Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 415: Punish evil

According to the current situation, the murderer Toby did not have a psychological problem, he must have a fairly strong background.

Otherwise, how dare you kill the police?

And also killed four at once.

Although the group of police surrounded the hotel, they were afraid to act for a while.

It's easy to catch people with your hands, but it's difficult to end up after catching people.

What if Toby is behind a very powerful person?

What if Toby is behind the gang?

If it's just a very powerful person, it's slightly better.

But if it is a gang, they will retaliate.

If they move their gangsters, then the family members of these policemen are likely to be in danger of life.

All the policemen dared not do anything, and turned to look at the sheriff.

The sheriff's brows also wrinkled.

While he was thinking about it, Toby’s disdainful voice came upstairs in the hotel: "A few policemen want to arrest me? I underestimate my sharpshooter Toby. Go back and practice for a few years. And, If you want me, you can go to Hogg to help at any time. I look forward to your ride."

Before he could say anything, Toby walked out swaggeringly.

He holds two pistols, one left and the other right.

When the police at the scene heard about the three words "Hogg Gang", their expressions changed.

The sheriff was also taken aback.

Hogg Gang, that is the biggest gang in the area.

During these five years, they have annexed three big gangs within a hundred miles nearby, and they have become the largest gang within a hundred miles.

The people of Hogg's Gang acted fiercely one by one.

If you offend them, let alone the person involved, the whole family, relatives and friends will be dragged down.

And I heard that the Hoggs Gang has a close relationship with a certain leader of the country, so for so many years, no one dares to clean up the Hoggs Gang.

And there is a legend that Hogg, the boss of the Hogg gang, is murderous and a demon.

Of course, the last one is just a legend.

But "killing like hemp" is true.

The sheriff intends to catch this Toby, but if he catches it, not only himself, but the families of all colleagues in the entire police station may be in danger.

But don't catch it, what do you do to the people in the whole city?

In full view, just let go of this murderer?

Especially since he shot and killed four of his colleagues just now, how could he let him go like this?

Na Toby scratched his big bald head at this time, looked at the police around him, demonstrating, raised his hand and fired two shots at the street lamp fifty meters away.


The street lamp was suddenly shattered and fell down.

Toby blew the muzzle triumphantly, put on a cowboy hat, and said, "Police, go back and take care of your family. Now I'm going back, and you **** will get out of me!"

It's hard for people to understand it so arrogantly.

But this Toby is so arrogant.

He swaggered to the police and stared at the sheriff: "District chief, let your dog get out of the way. Otherwise, I won't look at the owner when I hit the dog."

As he shook his head and shook his head, he walked straight forward, not paying attention to the more than 20 police officers with live ammunition at the scene.

He was so arrogant that the young policemen on the scene could not bear it.

They all looked at the sheriff: "District chief, let me catch this bastard!"

"Sheriff, absolutely can't let him go like this. It's dangerous to catch him, then let me bear it!"

"I'll catch it too! Even if we fight the danger, we can't let go of this **** thing!"

The sheriff's face was more solemn than ever.

These young people speak lightly. When the time comes, their family members will be in danger, and they will regret it too late.

They are all still young, and I can't watch their family fall apart.

However, you must not let go of this **** who just killed his colleague and did that kind of animalism to a 15-year-old girl.

Thinking of this, the sheriff said to the police: "None of you do it."

Then he raised his gun at Toby: "Stop me, you bastard!"

Toby paused, turned his head, and said, "Tsk, Master Sheriff is very brave. I heard that the Sheriff’s daughter has just graduated from college and will be back in two days. Our boss, Hogg, But I really like those female college students. I'll introduce them to you."

Said that he ignored the sheriff at all and continued to walk forward swaggeringly.

The sheriff's hand trembled.

She was such a daughter, and I didn't expect these **** would have been eyeing their own daughter.

If you do it yourself today, then your daughter will inevitably be attacked by them.

How to do?

Do you just let him go like this?

As Toby walked, he shouted at the people onlookers around him: "I'm betting 1,000 mg, and the sheriff dare not arrest me. Who dares to bet with me?"

Everyone around them dare not speak.

Toby laughed, he was contented, and he was about to leave.

The sheriff's hands trembled so much that he couldn't stop, and he shouted: "Stop, take a step forward and I will shoot..."

But Toby had already taken three steps, but he still did not dare to shoot.

Toby was even more proud, shaking his shoulders, with a look of awkwardness, and continued to walk forward.

However, at this moment, among the people nearby, a voice suddenly came out: "You fool, stop me!"

Toby was taken aback, turned his head and looked at the crowd: "Who? Who said anything, get out of me!"

Before the words fell, the crowd was separated, and a figure stood out.

Gray jeans, black leather jacket and hood.

I couldn't see the eyes under the hood, but I could see the icy coldness on his face.

Toby couldn't help but stunned again.

But he just froze for a while, then raised his head, lowered his eyelids, and said disdainfully: "What did you just say? I didn't hear it. Say it again."

Lin Yi said coldly: "I said, you idiot, you want to leave after killing someone?"

Everyone at the scene secretly sweated for Lin Yi.

People who dare to face Hogg's help are so tough, doesn't this kid want to live?

Even if he doesn't want to live, he doesn't worry about his family?

Toby was finally looking at Lin Yi. After seeing the bottom half of Lin Yi's face, he understood a little bit: "You are not a local? You don't know me? Then you have always heard of Hogg's help? I am Hogg. To help Boss Hogg..."

When he said this, his hands suddenly pulled out the gun from the holster very quickly.


His gun had just been pulled out, and he had not had time to raise it.

Lin Yi directly rounded his right A big ear scraping fan was on his face.

Toby's head turned directly around his neck twice.

Click ——

With a crisp sound, his cervical spine has been screwed off.

To death, his eyes showed incredible expressions.

Lin Yi looked at his dead fish eyes, and in his voice, the coldness that made those around him shudder.

"I care who you are. If you do evil, you have to die!"...


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