Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 405: 9-headed snake

I saw a line of blood extending from the top of the 9th-level evolutionary toward the front and back of the chest.

At the next moment, this 9th-level evolutionary was directly divided into two halves, and blood poured out wildly.

In front of him, there is a figure.

The double-winged flying dragon pattern on the back of the figure was red enough to bleed.

These 9th-level evolutionaries didn't understand until they died, and they were both 9th-level evolutionaries, why is this difference in combat power so big? !

This 9th-level evolutionary didn't understand until he died, why would this guy appear in front of him when he was obviously behind him?

Of course he didn't know that what Lin Yi had just used was the Flame Slash in the flame state. Don't say he is an evolver, even if he is a human, maybe he can give the second.

Moreover, Lin Yi just didn't use the power of Flame Slash to its extreme, otherwise, after this time, he would not just be cut in half.

Lin Yi beheaded the 9th-level evolutionary, and he really felt an unprecedented pleasure.

He swallowed these 9th-level evolvers, and a systematic reminder came in his mind: "Swallow 9th-level evolvers, get 2ooo+1ooo evolution points, and 3854o total evolution points."

Sure enough, Lin also thought.

Originally swallowing a 9th level evolver can get 2ooo evolution points, now swallowing a 9th level evolver can get 1ooo more evolution points.

After devouring this 9th-level evolutionary, Lin also knew from his memory that this 9th-level evolutionary was originally just an ordinary person.

When he was arrested for an experiment, he was injected with a virus.

But the virus did not make him a zombie like everyone else, but made him an evolutionary.

And he, an evolver, is stronger and faster than evolvers of the same level.

Especially the degree of promotion is beyond the reach of ordinary evolvers. In just two years, he has been promoted to level 9.

Since becoming an evolutionary, he killed the person who injected him with the virus. But then he was bought by the benefits given by the Datong Association and promised to help the Datong Association do things. At the same time, he occasionally asked those people to draw a little blood for research.

And he himself became the person in charge of this Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Underground Laboratory.

Today, the Datonghui people asked him to release the fire crows to the ancient city of Lijiang to deliberately create chaos.

When the chaos is too big to be cleaned up, the Datonghui people will stand up to clean up the chaos and seek illegitimate benefits.

At that time, the country will not do even if it wants to not agree to them.

Lin also felt a bit big head.

The Shadowmoon Group hadn't settled it yet, and another Datonghui came out.

These people come out to do this gang when they have nothing to do, so why can't people save snacks?

After Lin Yi swallowed the level 9 evolvers, the remaining level 4 and 5 evolvers naturally did not have any resistance in front of him, and they were easily swallowed by him.

In the end, his evolution point came to 38744 points.

Seeing it is approaching 40,000.

Think about it, it seems that it's not much difference from 10,000.

Lin Yi was a little excited.

1o-level spree!

Flame Claw upgrade!

It's a little exciting to think about it.

Next, Lin also plans to burn this underground laboratory.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the ground shake.

He was shocked, and quickly used his biological tracking skills to explore around.

But after probing, nothing was found.

When he was secretly surprised, the ground shook again.

And the shaking this time was more intense than before.

Lin also didn't know what kind of demon this was going to do, so he would withdraw first.

He immediately followed the passage where he had just entered, planning to leave soon.

But as he entered a hall, suddenly, the ground shook violently again.

And this time not only can you feel the ground shaking, you can even see the ground bulging.

The next moment, bang bang bang——

With a few loud noises, the ground exploded directly.

Crushed stones scattered all over.

Lin Yi flashed past a few rubbles and looked at the place where it had exploded.

A big hole with a diameter of three meters appeared there.

Then, a mouth suddenly appeared in the big hole.

This beak is as pointed as a bird's beak, with no flesh, only bones.

Sharp teeth grow in his mouth.

Then, the mouth continued to poke out, revealing the body of this thing.

I saw its body was shaped like a snake, but it had no skin, only exposed flesh.

The meat looks slimy and unidentified liquid.

The whole thing looks like a huge earthworm with a bony beak on top of its head.

It has no eyes, no nose, and no ears.

It is about five meters long and more than one meter thick.

Only its upper body is exposed on the ground.

The lower body has been shrunk below the ground.

Lin Yi's expression changed in shock, and she cried out in shock, "Hydra?!"

That's right, this is the monster that is in both prototypes 1 and 2, Hydra.

It's just that this Hydra may not be an adult yet. You know, the Hydra in the game is as high as three or four stories.

Lin Yi never dreamed that Hydra could actually appear in reality.

After the Hydra appeared, the skinless mouth made a huge roar, and then it stabbed at Lin Yi.

This guy's mouth is actually used to stab.

Its speed was too fast, Lin also had no time to escape, so he could only subconsciously block his arms in front of him.


The sharp mouth pierced his arms, and he felt like he was hit by an angry bull. The whole person, like a stone thrown away, flew backwards and hit the wall behind. It hit the wall into cobweb-like cracks.


A mouthful of blood spurted out immediately.

Two more ribs on Lin Yi's chest were broken.

The power of Hydra is too strong.

Lin also has never seen such a powerful force.

Fortunately, he was still in flames at this time.

He endured the sharp pain in his chest and got up, then the whole person turned into a fiery red shadow, and instantly attacked the Hydra.


A fiery red shadow crossed the body of Hydra.

However, this time, Flame Claws didn't work anymore.

The sharp mouth of the Hydra actually blocked the flame claws.

Moreover, Lin Yi slammed into the side and flew out, and another blood spurted out.

Lin Yi looked up with difficulty and looked at the Hydra.

Whether it is strength or degree, he is far from the opponent of this Hydra.

The only thing he can do now is to escape.

Thinking of this, he reluctantly got up and fled towards the outside of the cave.

Seeing that Lin Yi could not be reached, the Hydra retracted to the ground and chased Lin Yi from under the ground.

When he caught up with Lin Yi, he got out of the ground again.

Lin Yi was slammed against the top of the hole by the tremendous force it hit the ground, and then fell off.


His head hit a stone, and his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness. ...


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