Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 424: Black Heart

The demon Mephisto saw Lin Yi's attitude and frowned again.

But this time it wasn't a frown that didn't show a trace, but a frown that was obvious.

Then he said: "You have signed a soul contract with me, you must go. Otherwise, as long as I want, I can swallow your soul at any time."

Lin Yi hasn't spoken yet, the system in his mind speaks first: "You swallow, you swallow for Laozi. I hate your superb cheeks the most."

But the system didn't use external voices this time.

Lin Yi looked indifferent: "Okay, I'll go now."

As he said, the flame ignited loudly.

The head under the hood became a flame-burning skull again. Then, he summoned the divine eagle and leaped on its back.

The divine eagle was also demonized by his hellfire, turning into a skeleton eagle shrouded in flames.

In the next moment, the skeleton sculpture rose into the sky instantly, and within a second, it had already flown five kilometers.

Even the demon Mephisto had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Looking at the direction of Lin Yi's disappearance, for a long time, he silently said a few words: "That strange bird..."

And Lin Yi didn't look for any black heart demon at all, but went directly outside the motorcycle warehouse where Johnny lived.

After putting away the **** sculpture, he jumped directly into the warehouse.

At this time, Johnny was not asleep, but was reading many very old books and materials.

It turned out that he had been terrified of this ability ever since he became a ghost knight.

After he did something at night, he didn't remember at all during the day.

He doesn't know what fate this ability will bring to himself, nor does he know what consequences this ability will cause to others.

The so-called unknown is the most feared.

Because he didn't know, he was even more afraid.

In fear, he has been trying to find Lin Yi.

Because it was Lin Yi who led him into the rental house that made him what he is now.

And that Lin could also become a skeleton with fire, so he might know something he didn't know.

But in the past two decades, he has not been able to find Lin Yi.

At this time, Lin Yi's figure suddenly appeared in his room, which made him startled, but also a little surprised.

"Lin...I'm looking for you."

Johnny said.

"I know."

Lin Yi responded: "I know you have a lot of questions to ask me, tonight I will tell you everything I know."

Johnny was overjoyed, stood up quickly, and asked a little excitedly: "Why do I become like that at night? What the **** is that?"

Lin Yi replied: "That's because you signed a soul contract with the demon Mephisto, and he injected **** fire into your body. So at night, you will become like that, wandering around, looking for those who do evil. Punish them."

"Then my soul? I will belong to the devil from now on? What do I have to do when he asks me to do? Then I am his slave? If he asks me to do bad things, can I only follow him To do it?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "In theory, this is the case."

"Then why did you entice me to go to that rental house and sign a soul contract with the devil?"

Johnny looked very excited, but a little angry.

"Because you wanted to save your father, didn't you?"

Johnny lowered his head and said nothing.

Lin Yi continued: "Actually, there are two demons Mephisto in this world. The one in the rental house is not a real demon, but a copy of the devil. It is under my control. I brought it back then. You go in, just want him to inject **** fire into your body. As for the soul contract, you don’t have to worry at all. Because if you sign a soul contract with the devil, it’s not because of greed in your heart, but because of love, then love The power of you can break free from the shackles of the soul contract."

Johnny heard this, thoughtful.

After a while, he said: "Then my father, I always feel that his accident was not an accident."

"Yes, your father's accident was because the real demon Mephisto did tricks on the motorcycle."

"Why would he do this?"

Lin Yi replied: "That's because he discovered that your soul has signed a contract with other people. In his anger, he destroyed your father."

"This bitch!"

Johnny clenched his fists: "I'm going to kill him!"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "The demon Mephisto is very powerful. With our current strength, he cannot be defeated. So what we have to do now is to practice more and strive to become stronger as soon as possible. May deal with him."

Johnny didn't speak, but the clenched fist and his firm gaze showed how firm he was at this time.

Lin also saw that Johnny had made up his mind, and he said, "Let's The demon replica has a task to you tonight. Just take this opportunity to improve your combat effectiveness. In the past few years, you have barely encountered such a strong opponent, so human strength has not been improved. Tonight is just an opportunity."

With that, he directly showed the rental house in the middle of the garage.

The last time Johnny saw Lin Yi reveal the rental house, it was not surprising to see it this time.

He followed Lin Yi into the rental house.

In the room, it was the road that I saw the last time, and the demon I saw the last time.

This demon naturally issued the same mission as the demon Lin Yi had seen before, asking Johnny to find the Black Heart Demon and kill him.

Then the two left the house, one riding his evil spirit motorcycle and the other riding an evil spirit statue, and began to look for the black heart demon all over the city.

At the same time, the Black Heart Demon took the Wind Demon and Water Demon around the city looking for the Soul Scroll.

They inquired about the cemetery of Carter, the knight who betrayed Mephisto, but when they arrived at the cemetery, they found that a church had been built there.

The cemetery has been moved elsewhere.

They asked where the church's night watchman had moved to the cemetery, but the night watchman didn't know.

Before the black heart demon left, he killed the night watchman easily.

Then continue to search for cemeteries in the city.

Around two o'clock in the night, they found another cemetery.

But in that cemetery, no one named Carter Shrei was buried at all.

In a rage, the black heart demon killed the night watchman in the cemetery.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle engine, coming quickly from far to near.

The Black Heart frowned: "It's Mephisto's dog, just so I want to meet him too!"

(End of this chapter)

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