Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 414: Hell fire

Lin Yi could feel that a new flame was injected into his body.

And this kind of flame is not an ordinary flame, nor is it a flame similar to the fire attribute energy in the body.

It is a kind of flame that can burn the soul, at least Lin Yi's soul is a little bit painful by this flame.

Even the soul of Brother A who was sleeping in Lin Yi's mind felt a little uneasy.

You know, this is the fire of hell, which can burn the souls of wicked people.

As long as you have done evil, the fire of **** can burn your soul, it completely ignores the difference in strength.

Fortunately, this **** fire is now under the control of Lin, so this pain will disappear when his spirit is concentrated.

And as time goes by, he will gradually get used to this **** fire, and there will be no pain at that time.

Hellfire is not only capable of acting on the soul, it can also be used for actual combat.

Therefore, when Shangdi Hellfire was injected into Lin Yi's body, he only felt that he had a power that he had never had before.

Originally, he was now a level 9 evolutionary, and his power could reach 8 tons.

After possessing Hellfire, his power was doubled, reaching 16 tons.

This kind of power bonus is not comparable to ordinary medicine.

However, Hellfire needs so much power, but if there is a choice, Lin Yi is still unwilling to take it.

Because the price of having hellfire is to give the soul to the demon Mephisto.

Now his soul has been controlled by Mephisto.

Whatever Mephisto asked him to do, he had to do.

Just according to the story of the movie, he shouldn't let himself do anything for more than two decades.

In other words, I still have more than 20 years to try to control the hellfire. According to the movie plot, Hellfire is controlled by Mephisto, so he can use Hellfire to control the knight’s soul.

As long as he completely controlled the Hellfire, Mephisto could no longer control the knight.

Then he will learn to control hellfire in these twenty years.

At this time, Lin also felt that the hellfire in his body was very overbearing. It completely suppressed the fire attribute energy in his body, and the fire attribute energy could only succumb to the dark corners of his body.

Fire attribute energy runs rampant everywhere in his body.

Lin is also a little worried, if this kind of **** fire completely swallows the fire attribute energy in his body, will he be like the knight in the movie, turning into a fire skull to wander around at night.

But during the day, I don’t remember what happened at night.

So Lin Yi didn't go on a trip anymore. He returned to the town that day, found a hotel and stayed in, planning to study the **** fire.

It was okay during the day, but at night, he was uneasy.

He was afraid that he would really become a fire skull.

He has been in the mirror almost half of the night, looking at himself in the mirror.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the night that he was so sleepy that he lay down on the bed and lay down peacefully all night.

After April 1 passed, nothing strange happened to him.

It's just that he has a feeling: at night, the hellfire will be much stronger; and in the daytime, especially when the sun shines on him, the hellfire will be very weak. On the contrary, the original fire attribute energy in his body has grown again.

In this way, the two kinds of fire attribute energies switch back and forth during the day and night, and Lin also felt that he was going to be schizophrenic.

He has been trying to study this **** fire these days, but in the past few days, he has not studied anything.

He was slightly disappointed.

Is it also like a movie plot, I must not really use the fire of **** until more than 20 years later?

That morning, Lin Yi got up early in the morning.

Feeling that with the rising of the sun, the hellfire in the body has become much weaker.

He yawned, stretched, and said to himself: "This hellfire, it seems that it has no effect on him these days."

At this time, on the street outside the hotel, a scream was suddenly heard.


As this screaming scream spread, people around rushed to the direction where the scream came from.

That is a small two-story building diagonally across from the hotel-Mrs. Thorst's house.

Tolst's husband went to the field when he started a business two months ago.

Only her and a 15-year-old daughter are left in the family.

Both of them, mother and daughter, are very beautiful, especially the daughter, who is fifteen years old, but has come out like flowers.

Every time their mother and daughter walked through the window, Lin Yi couldn't help but look at it more.

At this time, forty or fifty people were surrounded in front of their house.

Lin Yi quickly used the biological tracking skills to probe the opposite side.

During his probing, Mrs. Tolst sat on the floor on the second floor, holding her daughter in her arms.

The daughter was naked, scarred, and breathless.

Apart from the screaming scream at the beginning, Mrs. Tolst made no sound at all. She was so painful that she could not cry.

Lin Yi quickly probed their entire home, and now the rear window on the first floor had been destroyed, and her daughter's room on the second floor was in a mess.

Obviously, someone broke into their home last night and killed her daughter after committing a beast to her daughter.

Lin Yi immediately burst into flames in his heart, and cold light flashed in his eyes.

He is not a Virgin, it is impossible for everyone to help.

But I don't know which animal was able to deal with a 15-year-old girl.

And finally killed the girl.

As long as it is an individual, anger will rise in his heart when encountering such a thing.

At this time, those around persuaded Mrs. Thorst.

Someone else has helped them hug the police.

Soon, the sheriff came over with a few police officers.

After they surveyed the scene, they immediately proceeded to investigate.

The battlefields in the city were very efficient in handling cases. In the afternoon of the same day, they found the suspect.

It was a foreigner named Toby who had just arrived in this city a few days ago.

It is presumed that After meeting Mrs. Thorst’s daughter accidentally, he became malicious and sneaked into Mrs. Thorst’s house at night...

On the same day, the police went to the hotel where Toby was resting, and then entered the hotel to arrest people.

However, what they didn't expect was that there was no movement after a few shots were heard inside.

When other police officers went inside to look inside, the few police officers who had gone in to arrest people were all shot dead.

As a result, all police officers were angry and frightened.

Such a bold person, dare to kill the police, this person is not psychologically problematic, it must be a big background. ...


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