Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 425: Wind Demon

When Johnny came to the cemetery, he saw the Black Heart Demon and the Water Demon standing there waiting for them.

The black heart demon and the water demon turned their heads to see Johnny, the fire skull, not surprising.

Because they knew that Mephisto had created such a ghost knight.

But when they saw another fire skull wearing a hood, they were a little surprised.

They didn't expect another ghost knight to exist.

However, the black heart demon is the black heart demon after all, and belongs to the kind of knowledgeable one.

After his initial surprise, he quickly calmed down and smiled jokingly: "Father really looks up to me, so he sent two dogs to deal with me."

Johnny's fire-bearing skeleton pointed at the black heart demon, and the skull made a creepy voice: "You, guilty..."

"Yes, I am guilty, come and judge me."

The Black Heart shook his shoulders arrogantly, and said jokingly.

Even if Johnny was going to the Dark Heart Demon.

But at this moment, the sound of the car's engine came.

The next moment, a large truck ran into Lin Yi and Johnny from the side at extremely fast speed.

Although the speed of the big truck was fast, it was easy to get out of the way at the speed of Lin Yi and Johnny.

But when they tried to get out of the way, they seemed to be caught by something.

When they looked down, they saw a puddle of water under their feet. The water actually condensed into two hands, grabbing their ankles, making them unable to move half a point.

"Water Demon!"

Lin Yi secretly said that it was not good.


The truck slammed into the two of them, and with them, crashed into the wall next to them.


A hole was knocked out of the wall.

The head of the truck has caught fire.

The Wind Demon jumped out of the truck, shook his head, and said, "What evil spirit rider is nothing more than that."

"Hahahaha, Mephisto wasted hellfire on these two people, but in the end he created these two wastes. If he knew it, he would be **** to death."

The water demon also said.

However, at this moment, two figures walked out in the flames of the big truck.

One was wearing a leather jacket, showing only his head and hands with fire.

The other was wearing a leather jacket and a hood, only showing the lower half of his face and hands with fire.

It is Johnny and Lin Yi.

It turned out that at that moment, Lin Yi and Johnny were both smashed to pieces.

But under the influence of hellfire, their skeleton bodies will reorganize and resurrect in a very short time.

Both of them looked down at their bodies.

Lin Yi was very excited.

This self-healing ability is much stronger than his original self-healing ability.

His original self-healing ability is that as long as he is not killed by a spike, he can recover within 24 hours.

Now that he has Hellfire, even if he is killed on the spot, he can recover in just a few seconds.

How does this let others play?

Can't play them!

At this moment, the black heart demon, wind demon, and water demon saw a slight change in their expressions.

The Black Heart Demon shook his head and frowned: "It's really a bit of trouble. I don't have time to waste with you. Water Demon, follow me to find the Soul Scroll, Wind Demon, you stay and deal with them."

Feng Mo nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

The black heart demon and the water demon, turned into a burst of black energy, quickly flew towards the distance.

And this wind demon stayed.

He looked at the two fire-burning skeletons, and said with a smile: "Okay, no one will bother you now, we can have fun. It's up to you to make the move first."

Saying that he spread his hands, meaning you are coming to hit me.

Johnny stepped up to Feng Mo, grabbed Feng Mo by the neckline, and lifted him up with one hand.

But soon, Feng Mo's body disappeared from his hands, becoming invisible.

Then the Wind Demon appeared in the air again. He shook his head and said with a smile: "It's stupid. Do you think you can catch the wind?"

Johnny removed the chain from his shoulder and waved it towards the wind demon in the air.

The chain was wrapped around Feng Mo.

But Feng Mo's body disappeared again, still intact when it appeared.

"All said, you can't catch the wind, let alone kill the wind."

Johnny's skull opened his mouth and let out a creepy and weird laugh: "Hahahaha..."

This laughter made Feng Mo feel a little uneasy, and he asked in surprise, "What are you laughing at?"

I saw Johnny clutching the chain with both hands, and a raging flame suddenly ignited above the chain.

Then he threw the chain to the wind demon in the air.

Then he grabbed one end of the chain and started turning.

The chain kept spinning in the air like a python with fire.

The air in the sky formed a tornado, and it was a tornado burning with flames.

Feng Mo saw this and quickly wanted to escape.

But it was too late.

He was swept in by that fire tornado, and wanted to escape into a gust of wind, but he couldn't do it.


He wailed in pain, and the screams echoed in the night sky.

Lin Yi secretly said that it was not good. When Johnny continued to do this, the Wind Demon was wiped out, and he even swallowed a snake.

He immediately grabbed Johnny's soul chains and said, "I'm coming."

The chains of Johnny's soul stopped The dying wind demon fell from the air and fell to the ground.

Lin Yi came to Feng Mo and grabbed Feng Mo's neckline with both hands.

At this time, the wind demon was almost dead, and could not escape into the wind at all.

In Lin Yi's skull, there was a creepy laughter: "Hahahaha... look into my eyes..."

The wind demon involuntarily raised his head and looked at the bones under the hood.

The skeleton with fire and the sunken eyes are like two bottomless abysses.

He glanced at it and felt that his soul had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

In this bottomless abyss are the souls who have been hurt by themselves.

He can deeply feel the pain that all souls have endured.

He once caused pain to so many souls, and all the pain of so many painful souls has now been added to him.


He screamed in pain, as if he had been pierced with thousands of needles.

Finally, he stopped screaming.

The eyeballs in his eyes had condensed into something like magma, and there was still a lot of smoke.

Wind Demon finally died.

Without saying a word, Lin Yi stretched out four chains with fire behind him, pierced Feng Mo's body, and swallowed him.

In my mind, there was a systemic boosting sound: "Engulf the two goods of Wind Demon, gain 10,000 evolution points, total evolution points 74182 points."

Lin Yi listened, secretly happy.

Next is the water monster, which is also 10,000 evolution points.

Finally, there is the big boss black heart demon.

It also has 20,000 evolution points.

It seems that 100,000 evolution points are at your fingertips!

Promoting to level 10 is just around the corner!

(End of this chapter)

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