Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 426: Carter Shrei

After swallowing Wind Demon, Lin Yi's evolution point has reached more than 70,000 points.

As long as the water demon and black heart demon are swallowed, they will definitely reach level 10.

After being promoted to level 10, there is an upgrade package.

And there are many benefits.

So now he has a raging flame in his heart.

At this time, Johnny rode his evil spirit motorcycle and began to look for water monsters and black hearts in the whole city.

Lin Yi rode his evil spirit sculpture around the city.

However, Lin is not looking for the black heart demon, but looking for another person.

According to the plot of the movie, it is impossible for Johnny to meet the Black Heart on this night, but will meet another person instead.

Sure enough, Johnny spent a whole night in the city, encountered several crimes, and eventually he swallowed the souls of the criminals. But he never encountered water monster and black heart monster again.

When the sun just rose, the hellfire in Johnny and Lin Yi quickly receded.

The two also returned to normal.

The difference is that Lin also knows what he has done and what he still wants to do.

But Johnny couldn't remember anything. He just felt uncomfortable working in his throat, and his whole body was weak, and he collapsed in a cemetery.

Lin Yi leaned on a tombstone, lying there weakly.

Although it is indeed strong after being transformed, it is also very physical.

At this time, the two of them felt weak, and even found it difficult to lift their eyelids.

At this time, the two of them felt that a black shadow blocked the sunlight that had just risen.

They looked up and saw a tall figure appeared in front of them.

It was backlit at this time, and they couldn't see the person's face clearly.

But Lin Ye can detect it through biological tracking.

I saw this person looked about sixty years old, with long white hair draped over his shoulders, and his white beard was half an inch long.

His face is deeply wrinkled after weather-beaten.

He had a dilapidated shovel in both hands and looked down at Lin Yi and Johnny.

"How's it going to be a knight?"

Said the old man.

Johnny shook his head and said, "What's the matter? What is this place? Why am I here?"

He couldn't remember a trace of what happened last night.

Lin Yi just nodded: "Well, not bad."

The old man glanced at Lin Yi, a little puzzled: "Do you remember what happened last night?"


Lin Yi nodded.

The old man was even more puzzled: "So you can control the energy in the body freely?"

In this old man's cognition, only when he can freely control the hellfire energy can he remember what happened during the day and night.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I'm not too proficient. Maybe it's because of my memory."

The old man smiled bitterly. Is it all right to have a better memory?

Since he couldn't figure it out, the old man didn't worry about this problem for the time being. He just said: "If you signed a contract with the devil, your motives were reasonable, then you will be able to control the hellfire faster and get rid of the devil faster. The **** of the contract."

Johnny looked at Lin Yi, then at the old man, and said, "Who are you? How can you know so much?"

The old man smiled without answering.

And Lin Yi replied for him: "Carter Shlei."

Johnny listened, looked at the old man in surprise, and said, "Are you the knight who betrayed the devil?"

The old man continued to laugh without answering.

"I thought you were dead," Johnny looked the old man up and down again. "This is what the legend says."

The old man smiled and said: "It's just a legend, sometimes it may not be true."

Next, Carter took Lin Yi and Johnny into his room. First, I poured several large glasses of water for the two of them to relieve the feeling of thirst in their throats.

Then he said to Lin Yi and Johnny: "You two live in a devil separately. If your motives are improper, you will be controlled by the devil. And when your motives are reasonable, your will is Will suppress the devil. What you have to do in the end is to use the power of the devil, but you will not be controlled by the devil."

Johnny listened, and pointed it thoughtfully.

But Lin Yi knew that his motives were a little unreasonable at this time.

In other words, his motivation at this time is actually the greed in his heart: he wants to devour the devil, thereby gaining evolution points; he wants to get the soul scroll, thereby devouring the soul inside.

If he is a person in this world, then his soul will be firmly controlled by the demon Mephisto.

Fortunately, he is not a person in this plane. Although he signed a soul contract with the demon Mephisto, the demon Mephisto was helpless to him.

And strictly speaking, although his motive is greed, it is only appearance.

Why does he want to devour those souls?

Why do you want to be stronger?

That's because he wants to protect his family, protect his loved ones.

Carter Shrei also told Lin Yi and Tony a lot of knowledge they didn't These knowledge movies did not mention it in detail, and it was the first time Lin also listened to it.

This knowledge gave him a more detailed understanding of Hellfire, and let him know how to control the energy of Hellfire.

When Carter Shrei explained these things to Lin Yi and the others, his dilapidated shovel was not placed outside, but in his room.

And when he sent Lin Yi and Johnny away, he once again carried the old shovel.

When Lin Yi left, he glanced at the worn-out shovel without a trace.

On the way, Johnny asked Lin Yi: "Have you noticed that Carter Shrei is a little strange, why does he always carry a broken shovel?"

Lin also naturally knew why: it was because the soul scroll was hidden in the handle of the shovel.

After Carter Shrei betrayed Mephisto back then, he knew that sooner or later, Mephisto would come back again.

So he thought of a way, hollowed out the shovel and hid the scroll in it.

After that, he almost never left the shovel.

Whenever, he must ensure that the shovel is within his sight.

Even if the devil really came to the door, he would never expect that such an important scroll would be hidden in a broken shovel.

Of course, Lin Yi can't tell Johnny this yet, he just said, "You will know it naturally in a few days."

Johnny remembered Lin Yi's prophecy, looked at Lin Yi carefully, and said, "You orientalist, it's very strange. In twenty years, there hasn't been any sign of getting old. And he knows how to predict."

"Well, this is the mystery of the Easterners."

Lin also replied.

(End of this chapter)

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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