Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 427: Soul Scroll

After Lin Yi and Johnny were separated, the next night, Johnny was still looking for water monsters and black heart monsters.

But Lin Yi didn't continue to look for the water monster and the black heart monster at all.

Because he knew it was futile.

According to the plot of the movie, it will take at least four or five days before they will see Black Heart Demon and Water Demon again.

That night, while Lin Yi was slumbering, he heard the voice of the demon Mephisto coming from the window again: "Lin..."

Lin Yi turned over, ignoring him at all.


Lin Yi still ignored him and continued to fall asleep.

The demon's voice came for the third time, two octaves higher than before.


Lin Yi didn't say anything yet. The system in his mind spoke first: "It's so annoying, is there any kind of morality? I won't sleep at night? I have to go to work tomorrow!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It seems that you really hate this demon."

"A system with integrity like me will naturally hate the proud and arrogant narcissist."

The system replied.

Lin Yi stood up and got up, with an interesting smile on his face: "Then let's go and see, what kind of **** does this devil sir."

After speaking, Lin Yi jumped out of the bed and went outside the house.

The sky outside was gloomy again.

Needless to say, the demons always have lightning special effects when they appear.

Sure enough, after a flash of lightning, the demon Mephisto suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi.

He looked Lin Yi up and down a few times, and said, "Why don't you look for the Black Heart Demon? I asked you to kill him."

Lin Yi hadn't spoken yet, the system in his mind directly replied in a foreign voice: "Today is on vacation, no? I don't have a salary, so I have to do what you ask me to do?"

The demon Mephisto frowned fiercely and said, "Don't forget, you signed a soul contract with me, and I can devour your soul at any time."

"Okay, come on. Swallow one, let me see, silly fork!"

The system still speaks in a foreign voice.

Although Lin Yi was dissatisfied with the system speaking on his behalf, the system did speak his own psychological words.

Has long been dissatisfied with the demon Mephisto.

Who does he think he is?

Mephistovanwan didn't expect that his knight would dare to scold himself in front of him.

You know, even Carter Shrei, who had betrayed him before, never dared to insult him in front of him.

It seems that this kid must be punished today, otherwise he really doesn't know how high and thick the sky is.

Thinking of this, his mind moved, and an invisible force strangled towards Lin Yi's soul.

This is Mephisto's special method to control the knights: soul strangulation.

This soul strangulation will make the souls of those knights suffer as if they have been slashed by thousands of swords.

He once used this trick to make Carter Shree suffer.

However, when he applied this trick to Lin Yi at this time, he saw Lin Yi motionless, instead he looked at him with a smile on his face.

Mephisto was shocked: "What's the matter?"

"You are old, soul strangulation is no longer useful."

Lin also replied.

"Impossible!" Mephisto was panicked.

You know, if this trick doesn't work, he will call for help and then control the knights.

Those knights are his only weapon in this world. If he can't control those knights, then he can do nothing in this world.

In panic, Mephisto took out his assassin: "You better be obedient, otherwise, I will devour your soul. You know, you have signed a soul contract with me."

Lin also stopped talking this time, just waiting for the system to speak for him.

Sure enough, the system did not disappoint him, and he could choke Mephisto to death as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Listen to your mother, are you stupid? Soul strangulation doesn't work anymore. Do you think you can swallow Lao Tzu's soul? If Lao Tzu listens to you, it will be really stupid."

The devil's nose was getting crooked, he had never seen such a disobedient knight.

Angrily, he made a terrifying voice: "Very well, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Speaking of his face, which originally looked kind, suddenly widened.

His mouth cracked almost behind his ears.

The sharp teeth showing a mouth.

Then he took a sharp breath in Lin Yi's direction.

Lin also felt that a strong wind had blown.

The sky is overcast and rolling;

Flying sand and rocks on the ground.

The neon lights on both sides of the street exploded, and a series of sparks appeared.


There's no after that.

Lin Yi's soul was still well, not being swallowed by the devil at all.

Mephisto was shocked and angry: "How is it possible! How is this possible!"

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said, "Mephisto, right? Advise you not to bother me again in the future. The way you deal with other knights is nothing to me."

He yawned, turned around, and walked slowly toward his house.

Mephisto stayed there with a dazed expression.

He really couldn't figure out why this guy had signed a soul contract with him, but he was not under his control.

Lin Yi returned to his house, feeling very good.

The devil above all in this world has nothing to do with himself.

How can this not make him feel better?

It's just that he has a little regret, if only he can swallow the demon.

Mephisto is a great demon, Lord of the Demon Realm.

If you swallow him, you have to have 50,000 evolution points if you don't say it.

It's just that although Mephisto has nothing to do with Lin, Lin also has no choice with Mephisto.

If there is a chance in the future, maybe go to "Ghost Rider" 2 and find a way to swallow Mephisto.


In the next few days, Johnny would still turn into a ghost knight every night, looking for the whereabouts of the Dark Heart Demon and others in the city.

He still can't control the hellfire in his body, instead, he will control his consciousness by the hellfire.

He has caused chaos again and again in the city.

For example, once, the police launched a large number of police forces to round up him.

As a result, he directly rode a motorcycle and jumped off the bridge.

Then the motorcycle drove swiftly on the water and disappeared into the night.

And his former girlfriend, reporter Luo Shan, was responsible for reporting this matter.

After investigating these days, the police found that all the evidence points to Johnny.

But when the police arrested Johnny, Johnny turned into a ghost rider at night and easily escaped from the police station.

The police had no choice but to find Roshan and let Roshan persuade Johnny to surrender.

That is the night when Roshan came to see Johnny, she met the black heart demon.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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