Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 428: Soul Scroll

The black heart demon has been searching in this city for several days without being able to find the soul scroll.

He even went to the cemetery where Carter Shlei was, but he didn't know Carter Shlei, and naturally he didn't know that Carter Shlei's shovel contained the scroll of his dream soul.

So after he beat Carter Shrei, he threw down his terrible old man and walked away.

But maybe it was the arrangement of the screenwriter, the black heart demon, who loves killing, did not kill Carter Shrei here.

Later, the black heart demon found out that one of the two evil spirit knights was Johnny.

So he found the garage where Johnny lived.

It just so happened that Johnny was not in the garage, and his former girlfriend Roshan happened to be looking for Johnny.

Ever since, he was caught by the black heart demon.

At this time, as the sky just turned up, Johnny also returned home.

It happened to see that the black heart demon caught Roshan.

"Let him go!"

Johnny shouted.

"Let go of him? Okay. But you have to do something for me."

"I won't do anything for the devil!"

Johnny refused without hesitation.

"OK, you don't have to do it, then your little girlfriend can't live."

Talking about the black heart demon's sharp claws instantly grew longer, pressing against Luoshan's neck.

His sharp claws have pierced the skin of Roshan's neck, and a drop of blood is flowing down.

The Black Heart licked his lips, smiled and said, "What a sweet blood. Johnny Blaze, if you want to save your girlfriend, you can bring your soul scroll to San Van Gonzal to find me. Otherwise, What you see is only a petrified body."

Before the words fell, the Black Heart Demon took Luo Shan, jumped up, and quickly disappeared into the night sky.

The water monster glanced at Johnny, with a strange smile on his face, and made a gesture of cutting his throat with his fingers on his neck.

Then it turned into a burst of black air and disappeared into the air.

"Fak! Fak! Fak!"

Johnny scolded Fake three consecutive sentences, and then ignored him, riding a Harley motorcycle, and drove to the graveyard where Carter Shrei was.

When he came to the cemetery, he saw Lin Yi also.

When Carter Shrei saw Johnny, he smiled and said to Lin Yi: "You are right, he really came."

It turned out that Lin also knew Carter Shlei that Johnny was coming to, so early today, he came to Carter Shrei's place to wait for Johnny.

Johnny didn't have time to deal with this at this time. He asked, "Carter Shrei, where is the Soul Scroll?"

"Why do you want the Soul Scroll?"

Carter asked.

"Without the soul scroll, I can't save Roshan."

Johnny was anxious.

Carter Shrei shook his head and said, "But if you give the Soul Scroll to the devil, they will become very powerful. Even if we join hands, they will not be its opponents at all."

"I don't have time to deal with this."

While talking, Johnny took a new shovel from the corner of the house and said, "If you don't give it to me, I will dig out all the graves. Anyway, you must find the Soul Scroll."

When he said that, he had to do it.

"and many more."

Carter Shrei stopped Johnny, then he picked up the old shovel in his hand and smashed it on a tree nearby.

Click ——

The shovel handle was broken, revealing the scroll inside.

He picked up the old scroll carefully.

When Johnny saw it, his eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Give it to me."

Carter Shrei picked up the scroll, but did not hand it to Johnny immediately, but said: "I have to make sure that your motives are reasonable. Why did you sign the contract back then?"

Johnny was a little impatient and said, "I was a child back then. How can I bear to see my father being tortured by cancer. I had to sign a soul contract with the devil."

"In other words, it is because of love. The power of love is infinite, and it can help you break free from the shackles of the soul contract."

Carter Shrei said, and handed Johnny the scroll of soul.

Lin Yi beside him looked straight-eyed.

It would be great if I could get this soul scroll now.

But this scroll of soul can be regarded as an important prop in the movie, which can promote the development of the movie plot.

If I take this now, Johnny will have nothing to do in the future.

So I can only endure it temporarily.

Johnny got the soul scroll, turned and left.

Carter Shrei said, "Child, do you know where Saint Van Gonzal is?"

Johnny paused and shook his head in a daze.

Carter Shrei smiled and said, "Let my old guide lead me the way."

Johnny thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you so much. Then let's go now."

Carter Shrei shook his head, looked at the half-dead sun in the sky, and said, "In one hour, the sun will be in the east."

Johnny said: "I don't care if the sun sets or not, anyway, I want to save Roshan immediately."

Lin Yi also smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can't delay."

Johnny looked at Lin Yi, then at Carter Shlei, he could only press his temper and wait for the sun to set.

Finally, it was eight o'clock in the the sun went down.

At night, the fog in the cemetery still looks a bit scary.

With a whistle from Carter Shrei, an old horse ran over with the audible sound of hoofs.

Johnny said: "You... just ride it and take us? Can you keep up?"

Carter Shrei picked up the cowboy hat and put it on his head. Then, when he saw him, a layer of flame suddenly ignited.

Then, his head became a fire skull like Lin Yi and Johnny.

Then, his horse ignited flames all over.

Especially in the pair of eyes without eyeballs, the flames are rising, looking a bit scary and a bit cool.

Then, the horse hissed up to the sky and galloped forward.

There were flames on the four hooves, and the same flames were left wherever it passed.

Johnny also launched his own evil spirit motorcycle, riding a motorcycle, and galloping away.

The speed is comparable to that of the evil spirit horse.

At the same time, Lin Yi also turned into an evil spirit rider, evoked his own evil spirit sculpture, mounted the evil spirit sculpture's back, and followed the two of them and flew forward quickly.

The 300-mile road, in front of the three evil spirits, was not a problem at all.

Just over ten minutes later, a few people had already arrived at San Van Gonzal.

This is because they stopped several times along the way.

Otherwise, their speed can only be faster.

And when they arrived at San Van Gonzal, it was only 8:12.

Carter Shrei said: "It's a big place, we'll look for it separately. Also, put out the fire and don't let others notice our arrival."

Saying that the flame on him went out first.

And Lin Yi and Johnny also extinguished the flames on them.

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