the Great Tonghui had no good intentions to let them study these monsters.

They did some research to help these people for some benefit.

They all deserve to die.

At this time, the entire laboratory had been messed up because of Lin Yi's arrival.

Lin Yi probed into the laboratory, except for the 9th level evolutionary, the rest are basically the 4th or 5th level or lower. So he has nothing to worry about.

Continue to walk towards Guan Huo Crow room.

Soon, he came to the door of that room.

Looking inside from here, I saw fifty or sixty fire crows inside.

When the fire crows saw Lin Yi's arrival, they flapped their wings and screamed.

Lin Yi sneered, sharp claws opened the door directly.

When the door was cut open, the fire crows burst into flames.

But Lin Yizhou's body had long been wrapped in the flames of the small fire, and he was not afraid of the flames of those fire crows.

Shi spread a positive finger and kept hitting these fire crows.


These fire crows were exploded one after another.

The whole room had already ignited a flame.

After Lin Yi swallowed these fire crows, the energy he had just consumed with a Yang finger was also replenished.

At the same time, the evolutionary has come behind him.

Lin Yi turned around and looked at the evolutionary.

I saw this person was about 1.8 meters tall, and his arms seemed to be made of magma.

He also didn't have hands. Instead, there was a pair of crescent-shaped blades where his hands should have been.

Sure enough, he is an evolutionary.

Lin Yi's claws in both hands have also been condensed.

The evolutionary looked at Lin Yi's red arms and saw Lin Yi's condensed claws. He looked surprised: "You can also transform?"

"Transformation?" The voice of the system smiled in Lin Yi's mind, "This stupid, do you think this is the old demon fairy? It's too much to change shape."

Lin also ignored the system's complaints, and ignored the person's question, and just rushed towards the evolutionary.

Do it as you want, so much nonsense.

Seeing that Lin Yi was not slow, the evolutionary did not dare to neglect. The blades of both hands were waving at Lin Yi.

This man's blade is only an inch long, but he uses it very skillfully.

In addition, as an evolutionary, his degree is faster than the average 9th-level evolutionary.

So Lin will also get up, feeling that it is more difficult than the average 9th-level evolutionary.

But that's it.

Although that 9th-level evolutionary and his strength, degree and other aspects are similar. But in terms of combat experience and combat awareness, it is far behind Lin Yi.

Imagine that Lin Yi has gone through so many planes of battle, and his own combat experience and combat awareness are much richer than ordinary people.

Especially he swallowed a saber-toothed tiger.

You know, the saber-toothed tiger spent more than a hundred years in battle.

Therefore, it can be said that Lin also has more than one hundred years of combat experience.

How could this 9th-level evolutionary be his opponent.

After only fighting for five rounds, the 9th-level evolutionary felt that it was not Lin Yi's opponent.

This made him panic.

You know, he can basically win by an overwhelming advantage when he fights against opponents of the same level.

But the kid I met today was deadly when he shot, all attacking his own vitals, and the attack was like a storm, and the offensive was extremely fierce.

He felt that even though his strength was exactly the same as that of this kid, he would be overwhelmed by the aggressive aura of this kid when he attacked.

Five more rounds of fighting The 9th-level evolutionary has obviously fallen behind.

He pretended to attack with a sharp blade, and turned around to escape.

"Want to escape? Too late."

Lin Yi shouted in a low voice, and the fiery red energy condensed from his body, like a fiery red shadow, swept towards the 9th-level evolutionary.


The 9th-level evolutionary didn't even react, so he felt cold and stood motionless.

Looking at his body again, a blood line appeared from the top of his head and extended to his chest and back. ...


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